Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 358 Transformation And Longevity

Of course, it's just a little trance.

They bit the tip of their tongues and instantly woke up.

It's almost impossible to lose them just by sound.

Unless it is a strong man above the Holy One.

So, Song Wenwen and the others tiptoed towards the front. Biqu library

After passing through the bushes, they saw a small dark blue water pool.

In the middle of the small pool, there is a stone the size of a washbasin.

And on top of the stone, there is an ice-blue, fist-sized toad.

The sound just now came from it.

Although it is small in size, its aura is very powerful.

"Cold Jade Ice Toad!"

"A strange beast of the holy level!"

The moment he saw the ice-blue toad, this information popped up in Song Wenwen's mind.

If the Frost Jade Ice Toad didn't exude a powerful aura, it would be difficult for ordinary people to regard it as a holy beast.

"Dao Wuxin, get ready, let's work together to take down this Frost Jade Ice Toad!" Song Wenwen said to Dao Wuxin via voice transmission.

Dao Wuxin didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

Seeing Dao Wuxin nodding, Song Wenwen didn't act immediately.

His mind moved, and a space gate appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a petite figure appeared.

It is the white and black after shrinking!

When Bai Jiahei was in the ranch before, Song Wenwen had already explained the situation to him through voice transmission.

In order to be safe, he decided to join hands with the three of them.

In this way, Han Yubingchan is in his pocket.


Just when Song Wenwen and the others were preparing to act, suddenly, a roar resounded through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a gigantic creature descended from the sky, and came to the front of Hanyu Bingchan, staring at it unkindly.

This is a fire tiger of the holy level!

The moment Han Yubingchan felt the breath of the fiery tiger, an extremely powerful aura erupted from his body.

Thus, the two beasts of the holy level began to confront each other.

"Huh? Is this a pair of enemies?"


"If you're lucky, you might become a fisherman." Song Wenwen looked at the two strange beasts and said silently in his heart.

So, he was not in a hurry to start.

Instead, they hid aside with Dao Wuxin,

Be an audience.

"Some melon seeds!" Song Wenwen flipped his palm, took out two packs of melon seeds, and handed them to Dao Wuxin and Ganlu.

As for Bai Jiahei, he is not even a human being, and he is not qualified to eat melon seeds.

Under the watchful eyes of Song Wenwen and the others, the auras of Frost Jade Ice Toad and Raging Fire Tiger became stronger and stronger.

After this situation lasted for about ten seconds, the Frost Jade Toad and Raging Fire Tiger moved at the same time.

"Gah..." Hanyu Bingchan let out a cry.

A round of sound waves headed towards the Fiery Tiger.

It's just that such a sound wave can't possibly cause any damage to the Fiery Tiger.

"Roar!" The Raging Fire Tiger also roared.

The so-called Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest, its roar, with its body as the center, shakes within hundreds of miles.

Those weaker beasts trembled in the face of such a roar.

All of them prostrate themselves on the ground, expressing their submission.

With their strength, facing the aura emanating from the beasts of the holy level, they can't afford any resistance.

Not to mention them, even Song Wenwen and the others had to prop up an energy wave to resist the roar of the tiger.

"It's so strong, at least it's in the middle stage of a saint!" Dao Wuxin said in surprise.

"The middle stage of the saint?"

"Dao Wuxin, how is the realm of the holy realm divided?" Song Wenwen asked suddenly.

Because, it was the first time he had heard the word mid-sage.

"Holy Venerable is not the name of a realm, but a title of honor."

"The realm corresponding to the saint is the saint realm, because the number of people in the saint realm is rare, and they are powerful, so they can be called honorable."

"That's why many people refer to people in the realm of saints as saints."

"As for the strength division of the Saint Realm, it is different from the King Realm."

"The King Realm ranges from weak to strong, from King Five to King One."

"The saint realm is divided into three small realms."

"They are the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage."

Hearing Dao Wuxin's answer, Song Wenwen not only didn't get the joy of getting the answer, but frowned instead.

"Why do saints divide their strengths in the early, middle, and late stages?"

Since the division of strength is different, it must be due to some special reasons.

"Didn't you find out? Saint Realm

Below, whether it is King Realm, Diamond Realm, or Bronze Realm, life expectancy will basically not change much. "

"That is to say, in terms of lifespan alone, a supernatural being in the king realm may not necessarily be able to survive a supernatural being in the bronze realm."

"But after breaking through to the Saint Realm, the lifespan will increase."

"It can range from a hundred years to hundreds of years."

To be honest, Song Wenwen hadn't really thought about this issue before.

Of course, this is also because, in the past, he didn't have many opportunities to contact the Holy One.

After all, Blue Star's sages are all at Nine Levels Pass.

"Could it be because he understood the law?" Song Wenwen gave such an answer after thinking for a while.

"You can say that, but it's not accurate."

"The reason why the lifespan of the saints can be greatly extended is that after they comprehend the law, their bodies underwent a fundamental transformation."

"You can think of it as a transformation."

"Shedding the mortal? Do you mean shedding the mortal body?"


"In fact, the division of strength, before the Saint Realm, can be grouped into one big realm."

"This great realm is called the Transcendence Realm."

"After becoming a saint, you will enter the next realm, the longevity realm."

"Of course, the longevity here does not mean that the lifespan is endless, but that one has embarked on the road of longevity."

"What realm is above the longevity realm?"

Song Wenwen suddenly felt that a new world appeared in front of him.

In this new world, he vaguely saw traces of his mother.

"Above the Immortal Realm is the Mythical Realm!"

"After the strength breaks through to the mythical realm, the lifespan can basically be regarded as endless."

"As long as you are not killed by external forces, you can survive forever."

"Is the Mythical Realm the same as God in the traditional sense, as ordinary people call it?"

Song Wenwen felt that what Dao Wuxin said corresponded to some myths and legends when he was on earth.

Between the two worlds, he finally found something in common.

"Yes, the gods that ordinary people talk about are actually mythical realms and existences above mythical realms." Dao Wuxin said with certainty.

"Then my mother, what realm is it?"

Song Wenwen suddenly asked such a question.

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