Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 340: The Dark Side Of Human Nature

When Jin Zizai and the others reappeared, it was in front of a huge glass cover.

And those inside the glass cover were the group of freshmen in the freshman year.

It's just that the first-year freshman cannot see what's going on outside the glass cover.

Can't hear Song Wenwen's voices either.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Jin Zizai asked in confusion.

"Do you know what kind of juncture human nature will be displayed to the fullest?"

"When life is threatened."

"Yes, next, let's take a look at their dark side!"

As Song Wenwen said, the environment inside the glass cover began to change.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into a desert.

In the middle of the desert, there is a hot sun.

This environment was compiled by Song Wenwen using a program compiler.

You can simply use some rules to change the scene.

It's actually very low-level, but it's more than enough to deal with these freshmen who only have black iron and bronze.

Those first-year freshmen, under the scorching sun, quickly became parched.

Some water-type supernatural beings tried to conjure water, but failed. Biqu library

They discovered that they had no abilities in this desert.

"If you want to kill, just kill, why torture us in this way." Someone couldn't help but said to the sky.

"I said, I will make your life worse than death!" At this time, Wutian Mingjun's voice came from the sky.

As time went by, the water in everyone's body became less and less.

Their lips were chapped and their eyes were lost.

Just like a fish that has landed on the shore, if it cannot drink water, it will die of thirst.

Some people are already in a daze, as if they will faint at any time.

"Can't sleep, if we fall asleep, we will never wake up again."

"We have to find a way to survive. Only by living can we have hope." Yang Jingna encouraged everyone.

With her encouragement, others started cheering each other on.

At this moment, suddenly, hundreds of bottles of mineral water fell from the sky.

This made everyone who had been dazed wake up in an instant.

"It's mineral water, it's mineral water!" A student shouted excitedly.

Then, he rushed towards the bottle of mineral water closest to him as fast as he could.

Soon, he took it in his hand and drank it in one gulp.

He felt his life was reborn.

Others naturally discovered the existence of mineral water.

However, there are more than 2,000 freshmen, but there are only more than 100 bottles of mineral water, which is obviously not enough.

Thus, a battle for mineral water began.

When there are many people and little water, everyone wants to get a whole bottle of mineral water.

"Don't fight, let's gather all the water and share it equally."

"In this way, each of us will get some water." Yang Jingna said loudly.

However, no one paid any attention to her words.

There are more than two thousand of them, but only one hundred bottles of mineral water.

If it is divided evenly, about 20 people will share a bottle of mineral water.

A bottle of mineral water has a total of 500 milliliters. If twenty people share it, each person can get about 25 milliliters.

Twenty-five milliliters is simply not enough for someone who has been thirsty for a long time.

Not even a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, at this time, only the strong can be respected.

Whoever grabs the mineral water belongs to it.

If you can't grab it, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

At this time, water is life.

So, everyone did their best.

The classmates around them were companions before, but now they are enemies.

Since it is an enemy, it can only be killed.

In this way, in the melee, people were constantly being killed by various means.

It can be said that many people at this time have lost their humanity, leaving only their animal nature.

As the scuffle broke out, more than 2,000 people died continuously.

In less than ten minutes, there were only more than two hundred people left.

Some of the more than two hundred people grabbed mineral water.

Some were worried that they would be killed and gave up the fight.

The person who snatched the water, after drinking the mineral water, looked indifferently at his companions around him.

At this time, there was no previous warmth on their faces.

They seem to have forgotten that Wutian Mingjun exists.

Those who were killed by their companions did not leave the Sumeru Illusion, but their bodies were imprisoned in the sky, their bodies disappeared, and they looked at the people in the desert.

At this moment, the expressions on each of their faces are very exciting.

Companions turned into executioners, this kind of thing has an equally huge impact on them.

All of this was naturally done intentionally by Song Wenwen.

He just wants these people to see

See how dark human nature can be.

Usually, many people are gentle and gentle, and treat others gently, but that is not threatening their own lives.

When Song Wenwen saw that the rest of the people in the desert drank all the mineral water, he was moved.

Soon, thousands of bottles of mineral water descended directly from the sky.

The water is enough for more than 2,000 students, and each of them gets several bottles.

Those who didn't grab the water before hurriedly opened the mineral water and drank it.

After each of the remaining two hundred people in the desert drank their fill, the thousands of bottles of mineral water that fell behind were piled up together.

They looked at the mineral water with ugly faces.

Before, they killed many companions in order to snatch the mineral water.

After only a few minutes, their mineral water was too much to drink.

"General Wang, it's all your fault, why did you attack our classmates?"

"As long as we persist for a few more minutes, there will be so many mineral waters."

"For such a little water, you actually killed your classmates."

"Fart, obviously you did it first, and it's still on me?"

"You are the one who disregards human life!"


For a while, those people who were satisfied with drinking water began to blame each other.

Everyone puts the blame on others.

No one wants to admit that they did something wrong.

"Xiao Jin, do you think that if you are in such an environment, will you do better than them?" Song Wenwen, who was outside the glass cover, looked at Jin Zizai and asked.

"I'm afraid not!"

"When life is threatened, who can guarantee that he will not reveal the dark side of his heart."

"Boss, you have shown their unbearable side so blatantly. How will they face each other after they leave the Sumeru Illusion?"

At this time, Huang Tianba asked a crucial question.

"This is their business, what does it have to do with me?"

"I'm already dead!" Song Wenwen said indifferently.

After leaving the Xumi Illusion, there will be two results.

First, these people put aside previous suspicions and get along better.

Second, there is a gap between these people, and everyone has become superficial friends since then.

Both outcomes have advantages and disadvantages.

As for which of these freshmen's choices would be, Song Wenwen didn't know either.

The first lesson at the beginning of school is to be cruel.

ps: good night!

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