Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 337 Survival Dry Goods

During the meal, if you leave your seat and come back, it is best to pour out all the drinks on the table.

Especially girls.

Any drink out of your sight is a chance to be a bad guy.

Unless, of course, someone you trust extremely.

Like Yang Jingna, she never had any defense against strangers' food.

For the first time, the elixir that Song Wenwen handed over was like this.

This time, the food that Song Wenwen handed over was still the same.

If Song Wenwen really wanted to plot against her, it would be too easy to succeed.

When Yang Jingna finished eating the barbecue in her hand, her head became confused.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Yang Jingna asked a little weakly.

"It's nothing, I just took some medicine."

"Don't blame me, blame you for being too beautiful."

"My strength is not as strong as yours, so I can only use this method to get you!"

At this time, Song Wenwen showed a smile that succeeded in plotting.

The medicine he gave did not make Yang Jingna unconscious immediately, but her body became weak.

However, the consciousness is still clear.

She could hear what Song Wenwen said clearly.

She didn't expect that just after she escaped from the tiger's mouth, she would fall into the wolf's den again.

Why are these people so vicious and want to target her like this.

"You know exactly what's going to happen next."

"What do you want to say?"

Song Wenwen sat in front of Yang Jingna, looked at her and asked.

"If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"Buzhen, as long as I don't die, I will definitely tear you to pieces." Yang Jingna stared at Song Wenwen and said.

"Teach you a truth, when you are on the weak side, it is best not to make threats."

"You can keep threats in your head."

"Because if you say it, you will die!"

"Do you want to die?"

Song Wenwen said, looking at the other party with murderous eyes.

In an instant, Yang Jingna's body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, her whole body was icy cold.

She didn't speak anymore at this time, because Song Wenwen's words reminded her.

Her threats not only cannot make the other party let her go, but may also involve herself in it.

She still has a lot to do, she can't die yet.

So, she closed her eyes, stopped talking completely, and resigned to her fate.

"It seems that the

It's up to me. "

"In that case, I won't be polite." Song Wenwen smiled and held out his hand.

Yang Jingna's body trembled, but she still didn't speak.

All she has to do now is to survive.

Even a little humiliation.

Only by living can you have the opportunity to do everything you want to do.

To take revenge!

After Song Wenwen stretched out his hand, he patted Yang Jingna's head lightly.

In an instant, Yang Jingna felt that her originally weak body was gradually recovering.

"Get up!" At this moment, Song Wenwen's voice came.

Yang Jingna opened her eyes and glanced at Song Wenwen, and the next moment, she got up and ran.

She didn't forget about the cabin before.

"After all, there is still some growth!" Seeing this scene, Song Wenwen said lightly.

Then, with a flash of his figure, he stood in front of Yang Jingna.

Seeing Song Wenwen appearing suddenly, Yang Jingna was taken aback.

She didn't expect that the other party's speed was so fast.

However, she didn't give up.

Instead, after changing the direction, he continued to gallop.

Unsurprisingly, Song Wenwen stood in front of her again.

"Stop running, sit down and talk."

Song Wenwen said, returning to Jia Zhengyi's previous appearance.

"It's you?" Seeing Song Wenwen's appearance, Yang Jingna said angrily.

"Junior girl, the first lesson is over, that's it!"

"I didn't do anything wrong to you before, everything was just a disguise."

Hearing what Song Wenwen said, Yang Jingna frowned.

At this time, she no longer knew whether she should believe what the other party said.

She felt very clearly that she had been manipulated by the other party for a while.

She is like a poor little ant.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Song Wenwen!"

"Your sophomore senior!"

Subsequently, Song Wenwen returned to his true colors.

"Song Wenwen, are you Song Wenwen's senior?"

For the name Song Wenwen, people in Longguo are very familiar with it.

Everyone knows about his appearance.

After all, his statue was erected in the center of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Replacement as fake!"

"Impossible, you still want to lie to me?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you have the ability to change your appearance

Ability. "

"You want to use Song Wenwen's senior appearance to gain my trust."

"So as to achieve your ulterior purpose."

Hearing Yang Jingna say this, Song Wenwen laughed.

"It's a good thing that you can make such thinking."

"This shows that you have really grown up!"

"However, some things should also be considered reasonable."

"Do you think, with my strength, if I want to do something to you, can you resist?"

"Why should I use this method."

Hearing what Song Wenwen said, Yang Jingna fell silent.

I have to admit that what Song Wenwen said makes sense.

After experiencing the previous two incidents, she has become vigilant.

However, some things cannot be improved in a short period of time.

Such as IQ, thinking.

This requires more experience, thinking, and time precipitation.

"Through these two things, I will tell you two things."

"First, you must be cautious. Never trust a stranger easily."

"No matter how reasonable he appears."

"Because you never know what methods the enemy will come up with against you."

"Second, learn to protect yourself."

"Everything you enter must be cautious."

"Especially in an unfamiliar environment, it is best to do all the food, clothing, housing and transportation by yourself."

"At the same time, pay attention to the expressions of the people around you."

"A person's subconscious expression, many times, will not lie."

Song Wenwen's words are also full of dry goods.

"Thank you for the teaching, senior Wen Nuan, Jing Na will remember it in her heart." Yang Jingna said gratefully.

Although she is a bit simple, she is not stupid.

Naturally we can tell the good from the bad.

"The first lesson at the beginning of school must be rewarding."

"Okay, let's go and gather with other students."

"it is good!"

Just like that, Song Wenwen took Yang Jingna and walked in the direction where the other freshmen were.

Yang Jingna didn't notice that at this moment, the corners of Song Wenwen's mouth rose slightly.

In the first lesson of school, there must always be something to gain. This is not just for Yang Jingna.

The teaching of Yang Jingna is not over yet.

On the contrary, everything has just begun.

Next, he will play a big wave.

ps: Good night, Makabaka!

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