Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 207: Going To The Veteran Building To Shake People

"Boom boom boom..."

For powerful supernatural beings, digging the ground is a piece of cake.

Any ability can crack the ground.

Song Wenwen naturally heard the voice above his head, but he didn't pay attention.

[Place it on the bottom layer] This skill is very interesting.

Once placed at the bottom, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to appear, even if those men in black keep digging the ground, it is impossible to find him.

Because the ground above his head was dug a few meters away, his skills would automatically drop a few meters.

In other words, he always maintains a constant distance from the ground above his head.

It is impossible for these men in black to find him in this way.

Unless, they can dig through Blue Star.

Sure enough, after digging for a while, those men in black stopped digging without finding Song Wenwen.

"Where are people?" A man in black said angrily.

"We didn't kill him, how should we explain to the president?"

"The president hates others to lie the most, we can only tell the truth."

"Let's go, go back!"

The men in black said, then turned and left.

Song Wenwen heard the movement of several people leaving, and did not go out immediately.

Instead, he still hid in the cell underground, waiting with melon seeds.

Dodge, be patient.

Soon, half an hour passed.

At this time, the eight men in black who had already left reappeared.

"Is he really not here?"

"There is no spatial fluctuation, but it can disappear from under our eyelids."

"We must report to the president immediately to find out the identity of this person."

The eight men in black said, turned and left again.

Five minutes later, the man in black returned.

They guessed before that Song Wenwen was hiding somewhere here, and what they said before was intentionally told to him.

When they left, they also acted deliberately for Song Wenwen.

Under normal circumstances, if Song Wenwen was really hiding here, after they left, Song Wenwen would definitely show up and leave in a hurry.

So, they folded back after leaving.

Repeated this twice, but Song Wenwen was never found.

At this time, they could be sure that Song Wenwen had already left through some means before and was not here.

So they turned around and left completely.


Song Wenwen didn't know about the man in black leaving and coming back, he hid in the cell below, eating melon seeds.

As I ate and ate, I became a little sleepy.

In this way, he fell asleep underground.

If those men in black knew that Song Wenwen was sleeping soundly under their feet, they would vomit blood out of anger.


Soon, the night passed.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Song Wenwen slowly opened his eyes.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, only to find that it was past nine o'clock in the morning.

"This sleep, I slept a little more comfortably!"

Then, he disappeared and reappeared on the ground.

He looked around for a week, but did not find the existence of the man in black.

So, as soon as he moved, he galloped away into the distance.

Song Wenwen has never been a person who likes to suffer. He was assassinated yesterday, so he naturally wouldn't just let it go.

Therefore, he planned to shake people and avenge himself.

The previous appearance has been known by that unknown organization, and it is very unsafe to show up with that face.

Therefore, Song Wenwen disguised himself as a strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms, and reappeared in the public's field of vision.

Just like that, he swaggered down the street, and then walked into the veteran's building in Jinling City.

The Veteran House is the same as the supernatural union, every city has a branch.

"Sir, what service do you need?"

After Song Wenwen walked into the veteran's building, a staff member greeted him and asked.

"I have something important to see your building chief!"

"Please report it."

The so-called building chief is the leader of the veteran building in Jinling City.

"It's not convenient for our building manager to meet guests. If you need anything, you can tell me."

"I'll help you as much as possible."

"Or you can show your honor bracelet, that's fine!" said the staff member.

The head of the Veteran Building, even if it's just the head of the branch, doesn't mean that anyone who wants to see can see it.

If you want to see the building leader, you have to reach Zhanzong's battle merit value.

It can't be blamed for the Veteran Building having such a rule, otherwise anyone who came in would be required to meet the building manager, and the building manager of the Veteran Building wouldn't have to do anything.

"I don't have an honor bracelet, but I have this thing."

"You show this thing to your building chief, I believe, he will naturally

meet me. "Song Wenwen said, handing over a small box.

The box is not big, just a little bigger than a human palm.

It's not that Song Wenwen doesn't have an honor bracelet, it's just that he doesn't want to reveal his identity because of the honor bracelet.

Long before leaving the imperial capital, he took off the bracelet of honor and stored it in the network disk.

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The staff took the box from Song Wenwen, turned and left.

Soon, he came to the top floor of the veteran building and knocked on the door of a room.

"The door is unlocked, come in!" A mid-spirited voice came from the room.

The staff opened the door and walked in. Inside was an old man with a height of about 172 cm.

He is thin and his eyes are not big, but there is a light of wisdom in his eyes.

To become the building chief of the Jinling branch is naturally not a simple person.

"Boss, there is someone who wants to see you."

"He said that after showing you this thing, you will go to see him." The staff member said, and handed the box in his hand to the building manager.

The building manager took the box and opened it directly.

When he saw clearly what was inside the box, his eyes widened instantly.

However, after only watching for two seconds, he closed the box.

"Where is he now?"

"Just waiting in the lobby on the first floor."

"Take me to see him!"

Just like that, the building manager followed the staff and hurried towards the first floor.

Soon, they came to Song Wenwen.

"Boss, this is the gentleman!"

At this time, the building manager looked at Song Wenwen, thinking hard.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't find any information about Song Wenwen in his memory.

"Guan Tianxiang, the building director of the old Jinling City branch."

"What is the name of this gentleman?"

"I'm Li Yuanba!"

Song Wenwen naturally reported his alias.

The appearance of the previous pseudonym Lei Feng has been exposed, and now that he has changed his appearance again, he naturally needs to give a new name.

"Is this yours?" Guan Tianxiang asked, pointing to the box in his hand.

"It's mine!" Biquku

"Sir, please follow me!"

So Guan Tianxiang took Song Wenwen and left.

ps: Chapter 5 is here, thanks to "Hong Yuan who loves to eat three-color vegetable ball soup" for sending me the certification from the great god. This is the first time I have received it.

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