Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 356: Two Space Crowding Fields

Regardless of whether Song Wenwen is a star or not, he must die!

Facing the attack of the four, Song Wenwen had no intention of playing any longer.

He accepted the head of the second place on the Hengjue City King Realm's must-kill list.

4.5 million military exploits, although not a lot.

But not too little.

"Chessboard space, now!" Song Wenwen's mind moved, and a circle of light appeared on his body.

In the next second, the circle of light enveloped the phantom four ghosts.

"No, it's the domain!" When the phantom four ghosts saw the light circle, their expressions changed.

Subsequently, they also launched their own field.

People in Sanyuantian recognized that only domains can fight domains.

It's just that, in the past, the kings of Hengjue City they met had no territory.

Because the laws of the Southern Tang Heaven are incomplete, it is very difficult for people in the Southern Tang Heavenly King Realm to conceive a domain.

Of course, not absolutely.

Soon, the two realms collided.

"Boom!" When the fields collided, the space where the two sides were located shook violently.

Immediately, at the location where the fields collided, violent energy waves were generated.

At the same time, the two spaces, like two rubber balls, are tightly attached to each other, squeezing each other.

At this time, a trace of surprise flashed in Song Wenwen's eyes.

He didn't expect that the realm of the Sanyuantian King Realm could compete with his backgammon space.

At this time, the Phantom Four Ghosts also saw the situation in Song Wenwen's chessboard space.

They also widened their eyes at this time.

Because, in the space of Song Wenwen, they saw the chessboard.

This made them suddenly think that just now Song Wenwen said that he is a star.

The sky makes the chessboard and the stars make the pieces, which is the origin of the name of Tianxing.

There is a chessboard in the field, which is quite in line with the characteristics of Tianxing.

Therefore, they now have reason to suspect that Song Wenwen is really a star.

The more they thought about it, the more likely it seemed,

Because, if it is an ordinary King Realm, it is absolutely impossible to compete with them for so long without losing the wind in the slightest.

In Hengjue City, perhaps only Tianxing has this strength.

The two domains are constantly confronting each other, and it seems that no one is left behind.

"Since one space is not enough, then two!"

"Xiaxiaole space, now

! "

Song Wenwen's mind moved, and another space appeared in front of him.

He has a law compiler, as long as he is given enough time, he can create countless spaces similar to backgammon spaces.

When the Xiaoxiaole space appeared, the domain of the Four Phantom Ghosts was greatly oppressed in an instant.

As if the next moment, it will be broken.

"There is still a domain, how is it possible?" Seeing Song Wenwen release another domain, the phantom four ghosts were stunned.

Because of all this, it has exceeded their cognition.

Sanyuantian recognized that each person can only give birth to one domain.

The four brothers have the same mind and can achieve four in one.

However, it is precisely because of this that only four of them can conceive one domain at the same time.

Of course, the realm conceived by the four of them is also much stronger than the realm of ordinary people.

Song Wenwen's backgammon space alone can compete with their domain, which is already very good.

When they think that Song Wenwen is a star, it is also reasonable to think that the backgammon space can compete with their field.

No matter how you say it, Tianxing is also at the top of their three-element heavenly king realm's must-kill list, and he is not a person who is in vain.

It's just that they never thought of it.

Song Wenwen was able to release the second realm unexpectedly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"There must be other people around here!" One of the four phantom ghosts said loudly.

So, he looked around, looking for signs of other people.

It's just that nothing was found.

"nothing is impossible."

"Your so-called impossible is only based on your incompetence."

As Song Wenwen said, he increased the attack of the two spaces.

"Boom!" The next moment, the domain of the Phantom Four Ghosts was directly overwhelmed by Song Wenwen's two spaces.

Just like a balloon, it burst directly.

"Pfft!" The four spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and their faces became extremely pale.

Afterwards, the bodies of the four of them were swallowed by Song Wenwen's two spaces.

Once defeated in the process of domain confrontation, the battle situation is basically doomed.

Because, if you fall into someone else's domain, you have to act according to other people's rules.

But it is difficult to break the rules of others.

say it too

Coincidentally, one of the four phantom ghosts entered the backgammon space.

The other three entered the Xiaoxiaole space.

This is really a complete coincidence.

Song Wenwen didn't do anything secretly.

Of course, that was what he had planned.

Backgammon space, he has already found someone to verify it.

Anyone who loses in the backgammon space will be killed by the rules of the backgammon space.

Therefore, Song Wenwen wants to verify the game of Xiaoxiaole.

After the program is written, it is always necessary to test it.

It's just that before, Song Wenwen hadn't found a suitable opportunity, nor had he found a suitable person.

This time, the phantom four ghosts just fit the rules of Xiaoxiaole.

The so-called rules of Xiaoxiaole are also very simple.

When three identical objects are collected together, they will be eliminated.

Anyone who has played matchmaker knows this rule.

Matching music is a small game that Song Wenwen used to pass the time when he was on Earth.

He has played more than two thousand levels.

His mantra at that time was: If you have nothing to do when you are free, it is better to have fun.

Therefore, when he used the rule compiler to compile the space, he compiled the Xiaoxiaole space.

Originally, this was just his own obsession.

In other words, it's a bad taste.

Who would have thought that just after leaving Hengjue City, they would meet a quadruplet.

Therefore, among the many spaces, he chose the Xiaoxiaole space without hesitation.

When the three of the four Phantom ghosts came to the Xiaoxiaole space, Song Wenwen manipulated the space inside and made the three of them line up in a straight line.

When the bodies of the three were on the same straight line, they suddenly felt an extremely terrifying tearing force.

They felt as if their bodies were about to be torn apart.

This situation lasted for three seconds.

Then the bodies of the three trembled for a moment, and then they turned into powder and disappeared completely.

Just like that, three of the four ghosts of Sanyuantian Phantom fell.

As for the remaining one, he was also chained by the rules of backgammon at this moment, and bound in front of the backgammon board.

Forced to start a game with Song Wenwen.

Once you enter someone else's domain, you can't help it at all.

Unless it's the Holy One who can break through all dharmas with one force!

ps: good night!

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