After feeling the signs of promotion, Yu Shiba did not choose to be promoted on the Demon Rat Plain.

The reason is very simple. Firstly, there is not much spiritual energy purified by Lightning Style in the air. Secondly, the secret realm is full of dangers. He does not want to be tricked by some weird secret realm creatures when he is halfway through promotion. .

So he quickly swayed and disappeared, leaving a demon leopard that was attracted by his aura and prepared to attack in confusion.

In the space, Yu Shiba sat cross-legged. Outside the Dantian area of ​​his body, a spiritual energy Uzumaki that was larger than any previous promotion was madly devouring the spiritual energy in the space. Soon, all the spiritual energy in the space was destroyed. All the energy was swallowed up by the sequence core, and then the pile of light energy crystals in the corner began to evaporate at an accelerated rate.


There was a sound that could only be heard by himself, like the creation of the world. Yu Shiba's sequence core was spinning crazily, grinding and compressing all the spiritual energy sucked into the sequence core. Soon, the sequence core was responsible for accommodating the body's spiritual energy. Within the circular space (hereinafter collectively referred to as the psychic sphere), the density of the liquid representing psychic energy increased, causing his psychic energy to increase from 3,600 points to 5,000 points.

The psychic range of D level is 1000~5000 points, and the range of C level is 5000~20000 points.

When Yu Shiba's spiritual energy reaches 5000 points, the spiritual energy ball containing the spiritual energy in his sequence core is completely perfected, but the speed of the sequence core's absorption of spiritual energy has not slowed down.

Soon, as the psychic energy continued to increase, the sphere of the psychic sphere became stronger and stronger. Then, under the continuous driving of the sequence core, it rotated while constantly compressing the psychic liquid inside it, making it Density becomes greater and greater.

5100 points, 5500 points...

The psychic energy ball did not become larger, but the density of the psychic energy liquid inside it became higher and higher. When it finally calmed down completely, the psychic energy in Yu Shiba's body had reached 9999 points, which was just one step away from the mid-level C level. Not even close.

At this moment, his spiritual energy density was as thick as a baby's paste, and it might solidify at any time.

The mark of the middle stage of C-level is not the intermediate value of 12,500 points when psychic energy reaches 5,000-20,000, but the Ultimate, which spans 9,999. After reaching 10,000, the center of the psychic sphere begins to solidify, condensing the core of psychic energy. , is the standard for advancing to the mid-level C level.

When the psychic energy begins to solidify, in addition to making the psychic energy reach the meridians of the body faster and shortening the skill release time, it can also allow the extraordinary person to use the solidified psychic core to detonate the psychic sphere. The spiritual energy within him explodes with a blow that exceeds his own strength.

If you encounter a desperate situation, you can use the solidified psychic core to detonate the psychic sphere at the same time, and then use the psychic sphere to detonate the sequence core, self-destructing yourself, and perish together with the enemy.

This point is exclusive to C-level extraordinary people and monsters.

When the growth of psychic energy stopped, Yu Shiba's sequence core stopped for a moment, and then spun wildly again.

Outside his body, the spiritual energy Uzumaki was also condensed again, and began to crazily plunder the spiritual energy in the space, and then transported it to the body's limbs and bones, quickly transforming his body.


Yu Shiba's body began to crackle, and there was a tearing pain all over his body. The cells in his body were constantly dividing and reorganizing. While repairing all hidden injuries, they were also rapidly strengthening his body. Finally, after the body transformation was completed, Yu Shiba's body began to crackle. , an inexplicable energy poured into his brain and began to improve and enhance his brain structure.

The degree of brain development has become higher. Yu Shiba doesn't know the specific value, but he can feel that his brain is clearer than ever. As long as he studies hard, he will definitely become a top student in a short time.

As the body's brain transformation was completed, his mental power also began to soar at a terrifying speed, from 2600 Hz to 4999 Hz, which was still only a little short of B level.

With the surge in mental power, Yu Shiba only felt a swelling feeling in his head, and suddenly he had a clear understanding: the reason why his mental power did not directly jump to level B as before was mainly because After level B, the mental power will undergo a qualitative change, which is a change that his current physical strength cannot bear.

In order to withstand it, one must at least reach the mid-level C level.

All in all, as long as his physical strength can keep up, everything will naturally fall into place.

"Psychic power almost broke through to mid-level C level, and mental power almost broke through to B level. This is too crazy..."

Yu Shiba shook his head in disappointment, a bit ordinary.

Then, he turned his attention to the system panel:

【Host: Yu Shiba

Gender: Male (after transforming into a cat, people will doubt your gender)

Grade: C grade

Age: 16 (16.9 to be exact, I will be 17 soon, and I haven’t opened Mangekyō yet!)

Spirit: 4999 Hz (almost B level, come on)

Strength: 130 (strength of 1300 kg)

Agility: 139 (moves as fast as lightning)

Physique: 135 (not a blood cow, but still very powerful)

Psychic power: 9999 points (just shy of mid-level C level, with the power of self-destruction)

Power Sequence: Hokage Ninja

Power: Sharingan (Three Magatama)

Psychic attributes: fire, thunder (earth attribute psionic development kit is waiting for you!)

Skills: Forbidden Technique·Izanagi, Lightning Style·Kirin (S), Lightning Style·Raikiri (S), Lightning Style·Raiden (S)... Click to expand.

Energy points: 313180 points.

Emotion points: 13145200

Mall: Click to purchase skills

Main mission: 326/200 (completed)]

After reading the attribute panel, Yu Shiba took a long breath and clicked on the earth attribute psychic energy development kit. Immediately, some inexplicable changes occurred in his body, and his skin seemed to be a little tougher.

