Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 365: The Dragon In The Cave

Song Wenwen The ground behind them kept rolling, so they couldn't retreat, they could only keep moving forward.

At this time, Song Wenwen didn't dare to create hyperlinks at will to jump in space.

Because the ground is rolling at this time, if he jumps in space, he may be directly involved.

At that time, there may be some danger.

"Master, you go first!"

"Three Absolute Swords of Heaven and Earth, Fallen Star!"

Dao Wuxin said something to Song Wenwen, turned around suddenly, and slashed out at the rolling ground.

An extremely fierce saber air, thousands of meters long, slashed towards the rolling ground.

"Boom!" An earth-shattering boom sounded.

Suddenly, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and gravel splashed.

There was a gap in the rolling ground.

However, in less than three seconds, the gap was repaired.

The ground continued to roll towards the direction where Dao Wuxin was.

Seeing this situation, Dao Wuxin's expression changed, and he stopped attacking.

He hastily turned and flew forward.

At this moment, both Song Wenwen and Dao Wuxin looked a bit embarrassed.

Fortunately, their speed is faster than the rolling ground, so there is no danger.

In this way, the two continued to gallop forward.

One hour...two hours...three hours...

The ground was still rolling, and the two continued to fly.

"Dao Wuxin, do you feel that something is not quite right?"

"In this period of time, we have flown thousands of miles at least."

"However, we never flew out of the range of the Mountain of No Return."

"The Mountain of No Return shouldn't be so big, right?" Song Wenwen looked at Dao Wuxin and asked.

"If I'm not wrong, the two of us are no longer in the same sky."

"It should have entered a small space."

"This space should be stretched, and we seem to have flown thousands of miles."

"Actually, it's doing a circular motion."

What Dao Wuxin said was just speculation.

Whether it is or not, he doesn't know.

"Then what should we do?" Song Wenwen lost his mind for a while.

In the past, his opponents were all human beings.

He can use his own skills, as well as the essence of the dog's way, to kill the opponent.

However, now his opponent is not at all


All his moves are useless.

Speaking of which, Song Wenwen's experience is still too little.

"If we are really doing circular motion, then the position of the center of the circle must be safe."

"So, what we have to do now is to find the center of this space."

Finding the center of the circle is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

Because, they are fast-moving, rolling ground that won't give them time to calculate.

"Find the center of the circle?" Song Wenwen murmured.

Whether on Earth or Blue Star, his cultural lessons are good.

At this time, it is necessary to reflect the power of knowledge.

Although they are moving at high speed, he can engrave their trajectory in his mind.

Then simulate it in your head.

Just do it, Song Wenwen began to draw figures related to circles in his mind while observing their trajectories.

Half an hour later, two circles finally appeared in his mind.

These two circles slowly overlapped together, forming a circle. Biqu library

The next task is very simple.

Given a circle, how to find its center.

This is a middle school math problem.

Connect any two points on the circle, and then draw the perpendicular of this line segment.

In the same way, make the perpendicular of another line segment.

The intersection of the two perpendiculars is the center of the circle.

Song Wenwen has now found the center of the circle depicted in his mind, so next, he only needs to scale up.

"Wuxin, this way!" After a few more seconds, he said hastily.

So, the two speeded up.

Ten minutes later, the two came to a mountain depression.

There is a huge cave here, and in the cave, there are gusts of wind.

The ground here is no longer rolling, and it is considered a safe zone for the time being.

"If we want to leave the Mountain of No Return, I'm afraid we have to go in."

"Now that we have found the center of the circle, whether it is a dragon's pool or a tiger's lair, or a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, we have to break through."

After making a decision, the two jumped down from the hole.

As the two of them got deeper and deeper, the resistance beneath them also increased.

It's like diving.

However, the strength of the two is not bad, so they forced themselves to descend.

After descending about 500 meters, they suddenly felt something blocking him

their way.

"Break it!"

Song Wenwen didn't hesitate, and punched out directly.

This is called one force drop ten meetings!

No matter what is in front of you, break it with one punch.

"Boom!" A bang sounded, and Song Wenwen and the others suddenly felt that their bodies were weightless.

The resistance under their feet completely disappeared.

Their bodies fell uncontrollably towards the ground.

Before they had time to protect themselves, they felt that they had fallen to the ground.

"Bang! Bang!"

Immediately, there were two collision sounds on the ground.

"Hey, looking at the two poor little guys, they fell to the ground, so pitiful."

"Yeah, the face is deformed."

"This little face looks fair and ruddy. A slap in the face should leave an obvious mark."

"Rude, Monny, you're always so rude."


After Song Wenwen hit the ground, he heard chattering discussions not far away.

These voices don't seem to be very old, like a group of children.

However, the creatures that can appear on the Mountain of No Return are definitely not children.

Song Wenwen hurriedly stood up from the ground and looked towards the direction of the sound.

At this time, he saw that the people who spoke just now turned out to be a group of dragons.

It is the dragon with a head like a camel, eyes like a ghost, ears like a cow, horns like a deer, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger.

This is something Song Wenwen never thought of.

In this mountain of no return, there actually lived a group of dragons.

These dragons come in different sizes and in different colors.

At this time, Song Wenwen seemed to be in a daze, staring blankly at these dragons of different sizes.

But soon, he discovered that the bodies of these dragons seemed to be illusory.

Always looming.

"Who are you?" Song Wenwen looked at the dragons and asked.

He didn't know if these dragon-like beings were actually dragons.

Still, because of some things, it became like this.

"This human being is really interesting. He actually asked who we are?"

"Since you asked, I'll tell you."

"We are the masters of all worlds and the source of all evil."


One of the dragons said in a deep voice.

However, before he finished speaking, he laughed himself!

ps: good night!

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