"It's contaminated!"

Yu Shiba looked at the psychic metal flying sword. The originally silver sword body turned slightly yellow, and there was a stubborn and dirty aura flowing on it.

Next, Yu Shiba spent half an hour using Lightning Style to completely purify it.

This shows how stubborn the filthy aura attached to the sword is. You know, it didn't take more than half an hour for him to use thunder to purify a B-level dark energy crystal.

"Psychic metal knives are easy to be contaminated and are inefficient. It seems that I have no choice but to use Lightning Style·Thunder Pass!"

After Yu Shiba touched his chin and pondered for a moment, he remembered the prohibition against urinating anywhere in the secret realm, and suddenly an idea came to him.

After hesitating for a moment, he grimaced, gritted his teeth, and made a decision directly.

The next moment, he directly asked Mo Yu to spit out a plastic bag and toilet paper, and then drove Mo Yu to the wall in the corner.

Then...he pulled a lump of Rexiang on the spot. Because he is a transcendent, his digestion ability is particularly good, so Brother Xiang is very delicate.

Considering that it is evening and everyone has finished eating, I will not describe Brother Xiang’s appearance in detail.

After doing all this, Yu Shiba thought for a while and asked the black cat to spit out a snakeskin bag used to hold spiritual vegetables in its space, planning to use it to hold dark energy spiritual crystals later.

Then, he put Brother Xiang into a plastic bag, separated out a Shadow Clone, assigned 3200 points of spiritual energy to it, and then ran the sequence core to replenish the spiritual energy in his body.

Since the speed at which he absorbs spiritual energy is slower than the evaporation speed of the light energy crystals in the corner, the spiritual energy in the space is always saturated.

After getting everything ready...

He released the clone into the space and waited for a minute to make sure nothing happened. He merged with Mo Yu and transformed into a boy with cat ears and appeared on the edge of the plain.

As soon as he appeared, Brother Xiang's aura quickly spread in his hand, and suddenly, dozens or hundreds of demon rats poked their heads out of the hole, agitated.

"Shit la Lei~"

Yu Shiba yelled and threw the plastic bag containing Brother Xiang into the air hundreds of meters away. Suddenly, hundreds of magic rats shot up from the ground and tore towards the plastic bag. Soon Brother Xiang was Being torn apart, flying all over the sky.

The next moment, Yu Shiba opened a distance of ten meters from his clone, and released Raikiri with his two opposite hands. In an instant, thunder light bloomed in this dark world, illuminating the world.

Under the control of Sharingan, Yu Shiba and his avatar stretched out their hands holding Raikiri. The two Raikiri were ten meters apart and connected to form a dazzling and sharp lightning line. It exuded a terrifying sharp aura and seemed to be able to cut off everything. hinder.

"Clone, come on!"

As soon as he said this, Yu Shiba immediately used Ninja Run with his clone, tilting his upper body to the ground at an angle of 30°, and keeping the stretched lightning line at a height of 60 cm from the ground.

At the same time, both of them were covered with defensive Chidori Ryū lightning arcs, like two thunder balls, carrying them towards the rats, and the surrounding scenery was rapidly retreating.


"Chi chi chi..."

The sky over the plain was lit up by thunder, and the shrieking of thousands of birds and the shrieking of mice resounded throughout the night sky.

On a grassland covered with mouse holes, two teenagers wrapped in lightning ran wildly holding lightning cords, creating a spectacular scene.

While running, Yu Shiba and the clone's free hand released Chidori at the same time when they were halfway through the sprint, ready to kill the demon rats that tried to interfere with their sprint at any time.

In this way, they carried the lightning line and got closer and closer to the demon rats...

Lightning Style's ability to restrain Warcraft is no joke.

After Yu Shiba and his clones rushed forward, several C-level demon rats poked out of the hole and rushed towards them. However, after the Chidori style hit them, their hair was burnt black and they were bounced away with black smoke. Unable to hinder them, they stabbed him to death on the spot with a Chidori.

