Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 171: Barrett Aiming At Himself

Because the distance between the two sides is too far, a full eight thousand meters apart.

Therefore, it takes five seconds for the bullet to shoot out of Barrett and hit the target.

For a constantly moving supernatural being, five seconds is enough to run a long distance.

Although Song Wenwen is a sniper god in the game, it is different in reality from the game.

Therefore, his shot was obviously missed.

"There were only ten bullets in all, and now there are only eight left."

"Why don't you use Barrett first? It's a waste of bullets at such a long distance." Song Wenwen was weighing the pros and cons.

He killed Gray and helped Hua Zhizhi out of trouble.

Moreover, Hua Zhizhi also took the opportunity to injure an enemy, and the other enemy was like a frightened bird, and there was not much threat.

With his speed, he was rushing towards where Hua Zhizhi was, and it was completely in time.

"Bang!" Just as Song Wenwen was debating whether to continue using Barrett, suddenly the head of the superhuman who was walking around in the snake's skin exploded.

He followed in Gray's footsteps.

This made Song Wenwen, who was observing several people through a magnifying glass, look confused.

He can be sure that his shot just now was indeed missed.

"Could it be self-aiming?" Song Wenwen suddenly thought of a possibility. Biqu library

After much deliberation, this is the only possibility.

If this is the case, then this Golden Barrett is too awesome.

Unfortunately, the only downside is that there are too few bullets.

"Why did I become stupid all of a sudden, I have less bullets, so I can copy it." Song Wenwen suddenly slapped his forehead, and hurriedly started copying.

[This copy will take ten minutes and consume 10,000 spirit stones. Do you want to copy? 】

"I'll go, this tm is too dark, a bullet needs 10,000 spirit stones."

"It's faster than me stealing money." Song Wenwen said cursingly.

Still, he chose to copy.

If you look at it from another angle, 10,000 spirit stones and one bullet are very cheap.

Think about it, one bullet can kill a peerless genius who has sss level potential and has awakened the top 100 sequences of abilities.

If it was outside, there would definitely be many people rushing to dig out the spirit stones.

Let alone 10,000 spirit stones, it is 10 million spirit stones, or even 100 million spirit stones.

There are also many people who pay.

Thinking of this, Song Wenwen suddenly became clear.

After figuring this out, Song Wenwen didn't save any more bullets.

He pulled the trigger again, ready to kill the person who was injured by Hua Zhizhi.

But soon, he stopped again.

"Won't this accidentally injure your teammates?"

While thinking about this question, he began to study Barrett.

Soon, he discovered that there was a locking function on the magnifying glass.

After he locked on to the target, he fired a shot into the sky.

Because, he wanted to verify whether Barrett had the ability to aim himself.

"Bang!" The head of the target who was eight thousand meters away exploded after a few seconds.

"Sure enough, it's self-aiming!"

"Qiaoqiu, go and bring Hua Zhizhi over!"

Hearing Song Wenwen's voice, Qiuqiu disappeared in a flash.

Since Song Wenwen gave him a barbecue, he now obeys Song Wenwen's words.

When Hua Zhixiao followed Qiuqiu to the front of the maze and saw Song Wenwen, he immediately understood.

It was Song Wenwen who saved her just now.

"Thank you!" Hua Zhizhi said gratefully.

If it weren't for Song Wenwen, her end would have been miserable.

"You're welcome, we are all our own!" Song Wenwen smiled at Hua Zhixiao.

Seeing Song Wenwen's smile, Hua Zhixiao suddenly felt a very strong sense of security.

Although the hero saves the beauty is clichéd, it is the most effective way to gain favor for the parties concerned.

"No matter what, you saved me."

"If you come to Huadu in the future, you must tell me."

"I invite you to dinner to express my gratitude." Hua Zhixiao looked at Song Wenwen and said.

"no problem!"

"Okay, let's go in, Huang Tianba and Sister Nangong are still waiting for us."

After Song Wenwen finished speaking, he walked into the maze.

Hua Zhixiao hurriedly followed behind him, looking at his back with a smile on his face.


At the same time, in the Yellow Sand Bowl, in the other three directions, there are also three mazes that are almost the same as this one.

Others do not have army ants, so the competition for the maze is extremely fierce.

In one of them, Jin Zizai used his [Freedom] ability to directly pass through the wall and reach the maze.

He swiftly

Er Zhishi opened four red boxes, and then wiped out all the props in the boxes.

The props in these boxes are roughly the same as the props that Song Wenwen opened before.

But there are some small items that are different.

"My dear mother, why is this National Fortune Stone so heavy?" When Jin Zizai picked up the National Fortune Stone, his eyes widened instantly.

This is the first time he has come into contact with the National Luck Stone since he has been in the Yellow Sands for so long.

If he carried all the four National Fortune Stones, it would be equivalent to an extra load of more than 400 catties.

Once he has a burden, it will be a bit difficult for him to use the [freedom] ability to come and go without a trace as before.

However, he was really unwilling to let him give up the National Fortune Stone that he had just obtained.

For a while, he was caught in a dilemma.

When he was in a dilemma, he heard footsteps and voices coming from the exit of the maze.

Listening to the voice, there is more than one person coming.

"Young Master will not take these three National Fortune Stones."

"You keep it for the young master first, and the young master will get it back later."

As Jin Zizai spoke, he only picked up a piece of the National Fortune Stone.

If he only carries a hundred catties, his speed will not be greatly affected.

At this time, he discovered that there was actually a huge golden box in the innermost part of the supply station. Biqu library

He hurried towards the golden box as fast as he could.

He didn't encounter the enchantment like Song Wenwen did.

He quickly came to the front of the golden box.

However, when his hand touched the golden box, he suddenly found that his hand had passed through the golden box.

The next moment, the golden box disappeared directly.

"Huh? An illusion?" Jin Zizai wondered to himself.

Hearing the footsteps at the exit of the maze getting closer, he didn't think about this question.

Then, at the fastest speed, with a piece of the National Fortune Stone, he left quietly.

There are too many people here, it is not suitable to stay, so he slipped away first.

The other two golden boxes in the labyrinth, after being touched by someone, just like Jin Zizai did before, the palms of the hands directly shuttled through it.

Just like the moon in the water.

Then, the box disappeared.

In other words, Song Wenwen was the only one who obtained the contents of the golden box in the entire Yellow Sand Circle.

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