Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 228: The So-Called Nine Passes

"The so-called Nine Heavens Pass is actually the Nine Heavens above Blue Star."

"You can also understand it as the nine levels to protect the blue star."

Finally, Dongfang Xiao gave the answer.

"Nine levels to guard the blue star?"

"What is Blue Star encountering? Why did you lay down these nine levels?"

"What is the relationship between Nine Passes, Blue Star, and Nantangtian?"

For Dongfang Xiao's answer, Song Wenwen felt it was reasonable, but also unexpected.

His previous guess was that Nine Layers Pass was the name of a place.

Just like a place in the imperial capital called Badaling.

Unexpectedly, there will be nine checkpoints.

"South Tang Tian is the name of our sky region, which includes the two parts of Jiucheng Pass and Blue Star."

"Because Southern Tangtian is a land without an owner, this is a piece of fat for people in other Tianyu."

"Since it's fatty meat, they naturally want to bite a piece of it."

"In this regard, our Blue Star seniors will naturally not sit still, so we established the Nine Gates to intercept these evil-minded foreign enemies."

When Dongfang Xiao said this, he suddenly sighed.

"Nantangtian is a land of no man? No wonder that fat man calls Nantangtian his stepmother." Song Wenwen thought to himself.

"Even so, why do you have to go to the King Realm to know about this kind of thing?"

"Isn't it enough to just tell everyone on Blue Star?"

"In this way, everyone can grow up quickly amidst the hardships."

"Born in sorrow, die in peace."

Song Wenwen didn't quite understand this point.

"For this point, Blue Star's seniors naturally thought of it."

"However, human nature is extremely complex."

"It's fine if you don't know about this kind of thing. Once you know, many unpredictable things will happen."

"In the past, our predecessors told some people on a small scale, as an attempt."

"But they found that many people directly chose to play badly when they knew that there were many enemies on Blue Star."

"Most of them don't practice hard anymore, and they start to be drunk every day."

"Because they feel that once the enemy invades Blue Star, they will surely die."

"To die sooner or later is to die, it is better to die comfortably, and it is not a waste of time to come to this world

. "

"Some powerful people with superpowers directly do whatever they want, which has led to an increase in the crime rate of Blue Star."

Hearing Dongfang Xiao's explanation, Song Wenwen fell silent.

Indeed, those who can stand up in times of crisis and fight against them are, after all, a minority.

There are some people, not to mention fighting against danger, I am afraid that before the danger comes, they will scare themselves half to death.

There used to be such a question on earth, if tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you do?

Many people have chosen to play badly.

Go home and lie down to die.

Big meal!

Do things that you don't usually dare to do, including some crimes.

For example: murder and arson, QJ, robbery...

Knowing that when the end comes, the dark side of human nature will be activated.

People at that time cannot be called human beings at all.

"Blue Star can't have accidents, let alone chaos."

"Because Blue Star's population base is large enough, it can provide soldiers for the Nine Passes for a long time."

"In this way, the consumption of the Nine Levels can be replenished continuously."

"Otherwise, just relying on the people of the Nine Passes, sooner or later, they will all die in battle." Dongfang Xiao continued.

"Regarding the matter of the Nine Passes, the high-level officials of all countries should know."

"If that's the case, why are you still fighting with each other?"

"This kind of struggle will only consume Blue Star's strength."

Song Wenwen also didn't understand this point.

Since they all have a common enemy, why do many countries fight to the death.

"This is human nature."

"Where there are people, there will be fights, even if everyone has a common enemy."

"As long as this enemy does not hit the door, many people will not be anxious."

"They care more about the moment."

"Before the enemy really comes, it's natural to come as you feel comfortable at the moment."

Dongfang Xiao's tone was also full of helplessness.

He has fought for Dragon Kingdom and Blue Star for most of his life.

But if you want to kill a thief, you will be powerless.

Don't look at him as one of the Eight Gods of War in the Dragon Kingdom, but he is nothing at all in the Jiuzhong Pass.

There are too many people stronger than him.

"Has my dad been at Nine Levels all these years?" Song Wenwen asked suddenly.

His father was always on business trips in the past few years.

a business trip,

That's a lot of days.

He never knew exactly what his father was doing.

I get it now.

"Yes, he has been guarding the First Heaven all these years!"

"Although your father and I are both one of the Eight Gods of War in the Dragon Kingdom, I have to say that Song Huangquan is indeed a very remarkable person."

"His strength has long surpassed mine."

"I'm afraid, it won't be long before he can break the shackles of the King Realm."

"At that time, our Dragon Kingdom will have five great sages." Dongfang smiled and replied.

There was a hint of envy in his words.

He is already very old, although he has not yet reached the point of exhaustion.

However, I'm afraid I won't live for too long.

And Song Huangquan is less than fifty years old, and he is in his prime.

His future has endless possibilities.

"You mean, if you want to break through from the King Realm to the Holy Venerable, you need to break the shackles?"

"Is this shackle difficult?" Song Wenwen asked suspiciously.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say, it's not hard."

"Our Southern Tang Dynasty is a land without an owner, and it is also a land of incompleteness."

"The rules of heaven and earth here are incomplete, and if you want to break through from the king state to the saint, you must understand a certain law."

"However, it is too difficult to comprehend the law in the incomplete world."

"The only way is to use the National Fortune Stone."

"The so-called National Fortune Stone is actually also called the Law Stone."

"There are enough law stones, and you can use it to comprehend the law."

"Without the law stone, even if you are talented, you can only stay in the king's realm forever."

"You brought out twenty-seven law stones from the yellow sand scorpion before, which is enough for one or two more saints to appear in the Dragon Kingdom."

"Among them, your father has a great possibility of becoming a saint."

Hearing Dongfang Xiao's explanation, Song Wenwen was not relieved.

Instead, he frowned slightly.

Because it suddenly occurred to him that the National Fortune Stone actually contained a very small piece of the same fragment as in his mind.

Using the Fortune Stone, you can break the shackles of the King Realm and break through to the Holy One.

Then the fragments in his mind are so big, what level is it?

If he breaks through from King Realm to Saint Venerable, will it be logical?

What would happen if he found all the fragments.

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