When he was about to rush in front of the rats, Yu Shiba and his clones flashed red light in the Sharingan at the same time, and three magatama rotated around the pupils in their eyes, instantly releasing the group illusion: Fox Heart Technique.

Among the demon rats, everyone who saw their eyes froze and started walking on the spot as if they were stupid. Although they got rid of the illusion immediately, it was... too late.

In an instant, Yu Shiba and his avatar turned into two afterimages, pulling on the lightning line, passing through the rats, like light piercing the dark night.

Destroy everything!

Under the terrifying sharpness of the thunder lines formed by Raikiri, nearly fifty demon rats were immediately cut in half. Blood spattered on the thunder lines and the shield formed by the Chidori flow, making it dim. It lasted for a few minutes, but was quickly purified into black smoke.

At the same time, Yu Shiba and his clones were holding Chidori, and while running, they penetrated and killed the demon rats outside the lightning line.

"Die to me!"

Yu Shiba, who has long hair reaching his waist and looks like a gentle boy with ancient cat ears, has a bloodthirsty smile on his face. He holds a thunderbolt in his hand, as if the Lord of Thunder has come to the world. He is running at high speed, with his white hair dancing like lightning. .


Amidst the terrified screams of the rats, Yu Shiba and his clones killed the first round of demon rats and turned around again.

The next moment, he and his clone once again pulled the lightning line, which had dimmed a bit but remained sharp, and continued to rush towards the remaining demon rats.

The Sharingan in the eyes of the two people turned, and streaks of red light flashed out in the high-speed movement. They ran and swept away while avoiding the counterattack of the demon rats. After pulling the lightning line and cutting more than ten magic rats, they finally made the lightning line completely. The gloom dissipated, but the ground was already covered with corpses of demonic rats, exuding a stench like purgatory.

There was no time to pick up all the C-level dark energy crystals. After the lightning line disappeared, Yu Shiba and his clone condensed the five-meter-long Chidori Light Sword at the same time, and at the same time protected themselves with the Chidori Style. The group moved horizontally and vertically, and quickly killed several more demon rats.

During the battle, Yu Shiba created another clone and asked him to hold a sack and frantically pick up dark energy crystals on the ground.


The shrill screams of mice sounded, and more and more mice appeared.

Around him, countless rats swarmed in like a tide. What tempted them was not Yu Shiba, but the corpses of rats and dark energy crystals. They only had animal nature and had no concept of not cannibalizing their own kind.

Yu Shiba looked dignified, his body covered with Chidori Style, he rushed to the clone, and put the snakeskin bag containing the dark energy crystal into his own space.

Just as he was about to enter the space, a terrifying aura suddenly came from the front, and then he saw a magic rat the size of a buffalo with a black body shooting towards him.

This is clearly a mid-level B-level magic rat.

"No..." Yu Shiba's expression suddenly changed.

"Squeak!" At the same time as the B-class demon rat ran towards him, a sharp roar sounded out of his mouth like a knife scraping glass. The terrifying mental shock attacked indiscriminately, hitting him and the two clones in an instant.

After receiving the mental shock, Yu Shiba's body shook, but he did not suffer much damage. However, the value of Lin Wanjun's spiritual protection barrier in his brain had changed from the original 26000/50000 to 37000/50000, which was completely consumed. In case of a thousand points.

"Bang! Bang!"

At the same time, his two clones also turned into smoke and dissipated in place under the B-level mental impact. The severe pain caused by their death made Yu Shiba's body suddenly stiffen, and two lines of nosebleeds slowly flowed out.

Soon, Yu Shiba regained his clarity, and then he saw that the B-class demon rat, which was still hundreds of meters away, was approaching him, zooming in quickly in front of his eyes, and its foul-smelling mouth was very close...

"Stop!" Yu Shiba's expression changed drastically, and he activated his spatial ability at the same time, and then his body instantly faded.

