Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 64: Stealing The Offspring Of Alien Beasts

This gave Song Wenwen a big jump, he turned around and ran away.

Whether the cells he arranged around him can block these blue flames is still unknown.

If he can't stop it, he will be finished.

"What did this idiot do to make Lanyan Fengniao so angry?" Song Wenwen said silently while running forward with all his strength.

Lan Yanfengniao gave him the feeling that he was so angry that he had lost his mind.

At this moment, he seemed to destroy everything.

Song Wenwen ran for nearly twenty miles in one breath before stopping.

At this moment, he was leaning against the trunk of a big tree, panting heavily, with a look of lingering fear.

Just now he clearly felt a strong threat.

Those blue flames are extremely hot.

At this time, suddenly Qiuqiu's head poked out from the void in front of Song Wenwen.

This startled him, and he almost attacked subconsciously.

"Why, did you get the egg of the blue flame phoenix bird?" Seeing the ball that appeared, Song Wenwen asked hastily.

Qiuqiu nodded, then pointed to Song Wenwen's body.

Song Wenwen understood what Qiuqiu meant, and the other party put the stolen eggs in the pasture.

So, Song Wenwen inserted a frame around himself to protect himself, and put his consciousness in the pasture.

Soon he discovered that there was an extra bird's nest on a big tree in the pasture.

There are three eggs in the nest.

"You stupid bastard, you even stole someone's nest?"

"No wonder the blue flame phoenix is ​​so angry." Song Wenwen said.

Originally, he only planned to let Qiuqiu steal an egg. Who would have thought that he forgot to explain, and Qiuqiu would do such a big thing quietly.

However, it has already been stolen, so naturally he will not return it.

So, he turned his attention to the top of the bird's nest.

[There are still three days before hatching]

"It can be hatched in three days. I don't know how long it will take to grow to maturity." Song Wenwen said silently in his heart.

If you want to know this time, you have to wait for the egg to hatch a strange beast before there will be a reminder.

"Qiaoqiu, let's continue!" Song Wenwen said to Qiuqiu.

The blue flame phoenix alone is still too monotonous.

There must also be other strange beasts.

Hearing Song Wenwen say this, Qiuqiu hurriedly pointed at him, and then

Make gestures of eating.

It seems to be saying: I stole the bird eggs for you, it's time for you to give me potato chips.

"Qiaoqiu, the layout should be enlarged, and don't always stare at the little En Xiaohui in front of you."

"Two packs of potato chips, I can miss yours."

"Wait until you help me steal some other alien beast eggs or alien beast cubs, and I'll give you a box of spicy sticks."

"You little guy hasn't eaten spicy strips, right? That's the most delicious thing in Longguo." Song Wenwen said.

However, Qiuqiu didn't show any interest and continued gesticulating.

He seems a bit stubborn, and he won't stop without chips.

"Qiaoqiu, the road is narrow."

"You have to learn to trust your master!" Song Wenwen said, took out two packs of potato chips and handed them to Qiuqiu.

The moment he saw the potato chips, there was a flash of excitement in Qiuqiu's eyes, and he hurriedly caught them.

Afterwards, his little short hand casually stuffed the potato chips into his arms, and the potato chips disappeared.

[You have gained Qiuqiu's trust, favorability +10, current favorability is 50]

"Huh? Qiuqiu, where did you put the potato chips?" Song Wenwen didn't pay attention to the prompt, but grabbed the ball and touched it carefully.

He observed it for a long time, but he didn't find any place on Qiuqiu's body to put things on. Biqu library

Seeing Song Wenwen's curious look, Qiuqiu put his short hand on his stomach, then pulled it out, and the potato chips appeared.

It seems to be saying: Look clearly, that's how it was taken out.

"You idiot, don't you have a storage space hidden in your belly?" Song Wenwen said curiously.

Qiuqiu didn't know if he heard Song Wenwen's words. After he put the potato chips close to his stomach, the potato chips disappeared again.

Song Wenwen didn't struggle with this.

This is the ability of the ball.

The more capable Qiuqiu is, the happier he is.

For the next period of time, Song Wenwen followed suit.

He used snacks as wages, and then asked Qiuqiu to steal the alien beast cubs and alien beast eggs in the Bermuda forest.

Qiuqiu never disappointed him. Every time he went out, he would steal all the cubs or eggs of a certain kind of alien beast.

The ball goes out, not a blade of grass grows!

Moreover, Qiuqiu seems to be very knowledgeable, every time the alien cubs or alien beast eggs are stolen, the quality is very high.

Most of them are descendants of Diamond Realm, but there are also many descendants of King Realm.


In one day, in Song Wenwen's ranch, there were no less than 500 different kinds of strange beasts.

With the loss of more and more descendants of alien beasts in the Bermuda forest, the Bermuda forest became completely chaotic.

Because many strange beasts suspected that their descendants were lost because of other strange beasts.

After all, different beasts can also increase their strength by devouring each other.

As a result, many scuffles began in the Bermuda forest.

The movement was huge and devastating.

"Qiaoqiu, stop playing, let's go."

"Go home!" Song Wenwen said to Qiuqiu.

After that, he kept galloping forward in one direction.

As for the treasures of heaven and earth and the descendants of other strange beasts he met on the road, he completely ignored them.

This time, coming to the Bermuda Forest, the harvest is big enough.

As a human being, don't be too greedy.

"Sell some of the things harvested this time, and you can get together a million spirit stones."

"My fate can be restored." Song Wenwen said to himself while galloping forward.

In fact, Song Wenwen didn't realize that, all this time, he was always on the edge of a dead end.

Because since he came to Blue Star, he got used to relying on himself.

Also subconsciously, he regards his father as the lame Song Lao San who cheats him of money at every turn.

He always forgets that his father is the youngest God of War in Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, he just learned of this news before he was attacked by Cape Tianya.

If Song Huangquan knew, only a million spirit stones would be needed to restore Song Wenwen's fate.

He will definitely deliver the Lingshi to Song Wenwen in the shortest possible time.

Let alone a million, even tens of millions, hundreds of millions, he will find a way to get it.

Of course, another reason is that Song Wenwen has a golden finger in his hands, and the awakening ability is just icing on the cake for him, not a gift in the snow.

It's best to be able to awaken, and it doesn't matter if you can't.

"I don't know what abilities I will awaken at that time?" Song Wenwen said with a little expectation.

According to what Song Huangquan told him before, the better the parents, the better their offspring will be.

Song Huangquan has the ability of [Judgment] ranked No. 48, and has become the youngest God of War in the history of Dragon Kingdom.

According to common sense, once he awakens his abilities, he should be better than blue than blue.

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