Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 308: The Biggest Prodigal Son Of The Jin Family

Perhaps, the people of Youmingtian pay attention to concentration is the essence.

After Dongfang Xiao's opponent's body shrunk, Dongfang Xiao clearly felt that the opponent's aura had strengthened.

When Dongfang Xiao's attack came in front of him, he just punched Dongfang Xiao's attack away.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Xiao's expression became serious.

The opponent's strength was stronger than he had imagined before.

He knew that this battle might be very difficult.

If you are not careful, you may fall here!

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

At this time, he whispered three times.

Suddenly, his shirt burst open.

Immediately afterwards, the muscles on his body also began to surge.

About two seconds later, the muscles on his back faintly formed the word "war".

When the word "war" appeared, Dongfang Xiao's aura surged again.

Dongfang Xiao and his opponent flashed at the same time, leaving afterimages in the air.

In the next second, there was a booming sound from the position in the middle of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, in the sky, there were continuous crashes like drumming.

Every time there is a bang, there are shock waves of energy wantonly.

If a weaker person approaches within a hundred meters of the two of them, he may be directly crushed by the energy wave of the two colliding.

Judging from the current strengths displayed by the two, it is really not an easy task for them to decide the winner.

When the two of them fought, other people also fought together.

I saw Wu Yinyin, holding two gilt sledgehammers, dancing wildly.

The power of each hammer has the potential to cut mountains and rivers.

His opponent was the same as Dongfang Xiao's opponent, they were all burly people.

Facing Wu Yinyin's attack, he also greeted it head-on.

The two sides directly head-to-head.

The attack of the two of them was a bit more powerful than Dongfang laughing at them.

Among the battles of the crowd, the most interesting thing to say.

It is Jin Zizai's father and his opponent.

On the Blue Star, there are tens of thousands of abilities, and there are also many strange abilities.

But to talk about the most amazing ability, the ability of Jin Zizai's father must have a place.

Because his ability is [Spirit Stone].

What is the spirit stone ability, it is also very simple to say.

The more spirit stones,

The stronger the fighting power.

As for the Jin family, what they lack most is spirit stones.

His opponent is the kind of skinny person.

He manipulated the corpses of many strange beasts and humans, and launched an attack on Jin Zun.

At this time, he controlled three corpses in total.

Two people, one strange beast.

Those two people attacked Jin Zun from left to right.

And the strange beast attacked from behind him.

The three attacks were in the shape of a circle, enclosing Jin Zun.

Facing such a battle situation, Jin Zun did not have the slightest fear.

With a wave of his palm, a hundred thousand spirit stones appeared directly around him.

"One hundred thousand spirits explode!"

Immediately, the 100,000 pieces of spirit stones spread towards the surroundings, and at the same time, they exploded directly.

Every spirit stone is like a small bomb.

When one hundred thousand spirit stones exploded at the same time, the energy waves superimposed on each other, and the power was extremely terrifying.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jin Zun is definitely the biggest prodigal son of the Jin family.

In normal times, Jin Zizai already spends money like water.

However, there is no comparison with Jin Zun at all.

Fighting draws money.

On Jin Zun's body, it is vividly reflected.

"Boom boom boom boom..." A series of explosions sounded in the air.

The three corpses that were coming towards Jin Zun were directly blown away.

However, their injuries were not serious.

The corpse does not feel any pain.

Therefore, after the three corpses were blown back, they immediately attacked Jin Zun again.

Seeing this situation, Jin Zun frowned.

The corpses couldn't feel pain, even if he completely killed the three corpses, it wouldn't have much effect.

Therefore, if you want to win, you must kill the people behind the scenes who control these three corpses.

That's the scrawny guy.

"One hundred thousand spiritual explosion!" Without any hesitation, Jin Zun used the same move again.

When countless spirit stones exploded, countless shock waves were set off.

However, when these shock waves dissipated, Jin Zun's figure disappeared.

This scene left his opponent dumbfounded.

Because, he always pays attention to each other.

I didn't see how the other party left at all.

"Could it be stealth?"

When Jin Zun's opponent had this idea in his mind, he didn't notice that there was a very inconspicuous spirit stone not far from him.

At once

When he was looking for Jin Zun's figure, suddenly, this spirit stone exploded directly.

Immediately afterwards, millions of spirit stones gushed out of this spirit stone.

Jinzun can be exchanged with spirit stones and disguised as spirit stones.

Millions of spirit stones frantically rushed towards the scrawny man.


Seeing this scene, Jin Zun's opponent secretly said badly.

At the same time, he hastily summoned a large number of corpses around him.

Around him, densely arranged a circle, trying to block these spirit stones.

The sudden appearance of these corpses made Jin Zun's opponent completely impenetrable.

However, Jin Zun didn't pay attention to this at all.

He just frantically rushed towards the other party with millions of spirit stones.

"Millions of Spirits Exploding!"

Jin Zun roared, and millions of spirit stones exploded at the same time.

This time, the explosion produced was more than ten times stronger than the previous one hundred thousand spiritual explosions.

Because, the explosions launched by Jin Zun using Lingshi will continue to superimpose.

The more stacks, the greater the power.

And the more energy is superimposed, there will be some inexplicable reactions.

Therefore, when millions of spirit stones explode, the potential energy generated by the explosion of one hundred thousand spirit stones is more than ten times stronger.


An earth-shattering bang sounded in the sky.

Everyone standing on the city wall saw from a distance that a huge mushroom cloud rose in the sky.

Due to the excessive potential energy of the mushroom cloud, the impact has already affected other people's battles.

As a result, the other people who were fighting stopped fighting and looked at the battlefield where Jin Zun was.

After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, everyone finally saw clearly what the scrawny man surrounded by millions of spirit stones looked like.

At this moment, his body was tattered and dripping with blood.

The breath of the whole person is extremely sluggish.

No need to ask, I know that he is seriously injured at this time.

How many people can stop the explosion of one million spirit stones.

No one thought that not long after the battle started, someone was seriously injured, and it was on the verge of death. Biqu library

Jin Zun did not hesitate at all, and chose to go all out.

Jin Zun couldn't understand the truth of wanting him to be sick while he was sick.

PS: See you tomorrow!

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