Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 99: Spirit Stones Are Not Enough

"Is there something wrong?" Zhong Hang looked at Song Wenwen and asked.

"I'll collect the bill, twelve thousand spirit stones." Song Wenwen said directly.

"What spirit stone? Do I owe you a spirit stone?"

"Student, although we know each other well, you can't spout blood."

"I never borrow spirit stones from others." Zhong Hang said innocently.

Why should he pay back the debt he owed by his ability?

"Yo? Are you pretending to be stupid with me?"

"Why, plan to owe the spirit stone and not pay it back?" Song Wenwen looked at Zhong Hang and asked with interest.

"I'll say it again, I don't owe you any Lingshi."

"You said that I owe you the spirit stone. Is there any evidence? Show me the IOU." Zhong Hang said.

He has made up his mind not to return the spirit stone.

"Boy, you have to think clearly and answer, some things only have one chance."

"Once you miss this opportunity, you will pay a heavy price." At this time, Jin Zizai and Huang Batian stepped forward and looked at Zhong Hang and said.

"What do you want to do? Let me tell you, in the academy, if you shoot your classmates for no reason, you will be punished very severely."

"If you dare to attack me, you will die." Zhong Hang said.

If he really did it, he would definitely not be the opponent of the three of them.

But he is not afraid.

"Yo, you are threatening me?"

"Do you think Young Master is the kind of person who is threatened by others?"

"You don't inquire about it, but if you look at the entire imperial capital, who the hell dares to threaten me, Jin Zizai?"

"Are you brave?" Jin Zizai said.

"Xiao Jin, don't get angry, there is no one to replace you when you get sick."

"It's okay to be angry with this kind of person." Song Wenwen turned around at this moment, patted Jin Zizai on the shoulder and said.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhong Hang.

"Play rogue with me? You can."

"You may not know that I'm the ancestor when I'm playing rogue."

"Originally, you only need to return 12,000 spirit stones to me. However, let me tell you now, when you want to take the initiative to return it, please prepare 120,000 spirit stones."

"It's nothing else, and I'm not threatening you."

"Just out of curiosity, wanting to see, how can you not come to me for a few days." After Song Wenwen finished speaking, he turned and left.

This made Jin Zizai and Huang Tianba a little confused, and Song Wenwen just gave up.

The two looked at each other, and then chased after them.

"The person who can make me, Zhong Hang, take the initiative to repay the money has not yet been born." Looking at Song Wenwen's leaving back, Zhong Hang said something disdainful.

Then the door of the villa was closed.

"Boss, are you planning to leave like this?" Huang Tianba asked.

"The fun has only just begun."

"In this world, no one can owe me the spirit stone."

"Unless that person is my father." Song Wenwen said.

The two didn't know what Song Wenwen was planning, but they chose to believe him unconditionally.


Night came quietly.

ten in the evening

After midnight, Song Wenwen lay on the bed and opened his property panel.

Speaking of which, he hadn't practiced well for several days because of various things.

【Object Name】: Song Wenwen

【Age】: 18

[Physical strength]: 1684 (gold five)

[Soul Strength]: 1902 (Gold Five)

[Ability attribute]: none

[Combat power]:? ?

The ranks of monks, from low to high, are: black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and king.

(I saw some readers commented that the description of combat power was not detailed enough, so I specially added that the following 500 words are not included in the total number of words in this chapter)

Each big realm is divided into five small realms.

For example, the gold level, from low to high, are: gold five, gold four, gold three, gold two, gold one.

Each realm corresponds to the value of physical strength or soul strength, and each realm is calculated according to the lowest value of the two.

Black Iron Realm: 1-50 (The minimum of Black Iron Five is 1, every 10 points increase, the strength will increase by a small realm.)

Bronze level: 51-250 (Bronze 5 has a minimum of 50, and every 50 points increase, the strength will increase by a small level.)

Silver Realm: 251-1000 (Silver Five has a minimum of 251, and every 187.5 points increase, the strength will increase by a small realm.)

