Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 155 Snow Mountain Snow Monster

After Yunde's careful observation, he found a green python wrapped around the tree trunk below the National Fortune Stone.

If you don't observe carefully, you may think that the green python is a vine attached to the tree.

If it hadn't been for the relevant information about Huangsha Zhishen before, Yunde might have rushed up at this time.

"Lvmang, let's see how your grandpa Yunde surrenders to you!" Yunde said and began to circle around the tree trunk from a distance.

He was looking for Lu Mang's flaws, and at the same time he was thinking of ways to kill Lu Mang.

Having been with Song Wenwen for so long, he already knows what impulsiveness is and what the devil is.

If you want to kill a person, or a strange beast, you don't have to fight head-on.

It is also a very good way to hide it, secretly surprise it, and catch it unawares.


On the snow mountain, Song Wenwen summoned the ball after sending clothes to Tang Qiqi and Yun De.

As for the other people in Longguo, they are not in his friend list, so he can only say sorry.

Song Wenwen felt that Qiuqiu, as a penguin, should like this kind of icy and snowy land.

[Your pet likes the current environment very much, its favorability towards you is +10, and its current favorability is 70. 】

Seeing the prompt that appeared suddenly, a smile appeared on Song Wenwen's face.

His guess was correct, Qiuqiu really liked this environment.

At this time, Qiuqiu began to roll in the snow and ice on the top of the mountain, very happy.

Song Wenwen didn't stop Qiuqiu and let him play to his heart's content for a while.

After all, such opportunities are rare.

Taking advantage of this time, Song Wenwen observed the surrounding environment.

He found that he was on the top of a snow mountain, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness.

If we only talk about the scenery, the snow scenery here can be said to be too beautiful.

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, such a beautiful scenery may not be found.

After admiring the snow scene for a while, Song Wenwen looked down at his clothes.

His clothes were black, which looked particularly eye-catching in the white snow.

So, he hurriedly filled his clothes with white.

Turned into a snow polar suit!

In this way, at least visually, it is not so easy to find yourself.

"Qiaoqiu, have you played enough?"

"We should do business

up. As Song Wenwen said, he turned a stone next to him into a sled.

When he was on Earth, he would invite a few friends to go skiing every winter.

Therefore, his skiing skills are still good.

As soon as he moved, he jumped down from the top of the mountain wearing a sled.

Then, like a snow elf, he galloped quickly on the heavy snow.

Seeing Song Wenwen like this, Qiuqiu also jumped, using his stomach as a sled, and then followed Song Wenwen.

Although Song Wenwen hasn't skied for a long time, due to his current physical fitness, it is far from what he could compare to when he was on earth.

Therefore, during his skiing, there was nothing unfamiliar.

Song Wenwen and Qiuqiu twisted left and right, and quickly galloped down from the snow mountain.

"Huh? Snow lotus!"

In the process of sliding down, Song Wenwen saw a delicate white flower in full bloom.

He recognized it at a glance, it was the legendary snow lotus.

This snow lotus is the size of a football, with an orange stamen in the center.

The age of the snow lotus is directly proportional to its size. A snow lotus the size of a football is at least four or five hundred years old.

Legend has it that the old snow lotus can not only bring back the dead, but also make the flesh white.

What's more, taking it can increase strength.

Faced with such a good thing, Song Wenwen naturally didn't want to miss it.

But at this time, he was sledging and rushed down the snow mountain quickly, unable to stop at all.

"Qiaoqiu, go and pick that snow lotus back for me, I'll give you ten packs of spicy dried fish!" Song Wenwen hurriedly communicated with Qiuqiu deep in his heart.

When Qiuqiu heard the words "ten packs of dried fish", without saying a word, he twisted his body and disappeared into the void.

Ten packs of spicy dried fish, Song Wenwen has never been so generous.

In the past, at most five packs were given.

Song Wenwen gave too much, he hesitated for a second, it was disrespect to himself.

When Qiuqiu reappeared, it was right in front of Xuelian.

Just when he stretched out his hand and was about to grab Xue Lian, suddenly an ice arrow flew from the side.

This made Qiuqiu startled, and with a flash of figure, he hid himself.

However, in the next second, a small black and white paw came from the snow lotus

The rhizome stretched out and grabbed the snow lotus.

Afterwards, the little paw yanked hard, and the snow lotus was uprooted, and disappeared into the void together with Qiuqiu.

"Roar!" After Xuelian disappeared, an angry roar came from the side.

With the sound of this roar, the entire snow mountain shook.

"Boom..." Song Wenwen, who was sliding forward, heard a huge boom behind him.

He turned his head and took a look, and found that all the snow on the snow-capped mountains had surged up.

"No, it's an avalanche!" Song Wenwen was startled.

If he was crushed under such a big avalanche, he would be finished.

"The Power of Faith!"

"I'm the fastest man in the world!"

After the power of faith spread throughout his body, Song Wenwen's skiing speed suddenly increased.

It's like adding a booster to the back of the body.

"Roar!" Seeing Song Wenwen's speed increase suddenly, another angry roar came from above the snow mountain.

This roar was even more angry than before.

And quickly spread throughout the entire snow mountain.

This time the snow mountain did not shake, but there were snow monsters coming out of the snow.

Moreover, the rolling snow gradually turned into a snow monster.

These snow monsters rode the same snow-white mounts, chasing Song Wenwen crazily.

At this time, Song Wenwen found that there were a large number of snow monsters blocking his way around him.

He was inevitable.

"What did this idiot do again, how did he provoke the fury of the snow monster on the snow mountain." Song Wenwen thought to himself.

However, at this time, it's not about thinking about what Qiuqiu did.

Instead, he should think about how to leave the encirclement of the snow monsters.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the snow monster, Song Wenwen still couldn't think of any solution.

"There is no other way. Now that things have come to an end, we can only force our way in."

"The Power of Faith!"

"Sun Fist!"

In order to rush out of the snow monster's encirclement at once, Song Wenwen used two kinds of power.

The power of faith and the energy of the sun.

He raised his fist and punched the snow monster blocking his way ahead.

Suddenly, a fist mark like an energy cannon flew out from his fist.

ps: Chapter 5 is here!

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