The demon rat finally pounced on Yu Shiba's afterimage, let out an angry roar, and shocked several demon rats to death. He turned around and looked around, but when he didn't find Yu Shiba's figure, he drove all the demon rats away very roughly. , and then feasted on the corpse of the demon rat on the ground.

——And on the other side, in space.

Yu Shiba lay on his back in the pure land space, panting wildly with his eyes open, with an expression of fear and excitement on his face.

"It's so exciting!"

There is no doubt that this is the closest he has been to death. If it weren't for the fact that eight clones died not long ago, which made his mental strength a lot stronger, after the sudden death of two clones this time, he would not be able to survive in a short time. Get rid of the severe pain within a short period of time, and use space to avoid the attack of the demon rat.

"As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. The harvest this time is really big!" Yu Shiba Le couldn't close his mouth. Putting aside the dozens of C-level dark energy spiritual crystals discarded aside, in this operation, He killed a total of 74 demon rats, and the completion rate of the main mission reached 94/200.

Then, the energy points obtained by killing each demon rat were between 800 and 1,200 points, giving him a total of 82,600 energy points.

Coupled with some scattered C-level creatures he killed before and the 84,640 energy points he gained before entering the secret realm, his current energy points totaled 172,640 points.

Yu Shiba has never been so rich!

"Flying Thunder God Flying Thunder God!"

Yu Shiba was in a state of excitement, but when his consciousness passed through the mall, it was like a bucket of cold water was poured on him, and the expression on his face became solidified.

"System, where is my Flying Thunder God? It's already 17W, doesn't it still meet the conditions?" Yu Shiba asked in his mind with a look of pain on his face.

There is no response from the system.

"Should I collect 200,000 and see if there is Flying Thunder God, or should I buy other skills first?" Yu Shiba hesitated and found that in the list of Lightning Style Ninja Techniques, Lateral Bolt of Pain and Lei Wo Bomb still did not appear. Obviously, It's that his physical strength is still not up to par.

"Forget it, let's buy an illusion first as a supplement!"

He set his sights on the illusion [Magic Narakumi Technique].

Skill description: No matter what one's will is, there will be a scene in everyone's heart that they are always afraid of and do not want to see. This illusion is to use everyone's fear to materialize it and make people feel that it is reality, that is to say The greater the fear in the heart of the target, the stronger the impact of this technique, causing the opponent to see the most feared image in his heart and carry out a psychological attack.

100 points, just like you!

Yu Shiba clicked to learn, and planned to use this technique to raise their level when encountering low-level monsters in the future, and then gain experience. It could be described as killing two birds with one stone.

He hadn't learned it before, mainly because he hadn't encountered any decent monsters and was afraid that he wouldn't be able to defeat them after their strength increased. But since he killed the knock-knocking monster and the life-demanding money monster, he felt that it was still necessary to learn this skill. of.

Then he turned his attention all the way down, and when he discovered the last two newly refreshed operations, his pupils suddenly contracted violently.

[Forbidden Technique·Izanagi (10W energy points): This technique is the Forbidden Technique among the Uchiha clan. The user must sacrifice the light of his eyes (blindness) to control the gap between reality and illusion. The caster can convert the damage suffered by himself within a short period of time, including death and other unfavorable factors, into dreams. And you can turn your own favorable factors into reality. It is the ultimate illusion that can change reality and illusion!

Change: The cost of casting once is changed from losing eyes to consuming 10 million mood points and putting Sharingan on a one-week cooldown. 】

[Forbidden Technique·Izanami (10W energy points): Izanami is an illusion created to suppress Izanagi. Like Izanagi, it also comes at the cost of losing the light in the eyes. This technique requires the caster to pass the contact Only the body of the person being performed can be recorded with Sharingan before it can be performed, allowing the performer to cycle endlessly through several scenes recorded by the person being performed using Sharingan.

Skill evaluation: If Izanagi is a ninjutsu that escapes (changes) fate, then Izanami is a ninjutsu that determines fate!

Change: The cost of casting once is changed from losing eyes to consuming 10 million mood points and putting Sharingan on a one-week cooldown. 】

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