Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 334 Scaring The Schoolgirl

Song Wenwen saw the strange beast turn and run away, he let out a long breath, and then fell backwards.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, the girl hurried forward to support him.

"How are you?" the girl asked concerned.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just that the consumption is a bit high!"


Song Wenwen said in a weak tone, and just finished speaking, he coughed violently.

Then he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"He said it's okay, you're all hurt like this."

As the girl said, she hurriedly supported Song Wenwen to sit down, and then planned to bandage his wound.

It's just that she didn't have any bandages on her body, nor did she bring healing medicines.

After looking around for a week, she finally looked at her clothes.

She was wearing two pieces of clothing on her upper body, so she tore up her own clothes and began to bandage Song Wenwen.

The injuries on Song Wenwen's body were all caused by him.

Naturally, he couldn't really be hurt.

"You... what's your name?" Song Wenwen asked.

He felt that his acting skills at this time had already reached perfection.

Should get a statuette.

"My name is Yang Jingna."

"My name is Jia Zhengyi!"

"Are you a freshman, too?"



The two chatted casually.

At this time, Yang Jingna didn't have any defensiveness towards Song Wenwen.

Basically, whatever Song Wenwen asks, she will answer.

Song Wenwen has completely gained her trust.

A rookie who has just entered university, he doesn't know that people's hearts are sinister, and he is very simple.

"How much do you know about this place?" Song Wenwen asked again.

"I didn't know anything about this place, and I appeared here shortly after the school got the student token."

"Where is this place, what kind of things exist, I don't know anything." Yang Jingna said with a little panic.

"Our top priority is to find other freshman students."

"Many people are powerful. Only by uniting all the students can we deal with unknown dangers."

"Then let's go find other classmates." Yang Jingna nodded in agreement.

The two of them are indeed a little weak.

This time, he was lucky and escaped the attack of the alien beast.

But next time, luck was not so good.

"I read

You are also injured, I happen to have two pills for healing, you can take one. "

As Song Wenwen said, he took out two pills and handed one to Yang Jingna.

Regarding this, Yang Jingna did not refuse, took the elixir and took it.

Seeing Yang Jingna like this, Song Wenwen shook his head helplessly.

This little girl is too innocent and has no defense at all.

After Yang Jingna took the elixir, she soon felt that her consciousness was blurred and her body was shaking.

"You...you..." She looked at Song Wenwen and wanted to say something.

But before the words could be spoken, he fainted and fell to the ground.

"Innocent little girl, I hope that after this time, you can grow up!"

Song Wenwen said, with a wave of his palm, a small wooden house appeared around him.

And a stone bed appeared under Yang Jingna's body.

Immediately afterwards, several vines appeared on the stone bed, binding Yang Jingna's limbs.

Then, with a wave of Song Wenwen's palm, Yang Jingna woke up.

When she woke up and saw Song Wenwen, she was stunned.

Because, for a while, she didn't figure out what happened.

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

I moved my body and found that my body was tightly bound.

"You...what are you going to do?" Yang Jingna asked a little timidly.

"Lonely man and widow, what do you think I can do?" Song Wenwen said, showing a wretched smile.

After he finished speaking, he sat down beside Yang Jingna, and then slowly stretched out his palm.

"I trust you so much, and you treat me like this?"

"Let me tell you, I'm a student of the Imperial College. If you dare to hurt me, the Imperial College will not let you go."

Yang Jingna's feelings at this time are very complicated. There is the pain of being betrayed by her peers, the panic of being hurt, and the fear of the unknown.

"Don't blame me, blame yourself, it's too easy to trust others."

"If you didn't take the drug without thinking, it would be really not easy for me to get it."

"Hahaha... Now, it's time for me to enjoy the delicious food."

"Don't worry, I will be very gentle and will definitely not make you feel pain."

As Song Wenwen said, he reached out and grabbed Yang Jingya's clothes.

Then, he pulled hard, and the layer of clothes on Yang Jingna's upper body was completely torn.

"Go away, go away!" Yang Jingna shouted in horror.

However, her struggles and roars all seemed pale and feeble.

Unconsciously, she shed painful tears.

She never thought that her innocence would be lost under such circumstances.

What she didn't know was what was waiting for her next.

At this time, her heart was full of regret.

She shouldn't trust Song Wenwen so easily.

If I had a little vigilance, I wouldn't be like this now.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

She regretted it now, it was too late.

"Help!" In desperation, she had no choice but to call for help loudly.

However, she also knew that her calling for help would probably not have any effect.

However, this is her last resort.

Seeing, Song Wenwen's palm was about to fall on her body.

She has completely fallen into despair.

At this moment, Song Wenwen's palm slid, and all the vines on Yang Jingna's body shattered instantly.

"Sister, remember this bloody lesson."

"Don't trust strangers easily, human nature is much darker than you think."

"A lot of things that you think are coincidences are actually just other people's schemes." Song Wenwen said to Yang Jingna.

He just wanted to teach the other party a lesson, and he didn't really want to do some beastly things.

He originally planned to use some means to make Yang Jingna fall in love with him completely, and then kick her into the abyss.

But after thinking about it, I felt that this was too cruel.

"You...you are a sophomore senior?" Hearing what Song Wenwen said, Yang Jingna asked in shock.


Hearing Song Wenwen's affirmative answer, Yang Jingna let out a long sigh of relief.

At this time, she revealed the joy of surviving after the catastrophe. Biqu library

I thought that this time I would be very miserable, but I didn't expect the will to be bright.

Seeing Yang Jingna let out a long sigh of relief, Song Wenwen shook his head again inwardly.

The other party, after all, did not have a complete long memory.

At this moment, he suddenly moved again.

With a wave of the palm, several vines bound Yang Jingna's body.

ps: The third chapter is here!

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