Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 331 Overcoming The Thunder Tribulation And Becoming A Saint

Although wondering why Dongfang Xueqi called herself, Song Wenwen still answered it.

However, after saying a few words, Song Wenwen's expression suddenly changed.

"Brother Dog, what's the matter?" Tang Qiqi hurriedly asked after seeing Song Wenwen's sudden change of expression.

"Something happened to my master, I'll leave for a while."

Song Wenwen said something, and disappeared in place in a flash.

About three minutes later, Song Wenwen appeared in Imperial University.

He also saw the Eastern God of War.

The Eastern God of War doesn't seem to have any injuries, it just gives people a very decadent feeling.

Like a withered tree, life has come to an end.

"Song Wenwen, please, save my grandpa!"

At this time, Dongfang Xueqi was no longer as cold as before, but just a helpless little girl.

Her mother died shortly after she gave birth to her, and her father also died at the Nine Passes not long ago.

Now, her grandfather, who loves her the most, is about to die.

If Dongfang Xiao died too, then she would have no relatives anymore.

She will be alone, with no one to rely on.

"Don't worry, I will save Master."

As Song Wenwen said, he stepped forward and came to Dongfang Xiao. Immediately, he established a local area network and began to check Dongfang Xiao's physical condition.

However, after various tests, he didn't find anything abnormal about Dongfang Xiao.

This made his face look ugly.

"Warm, don't bother."

"I understand my physical condition, it's exhausted."

"The end is approaching, this is the law of heaven, and it cannot be reversed."

"Do you still remember what I asked you to do before? After I died, you helped me take care of Xueqi."

"Don't look at her cold temper, in fact, she is still a little girl deep inside."

"With your current strength and influence, Master is relieved to have you take care of her."

"You can leave with peace of mind!"

When Dongfang said this with a smile, there was no regret in his eyes, only relief.

In this life, he is very proud to have such an apprentice as Song Wenwen.

I thought it would be a long time before Song Wenwen shines.

Unexpectedly, after Song Wenwen disappeared for a while, the king returned.

Now on the blue star, no one can pose a threat to him.

"Master, the life-extending days I gave you before

Caidibao, have you not taken it? " Song Wenwen asked.

If you can often take the life-extending Tiancaidibao, Dongfang Xiao will definitely not be dying.

This time the battle had exhausted his body too much.

"During the previous battle, some of my companions were seriously injured and their lives were dying. I gave them those natural treasures."

Hearing what Dongfang Xiao said, Song Wenwen fell silent.

If Dongfang Xiao was a little more selfish, he wouldn't be what he is now.

It's just that he is destined not to be a selfish person.

Song Wenwen is not good at judging Dongfang Xiao's behavior.

"Song Wenwen, are you really helpless?" Dongfang Xueqi was at a loss at this time.

She pinned all her hopes on Song Wenwen.

"Master, there is only one last way to prolong life."

"What way?" Dongfang Xueqi asked first.

"Cross the thunder tribulation and become a saint!"

This is the only way Song Wenwen can think of.

Although there are countless natural treasures that can prolong life in his farm.

However, these things are useless to the Eastern God of War.

Tiancaidibao, which can prolong life, can only be effective when taken when the deadline is not approaching.

This is like maintaining a car, which can extend the life of the car.

When all the parts of the car are aging, maintenance will have little effect.

Unless, change parts.

After becoming a saint, there is a chance equivalent to rebirth.

"Crossing the Thunder Tribulation? Become a Saint?"

Dongfang Xueqi and Dongfang Xiao were shocked by Song Wenwen's words at the same time.

It is not an easy task to become a saint.

"Without enough fortune stones, it is impossible to become a saint."

This idea also appeared in Dongfang Xiao's mind, but it just passed by in a flash.

Because, he knows how difficult it is to become a saint.

If it was easy, over the years, there would not be only a few saints on Blue Star.

"I have my own way of doing this."

"I took Master away, no matter whether Master can successfully cross the tribulation, I will come back and tell you."

Song Wenwen said something to Dongfang Xueqi, then picked up Dongfang Xiao and left.

"I'll wait here for your return!"


Song Wenwen holding Dong

After Fang Xiao left, he entered the pasture.

The ranch is his home field, and he does not need the National Games Stone to make a breakthrough here.

Just like the light and dark two-headed dragon back then.

Song Wenwen put Dongfang Xiao in the center of the pasture, and then began to control the medicinal properties of many natural treasures in the farm, pouring into his body.

In an instant, Dongfang Xiao's aura grew stronger.

Of course, this is only temporary, which is equivalent to returning to the past.

Dongfang Xiao has no way out at this time, either survive the thunder disaster or die.

Dongfang Xiao also understands this, feeling the difference in this space.

He didn't ask Song Wenwen, but adjusted his state.

He must break through in the shortest possible time, and then attract Thunder Tribulation.

Fortunately, Dongfang Xiao has been immersed in the King Realm for a long time, although his background is not as good as the two-headed dragon of light and darkness.

But it is not comparable to ordinary people.

After all, age matters.

Finally, Thunder Tribulation landed.

Dongfang laughed and started to cross the catastrophe.

With the help of Song Wenwen, although there were some twists and turns in the process of crossing the catastrophe, it was passed smoothly after all.

When the colored light shone on the thundercloud, the white hair on Dongfang Xiao's head began to gradually turn black.

The wrinkles on his face gradually smoothed out.

His whole body became thirty years younger.

Before, he looked like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Now he looks forty or fifty years old.

"Hahaha..." At this time, Dongfang Xiao floated in the air and let out a hearty laugh.

His laughter contained excitement, joy, and emotion for the rest of his life.

"Congratulations, master!" Song Wenwen stepped forward and said with a smile at this time.

He was also very happy from the bottom of his heart that Dongfang Xiao could successfully survive the thunder disaster.

"Good disciple, good disciple..."

Dongfang smiled and looked at Song Wenwen. There were so many things he wanted to say, but for a while, he didn't know where to start.

He just stepped forward and patted Song Wenwen on the shoulder, without saying anything.

"Master, we should go back."

"My eldest niece, I'm afraid I'm in a hurry." Song Wenwen said with a smile.

"Eldest niece?"

Hearing what Song Wenwen said, Dongfang Xiao suddenly froze for a moment.

However, he quickly reacted.

So, the two left the ranch and returned to Imperial College.

ps: The third chapter is here!

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