Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 306: Invasion Of The Nether Sky

Everyone in Longguo hurriedly looked into the distance when they heard the voice coming from afar.

They saw that in front of them, like locusts crossing the border, countless densely packed ghosts came galloping.

From the appearance point of view, their appearance is somewhat similar to human beings.

Has two legs, two arms, and walks upright.

But not quite the same.

Not to mention their various skin colors, their height alone is more than two meters.

Some are full of explosive muscles, like a meat mountain.

Some were so skinny that a gust of wind could blow them over.

They are all hairless, and there are a pair of small tentacles about five centimeters on their heads.

When many people in Long Kingdom saw them, they felt that these creatures in Nether Sky looked like characters in anime.

In a sense, they can also be called tearing men.

After all, no one stipulated that Tearman Man must be that kind of handsome and heaven-defying existence.

"The teams are ready to fight!"

At this time, Thunder God of War shouted loudly.

He is the commander-in-chief of the major teams of the Dragon Kingdom this time.

Because, regarding the aspect of leading troops to fight, Thunder God of War has extremely rich experience.

In this regard, even Dongfang Xiao couldn't compare to it.

Although the strength of the Eastern God of War is not weak, but he specializes in surgery, and he is not good at commanding.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Everyone standing on the city wall shouted loudly.

Their voices soared into the sky, and their momentum was extremely huge.

Because at this time, the number of people standing on the city wall has exceeded one billion.

There are a total of 1.5 billion people in the Dragon Kingdom, except for the old, young, sick and disabled, basically all of them appeared on the city walls. Biqu library

It can be said that all the people of the Dragon Kingdom are soldiers at this time.

At this moment, some people Song Wenwen knew were on the city wall.

Jin Zizai, Huang Tianba, Gan Lu, Dongfang Xueqi, Nangong Xiaomei, Yunde, Tang Qiqi...

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom is facing the greatest crisis in history.

Therefore, even the proud sons of the three major colleges have to go to the battlefield.

Even a person with a high status like Jin Zizai is no exception.

"Old Jin, are you afraid?"

On the city wall, in an inconspicuous place, Huang Tianba looked at Jin Zizai and asked.

"If you say you're not afraid, that's a lie."

"This time it's not our usual slapstick, if you are not careful, you will die

human. "

"In this case, status and status are useless."

"The only thing you can rely on is yourself!"

"Unfortunately, I don't know where the boss is, and he hasn't appeared yet."

"I really want to fight side by side with him." Jin Zizai's eyes were full of nostalgia at this moment.

"Boss has disappeared for ninety days, I don't know where he is now."

"With the boss not around, I always feel unmotivated to do a lot of things."

"Big stupid bear, don't die!"

"I, Huang Tianba, have never been weaker than others all my life, how could I die?"

"If I die, won't there be no one to take care of the business of the East China Sea Dragon Palace?"

"Okay, when we win, from now on, I will cover all your expenses for going to the East China Sea Dragon Palace." Jin Zizai said proudly.

His words were much more heroic than "Mr. Zhao will spend all the consumption tonight".

"Does that include me too?" Gan Lu poked his head over and asked at this moment.

"Including!" Jin Zizai nodded.

"Then we have agreed, after this battle is won, we will see you at the East China Sea Dragon Palace!"

"See you at the East China Sea Dragon Palace!"


On the other side, Xiaojianjian Yunde and Tang Qiqi ended the call.

He knew very well that this time, it might be the last call in their lives.

He didn't say anything about life and death, but simply said a few words.

Unfortunately, neither he nor Tang Qiqi called Song Wenwen.

"Brother Dog, I don't know if we can meet again in this life."

"If you can't in this life, then in the next life, we will still be good brothers."

"This time, I will be the big brother, and you and Seventh Brother will be the younger brothers."


Tang Qiqi hung up the phone without saying a word, but raised her head to look at the sky.

A trace of thought flashed in her eyes.

But soon, the yearning turned into firmness.


"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, there were bursts of bangs on the ground.

This is the shock produced by the neat footsteps falling on the ground at the same time.

The people of Nether Sky are forming a neat queue and coming towards the city wall.

They looked like a mess before.

But now they are neat and disciplined, and they are well-trained at first glance.

They also number in the hundreds of millions.

It is densely packed, and you can't see the end at a glance.


, they stopped a kilometer away from the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, ten figures flew out from the team.

Among them, five burly men.

The other five were skinny.

"Youmingtian, I can't help the ten generals under the seat of Mingjun, and ask everyone for advice."

"Wait, do you dare to fight?"

The ten people from Youmingtian who appeared shouted at the people on the city wall.

When everyone in Longguo heard these ten people yelling, they were puzzled at first, and then a flash of understanding flashed in their eyes.

Because they wanted to understand why the many creatures in the Nether Sky did not go to war directly, but did so.

This is to test the strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

This is like, when the two armies were at war in ancient times, there were always generals from both sides fighting in front of the battle.

Because, once you win in this way, the morale of your own soldiers will be greatly improved.

When the two armies are at war, morale is extremely important.

When one side has the morale of winning, it will often perform exceptionally well in battle.

"Who wants to meet the enemy with me?"

Dongfang Xiao stood up immediately.

He could feel that the auras of the ten underworld generals who appeared were not weak, and they were all kings.

Moreover, they are all existences of the King Realm.

It is very important to fight before the formation, so you must not lose.

Therefore, Dongfang Xiao was the first to stand up.

After all, he is the God of War in the Dragon Kingdom.

The strength is in the realm of kings, and it can be regarded as the top existence.

"Count me in!"

After Dongfang laughed, Thunder God of War stood up.

"Thunder, you can't go."

"You are the commander-in-chief, and there must be no accidents."

"If you die in battle, it will be a devastating blow to Dragon Kingdom."

"You must stay."

Seeing Thunder God of War standing up, Dongfang Xiao said hastily.

The strength of the Thunder God of War is indeed not weak in the realm of kings.

However, his importance is currently irreplaceable.

However, when fighting against the Nether Sky, accidents may occur.

At present, although they have a little understanding of the creatures in the Nether Sky.

However, without a specific battle, no one knows what the opponent's strength is.

It is a battle, and there may be casualties.

Thunder God of War cannot take this risk.

Hearing what Dongfang Xiao said, even though Thunder God of War was unwilling, he still nodded.

At this time, we must focus on the overall situation.

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