Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 44: Order Of The God Of War

When those flying beasts were caught by the giant net, they were destined to become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Soon, they died under Song Wenwen's sword.

"Is the fourth level next?" Song Wenwen said silently in his heart.

Those who swim in the water, those who run on the ground, and those who fly in the sky have all come here once.

Next, what else.

To be honest, he was looking forward to it.

After a few seconds, Song Wenwen knew what the fourth level was.

What appeared in front of him was the sky full of yellow sand.

This piece of yellow sand can't be seen at a glance. Looking into the distance, I feel so small.

Not long after Song Wenwen appeared, suddenly, a strong wind rose around him.

Soon, a devastating sandstorm began.

The sudden sandstorm made Song Wenwen unable to keep his eyes open.

However, he clearly saw that there were some extremely tiny yellow bugs hidden in the sandstorm.

It's hard to spot them if you don't look carefully.

This is the real danger.

For the first time, Song Wenwen felt threatened.

Man is vulnerable in front of nature.

The power of nature is so terrifying.

Just like a drop of water, or a basin of water, will not harm anyone.

But when countless drops of water gather together to form a vast ocean and form huge waves, everything can be destroyed.

The same goes for wind and yellow sand.

A wisp of wind, a grain of sand, taken alone, are vulnerable to a single blow.

But when they come together, the same can destroy everything.

"I admit that you have some strength, but in front of me, you are vulnerable."

"Cell, split!" Song Wenwen said, opening the excel sheet.

Immediately, the originally extremely violent sandstorm in the sky was divided into countless small pieces.

Sandstorms that cannot gather together are vulnerable.

In the blink of an eye, the originally aggressive and oppressive sandstorm disappeared without a trace.

However, Song Wenwen soon discovered that there was something moving in the sand under his feet.

He guessed that this should be the strange beast living in the sand.

"Attack from both sides, this level designer is a bit perverted."

"No wonder it will be hell mode!" Song Wenwen said silently in his heart


For other candidates, just facing the sandstorm is already exhausted.

Not to mention, to prevent the strange beasts in the sand under your feet.

The strange beast in the sand didn't know what Song Wenwen was thinking, and directly attacked him.

"Insert a histogram!" Song Wenwen used this skill.

Soon, several square stone pillars rose from under his feet, and his body instantly rose from the ground.

In this way, the strange beasts in the yellow sand would not be able to attack him.

"You are hiding in the yellow sand and don't want to come out, then I will help you out!"

"Insert histogram!"

Soon, all kinds of stone pillars rose continuously from the yellow sand, and on each stone pillar was one or two yellow strange beasts.

Song Wenwen killed them as quickly as possible without any hesitation.

In this way, Song Wenwen easily passed the fourth level.

"Next, it should be the last level."

"I don't know what it could be?"

"Question maker, how many tricks do you have?" Song Wenwen said.

A few seconds later, he appeared in a dark environment.

Here, he couldn't see his fingers, and he didn't know what his surroundings looked like.

"Such an environment will cause people's vision to lose its function. For ordinary people, if they can't see it, their combat effectiveness will indeed be greatly reduced."

"And the dark and unfamiliar environment will amplify people's inner fear."

"The person who made the question is really perverted."

"But it's a pity that the color of the environment is what I'm least afraid of."

"Background color fill-white!" Song Wenwen said, turning his surroundings into white.

In a white environment, other colors have nothing to hide.

He found that there were hundreds of black-bodied strange beasts hidden around him, and they had already attacked him.

If he hadn't turned the background into white, then even if these black beasts came to him, he might not be able to spot them.

It's a pity that now, these black strange beasts have all become living targets.

In a few minutes, Song Wenwen killed all the strange beasts around him.

No more, no less, exactly one hundred.

"Congratulations for passing the hell mode perfectly and getting the hidden reward, God of War Token." At this time, a mechanical voice sounded.

At the same time, a

A purple-gold token appeared in front of Song Wenwen.

"The God of War Token, it's actually the God of War Token, the reward is too generous." Song Wenwen said in an unbelievable tone.

When he stayed in the veteran's building for the ten days before, he heard about the God of War order.

To be called the God of War can only be called the God of War if the combat achievements reach more than 20 million.

It is said that there are only eight Gods of War in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

God of War can mobilize the resources of the entire Veteran Building if needed.

The so-called God of War order is naturally a token that symbolizes the God of War.

With the God of War Token, you can exercise the power of the God of War once.

In other words, after Song Wenwen got the God of War Token, he could make a request to the veteran building.

As long as Veteran Lou can do it, he must not refuse.

This is something that many people dream of, but they can't get it.

Song Wenwen didn't expect that he would get the God of War order just after taking the college entrance examination once.

Although it can only be used once, it is still a rare treasure for him.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and took the God of War Token in his hand.

The word "Oriental" is engraved on the War God Order.

Just when Song Wenwen got the God of War Token, the scene changed, and he appeared in the place where he entered the secret realm.

In other words, his college entrance examination is over.


At this moment, in a secret room in the imperial capital.

An old man who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes.

"How is it possible, how is this possible, someone actually took away my War God Token."

"No, I have to go and see for myself."

"If this person really exists, I must accept him as a disciple." The old man said, and he left the secret room with a flash.

He is one of the designers of the Dragon Kingdom College Entrance Examination.

On a whim, I used one of my God of War tokens as a reward and placed it on the last level.

However, in his opinion, it is almost impossible to obtain the reward of the God of War Order.

Because he knew how abnormal the level of the college entrance examination was.

In order to obtain the God of War Token, you must complete the customs clearance perfectly.

And if you want to achieve a perfect clearance, you must get a full score in each level.

And when you choose the mode in the third level, you must choose the hell mode.

Similarly, in the hell mode, you must also get full marks.

Only in this way can the War God Order be obtained.

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