After Song Wenwen came to Blue Star, he worked as a copywriter for three years.

Also, there are too many stories on Earth in his mind.

Not to mention anything else, just myths and legends are enough to provide him with countless materials now.

What's more, he has read countless online novels, and the materials are countless.

He decided to write these stories and then attach them to the items for sale.

In this way, the items in the store are attractive enough.

And about the stories about the earth, only he knows, which is an advantage that others don't have.

So, in the next few days, Song Wenwen adjusted the layout of the store, designed the door, and copied a large number of purchased treasures and elemental stones.

Beyond that, is writing the story.

He first wrote about Pangu's creation of the world and Nuwa's creation of human beings from earth.

"It would take a long time to write 20,000 words a day." Song Wenwen suddenly said to himself after finishing writing the story of Nuwa's making a man out of clay.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, can you use Du Niang?" At this moment, he suddenly thought of the almighty Du Niang.

"Du Niang is not unlocked!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Then is there any way to quickly organize the stories in my head into words?" Song Wenwen asked unwillingly.

"You can use Bluetooth connection to connect your computer with your phone."

"Use brain waves to convert the pictures in my mind into words." Xiao Yi replied.

"'s really okay, Xiaoyi, I love you so much." Song Wenwen suddenly jumped up from the spot excitedly.

Just now he just asked with the mentality of trying, but he didn't expect to really solve his big problem.

Soon, he used bluetooth to connect the computer in his mind to the phone.

At this time, he discovered that the pictures in his mind could not only be converted into text, but also into pictures and videos.

Of course, the speed of converting to pictures and videos cannot be compared with that of text.

"This is too amazing, it's simply a magical skill!" Song Wenwen said excitedly.

If he had this ability three years ago, he would definitely be able to sweep the entire world of novels, comics, and video by himself.

In the next period of time, Song Wenwen transferred all the myths and legends on the earth in his memory to

Turned into text, pictures, and video.

The video is in anime form.


Early the next morning, Song Wenwen printed 5,000 leaflets and had people promote them in Phoenix.

The main content of the leaflet is only two sentences.

The first sentence: The first floor is open today!

The second sentence: Anyone who relies on this leaflet can go to the store to receive a free spirit stone, each person is limited to one time, and the activity is limited to two days.

You know, a spirit stone is equivalent to 10,000 dragon coins.

Such a handwriting cannot be underestimated.

When everyone in Phoenix City saw this leaflet, they thought that the person who printed the leaflet was crazy, and they were just playing with it.

Therefore, many people directly threw the leaflets they got into the trash can.

However, there are always some people who, with the attitude of giving it a try, came to the first floor according to the address on the leaflet.

At this time, they found that at the door of the first floor, there were two large screens, on which were playing a story they had never heard of - Pangu created the world.

In the beginning, they stopped to take a look just out of curiosity.

But they found that looking at it was a bit over the top.

Many people think for the first time that everything in the world comes from this way.

So much so that many people suddenly forgot what their purpose of coming here was.

It is human nature to watch the excitement. Some passers-by saw so many people watching at the gate of the first floor, so they also stepped forward to join in the fun.

As time went by, there were more and more people at the door on the first floor.

When the story of Pan Gu's creation ended, the onlookers withdrew their gazes a little bit unsatisfied.

At this time, they remembered that they came here to collect the spirit stone.

So, they walked towards the inside of the shop.

When they walked into the store, they saw a young man sitting in front of the counter in the middle of the store, looking at everyone with a smile on his face.

Behind him, there is a display shelf for Yixi.

On the shelf, there are some elemental stones and treasures.

At the top of the shelf, there is a huge banner that reads: 10% off sitewide.

Beneath the oversized banner hangs a smaller banner that reads:

If you spend more than 100 spirit stones, you will get a Pangu story book, and if you spend more than 200 spirit stones, you will get a comic book.

These comic books and story books are all written by Song Wen

Nuan Lianye asked someone to make it.

This time, in order to build up the reputation of the first floor, he did enough stunts.

He didn't believe that under such propaganda, there were still people in Phoenix City who didn't know about the first floor.

"Boss, with this leaflet, can I really get a spirit stone?" At this time, someone looked at Song Wenwen with a leaflet and asked.

"The crotch is on fire - of course!"

"We can redeem it on the spot, bring the flyer!" Song Wenwen said. Biqu library

The person who asked the question gave the leaflet to Song Wenwen with a skeptical attitude.

Without saying a word, Song Wenwen took out a spirit stone and handed it to the other party.

"It's really a spirit stone!" The person who got the spirit stone was still a little unbelievable, he felt like tm was dreaming.

Before this, no one would have thought that a leaflet could be exchanged for a spirit stone.

"Boss, I also have leaflets here!"

"I have this too!"

"I have that too!"

All of a sudden, other people who had leaflets started making noise.

"Everyone, don't worry, queue up to get it!"

"Little Jin, help me maintain order." Song Wenwen said.

He sat in front of the counter, and as long as the people in line took out the leaflets, he would take out a spirit stone and hand it to them without saying a word.

Soon, he distributed nearly two hundred spirit stones.

In other words, there are already two hundred people who have received the leaflets.

Compared with the two hundred people who exchanged spirit stones, there were more onlookers.

After all, some people just came to watch the excitement, and they didn't have any flyers.

For a while, many people turned around and went to the street to look for leaflets.

Those who received the spirit stone before did not leave.

They all wanted to see what the first floor was going to do.

"Boss, what do you mean by the 10% off on the banner?" At this time, a person couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple. Take elemental stones as an example. In other places, one elemental stone sells for ten spirit stones."

"I only need nine spirit stones here."

"Other treasures, such as body quenching liquid, are also 10% off!"

"If you spend a hundred spirit stones, you will also get a special Pan Gu storybook."

"It records in more detail the story about Pan Gu's creation of the world." Song Wenwen explained.

Hearing what Song Wenwen said, the onlookers suddenly realized.

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