Gold Realm: 1001-5000 (Golden Five has a minimum of 1001, and every time you increase 1000 points, your strength will increase by a small realm.)

Platinum Realm: 5001-25000 (Platinum Five has a minimum of 5001, and every time you increase 5000 points, your strength will increase by a small realm.)

Diamond Realm: 25001-100000 (Diamond Five has a minimum of 25001. For every 18750 points increase, the strength will increase by a small realm.)

King: 100,000+ (For every 200,000 increase in physical strength and soul strength, a small realm will be raised.)

Song Wenwen's current physical strength is 1684, and his soul strength is 1902. Take the minimum value of the two, which is the physical strength value of 1684.

So he is equivalent to the golden five.

The combat power of a supernatural being is the sum of the strength of the physical body and the strength of the soul.

Combat strength will change according to the current physical condition of the supernatural person, the strength of the supernatural power used, and the blessing of the treasure, and it is not static.

Song Wenwen now has too many various skills, so the combat power cannot be calculated at all.

His current situation is that if he uses the right skills, he can become supernatural, but if he doesn't use skills, he is just an ordinary golden five.

After closing his attribute panel, Song Wenwen descended his consciousness into the pasture.

The first thing he noticed was the egg of the blue flame phoenix that Qiuqiu stole back then.

He found that the eggs of the blue flame phoenix had already hatched.

In the nest of the blue flame phoenix, there are three little guys sleeping peacefully


[From the maturity period, the countdown is 31 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes and 36 seconds]

Seeing this hint, Song Wenwen was a little stunned.

As far as he knew, in the natural state, it would take at least three years for the blue flame phoenix to grow to maturity.

Unexpectedly, in the ranch, this time was shortened by nearly forty times.

After careful observation by Song Wenwen, he found that the same was true for other strange beasts in the ranch.

The growth cycle has been shortened by forty times.

"In the pasture, there seems to be an energy that is constantly urging their growth." Song Wenwen observed for a while, and said to himself.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, where does the energy they absorb come from?" Song Wenwen asked suspiciously.

"From Lingshi!" Xiao Yi replied.

"What? The energy they absorbed is my spirit stone?" Song Wenwen opened his c drive as he spoke.

He stored all the five million spirit stones that his father gave him in the c drive for daily consumption of skills.

Among them, one million spirit stones are used to restore fate.

However, looking at it now, he found that there were only two million of the remaining four million spirit stones.

In just three days, two million spirit stones were gone.

He originally thought that with the five million spirit stones his father gave him, he could be considered a rich man no matter what.

But according to the current consumption rate, all his belongings can only last for a little more than five days.

These are the little guys in the ranch at present, they are still in their infancy.

In the future, as the body gets bigger and bigger, more and more energy will be consumed.

"Mom, this is too scary."

"It seems that the reopening of the first floor is urgent." Song Wenwen said to himself.

He originally planned to open the first floor in the imperial capital after being chic for a while.

Now it seems that it is too late.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to Dao Wuxin and Nangong Weiyang.

Let them come to the imperial capital tomorrow.

A few seconds later, Dao Wuxin replied with the word "OK".

Although the reply is a bit simple, it can be regarded as a response anyway.

However, Nangong Weiyang remained silent for a long time.

"Forget it, it's enough to have a knife but not a heart." Song Wenwen said.

Nangong Weiyang is the eldest lady of the Nangong family. After she comes to the imperial capital, it is really unknown whether she will show herself the shop like she did in Phoenix City.

So, it doesn't really matter if she comes or not.

Afterwards, Song Wenwen used the computer housekeeper to check his body.

[Fate is being repaired, the countdown is 7 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes and 37 seconds. 】

"There are still seven days left." Song Wenwen said something, got up from the bed, and left the villa.

Zhong Hang didn't pay back his debts, now it's time for him to use some tricks.

Otherwise, Zhong Hang thought that he, Song Wenwen, suffered from being dumb just like this.

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