However, Song Wenwen did not send a message to his father immediately, but continued to study the software.

If he can send it to Moments, he will say a few words.

Surrounded by hundreds of millions of army ants, what should I do?

Waiting online, very urgent.

He also attaches a selfie of himself and the army ants.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? Penguin Farm? And Penguin Ranch?" Suddenly, Song Wenwen saw two small icons that made him unbelievable.

It is the farms and ranches that people on earth are familiar with.

These two functions are also accompanied by the youth of many people.

Who in their twenties and thirties has never stolen food?

Song Wenwen glanced at the army ants under the stone pillars, and found that it would take some time for them to destroy these stone pillars.

So, he clicked on the farm.

In the next second, his consciousness appeared in a not-so-large piece of land.

The land was reddish-brown in color and looked extremely fertile.

"If I planted the land here, I would be able to harvest it in a short period of time like planting vegetables." Song Wenwen said silently in his heart.

Thinking about it, he began to look for things that could be planted in the network disk.

He reserves a lot of food, water and the like.

But there doesn't seem to be anything that can be planted.

"By the way, Long Lingzhi!" Suddenly, Song Wenwen thought of the Long Lingzhi that he had stolen from the Liu family back then.

The level of this thing is too high, if he wants to copy it with his current physical strength, it will take three months.

He didn't have so much time to waste on copying Long Lingzhi.

Therefore, this Long Lingzhi has been stored in the network disk by him.

Moreover, the activity of Long Lingzhi has been activated by the Liu family, so he can plant it directly.

Thinking of this, he took out Long Lingzhi and planted it in the ground under his feet.

Long Ganoderma lucidum took root on the ground, and the moment it touched the ground, the roots went deep into the soil.

Immediately afterwards, it grew rapidly.

More vibrant than before.

If Long Ganoderma lucidum was like a sick person before, now it is revived with full blood.

Soon, Song Wenwen saw a faint light emanating from Long Lingzhi.

Immediately afterwards, a young dragon shadow hovered above Long Lingzhi.

[There are still five minutes before maturity, please pay attention to charging]

At this time, Song Wenwen saw that in the dragon

On the Ganoderma lucidum, such a reminder appeared.

"Five minutes, I can afford to wait." Song Wenwen said, and began to strengthen the stone pillars under his feet.

Before he thoroughly figured out all the functions of Penguin Chat, he didn't have the mind to do other things.

This is a problem he left behind when he was a programmer.

Facing a new software, he always wants to figure out all the functions at the first time.

Fortunately, although the number of army ants is huge, their individual attack power is very small.

Five minutes passed quickly.

Long Ganoderma lucidum has finally reached its ripening time.

Song Wenwen used the mouse to click Harvest immediately.

Soon, there was a Long Lingzhi plant in the storage room of the farm.

The effect is much stronger than the Long Lingzhi planted before.

Afterwards, Song Wenwen turned his attention to the place where Long Ganoderma lucidum had been planted before.

He found that there was also a Long Ganoderma lucidum growing in this place.

[There are still ten days before maturity, please pay attention to charging]

When seeing this prompt, Song Wenwen looked excited.

In other words, every ten days in the future, he will be able to harvest a Long Lingzhi.

This thing is very sought after.

"This farm is about an acre, and there are many things to grow."

"After going out for a while, search carefully in the Bermuda forest to see if you can find other natural treasures." Song Wenwen said silently in his heart.

The Bermuda Forest is not only a paradise for exotic animals, but also a paradise for natural treasures.

It is no exaggeration to say that treasures of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere here.

Since he came here, Song Wenwen didn't want to come in vain.

Song Wenwen probably figured out the function of the farm.

Next is the ranch.

In the next second, he switched from the farm to the pasture.

The size of the ranch is about ten times larger than the farm, and the stuff in it is different.

Among the farms, there are various terrains.

Mountains, woods, bushes, pools.

"There is a feeling of controlling everything." Song Wenwen looked at the various terrains in the ranch and said to himself.

However, it is currently empty, without any strange beasts.

"How about I catch a few army ants and try it out." After Song Wenwen said this, he turned his attention to the army ants under his feet.

"Insert the form!" Soon, following Song Wenwen's order,

A large net fell from the sky, and dozens of army ants were caught in the net.

Afterwards, Song Wenwen sent these army ants to the pasture.

After those army ants appeared in the pasture, they seemed to have lost their goal and didn't know what to do.

After all, they are just alien beasts in the black iron realm, with very low spiritual intelligence.

After being frozen in place for a few seconds, they relied on their instincts and began to build their nests in the bushes in the pasture.

"Come here!" At this moment, Song Wenwen looked at the army ants that were building their nests and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, several army ants were controlled by an invisible energy and sent to Song Wenwen.

"Go over and throw it into the pool." Immediately afterwards, Song Wenwen said again.

In the blink of an eye, those army ants flew into the pool.

If army ants could talk, they would definitely say: I am not a human, but you are a real dog.

"Hahaha, I felt right before. In this pasture, I am the master."

"My little ones, dad is here!" Song Wenwen said excitedly when he saw this phenomenon.

Afterwards, he withdrew his consciousness from the pasture, and looked at the army ants under his feet.

At this moment, his expression is not fear, but like looking at a rare treasure.

If these army ants can be subdued, whoever dares to make mistakes in the future, he will directly open the door and release the ants.

Thinking of this, he voluntarily jumped off the stone pillar under his feet and came among the army ants.

Afterwards, he opened a gap in the pasture, and then stood in the pasture, using his body as bait, waiting for the arrival of the army ants.

The army ants didn't have much intelligence, so they rushed towards Song Wenwen directly.

It's just that when they came to the pasture, they couldn't help themselves.

In this way, more and more army ants entered the pasture and were raised by Song Wenwen.

"Little babes, come on a little more."

"A little more!"

"The more the merrier!"

"I'm a tiger!"

Song Wenwen said in a very flat tone.

Maybe he is the first person in history to show such an expression when facing army ants.


At this moment, a jet of water suddenly sprayed on Song Wenwen's face.

This surprised him, and he looked around vigilantly.

ps: The data of the book has increased today. The author has decided that starting tomorrow, there will be at least 10,000 updates per day. Where is the applause?

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