Instead of rushing to learn the Earth Style series of ninjutsu, Yu Shiba directly clicked to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique.

[Flying Thunder God Technique: An S-level space ninjutsu developed by Second Hokage·Senju Tobirama. It uses the technique to achieve instant movement. Before using it, the operator needs to leave the Flying Thunder God technique on the target in advance to achieve teleportation. , and the mark will remain. The caster can move large targets multiple times when energetic. This technique can be used to attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt, surprise opponents, and transfer targets. It can also be used to avoid and escape in times of crisis. No seal is required when activated. 】

It took Yu Shiba a full five minutes to completely digest and master the information of Flying Thunder God Technique. With his mental power, the maximum distance of displacement is about 50 kilometers, and in addition to mental power, long-distance teleportation It also requires a lot of psychic energy.

"I don't know how many energy points are needed to upgrade Flying Thunder God to Grandmaster..."

Yu Shiba murmured and clicked on the button of Flying Thunder God. A line of information suddenly appeared: Upgrading requires 100W energy points, and the current energy points are insufficient.

Good guy, 1 million points! Yu Shiba was almost scared to death, but after seeing the attributes behind Grandmaster, he was immediately ready to take action again, and saw that it read:

[Grandmaster-level Flying Thunder God Technique: It can achieve long-distance cross-space teleportation, similar to the teleportation used by Sun Wukong in "Seven Dragon Balls", but it still needs to leave a mark on the target! 】

"One million points, it's gone..." Yu Shiba temporarily stopped thinking about upgrading the Flying Thunder God Technique, and then prepared to see what other Earth Style ninjutsu were worth learning, but when he passed by the Lightning Style area At that time, I suddenly discovered that a new ninjutsu was added to it.

[Lightning Style·Thunder Light Pillar (Level A), 15,000 energy points: This skill is a Lightning Style illusion performed by Cloud Shinobi, the all-round Elite Jōnin in the Hokage animation. The effect of the skill is that the whole body turns into lightning, making the opponent mistakenly believe that It is a ninjutsu that blocks sight, so it is logical to fall into this illusion.

Skill comments: This is a skill that has been slightly modified by the system. It is a ninjutsu that is enough to blind the enemy's eyes. When the Lightning Style psychic energy comes out of the body, it will cause a certain burden on the body, so it will affect the body's strength. There are certain requirements, and after use, the neurons will be strongly affected by Lightning Style's psychic energy, allowing the caster's speed and strength to be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Use it and you can become light! 】

"This is too sexy..."

Sure enough, the products produced by the system must be high-quality. After Yu Shiba read the skill introduction, he immediately became happy. He looked at the energy points. After learning the Flying Thunder God Technique, he had 79847 points left, so he decisively chose to learn it.

After learning this skill, he turned his attention to the Earth Style Ninjutsu sequence.

After searching for a long time, I didn't find the Original Realm Stripping Technique, so I asked the system directly: "System, why don't you have the Dust Release series of ninjutsu?"

Dust Release is one of Third Tsuchikage's moves. It is a ninjutsu that combines attack and barrier. Based on a straight line range, it can break down the opponent into molecular units and cannot be repaired anymore. Not only does the range and power increase, but also It has a persistent effect, and any object that comes close to the limit peeling Technique will be reduced to an atomic state. Susanoo once destroyed twenty-five Wood Style clones of Uchiha Madara with one blow.

With such great power, how could Yu Shiba not be greedy?

After hearing his question, the system gave a rare reply, and a piece of information emerged in his mind: Dust Escape is formed by the fusion of three Nature Transformations: wind, earth, and fire. The current Host has not met the generation conditions.

"Okay!" Yu Shiba sighed with some disappointment, and then turned his attention back to Earth Style Ninjutsu.

There are so many Earth Style ninjutsu that can be learned in the system mall, including Earth Style Heart Beheading Technique, Earth Style Earth Style Wall, Earth Style Earth Dragon Bullet, Rock Shinobi Technique, Earth Dragon Rock Shinobi Technique, etc.

The more famous ones are the Earth Style · Earth Style Wall, which has extremely strong defensive power, and the Earth Style · Super Light Heavy Rock Technique commonly used by Third Tsuchikage. As for the Earth Style Ninjutsu that changes the terrain, there are more Earth Style Ninjutsu, including the enhanced version of the Earth Style Wall The Earth Style·Wanli Earthflow Wall can directly create an earth wall as tall as the Great Wall, as well as powerful transformation, seismic core, earth flow river, underworld marsh, and hardening techniques to add defense to oneself, etc.

In addition, there are many ninjutsus such as Earth Style Barrier and Dungeon Domu, Earth Style and Iron Prison, which are responsible for trapping enemies.

For attacks, there are Earth Splitting Palm, Tuling Tuanzi, Tulong Spear, Heart Beheading Technique, Rock Pillar Spear, etc.

As for those responsible for spying on intelligence/escaping, there are the Toryu Gakuin Technique, the Rock Shinobi Technique that travels through rocky soil, and the Earth Submersible Technique that turns sand and gravel into fluid to allow people to dive in the soil, etc.

There were many ninjutsus that dazzled Yu Shiba. Soon, he decisively chose to learn the [Earth Style·Turyūgakure Technique], [Rock Shinobi Technique], and [Earth Submersible], which were used for spying on intelligence and escaping. These skills make it easier for him to hide and escape.

And after learning these skills, he also automatically understood [Earth Style·Mind Decapitation Technique], because the essence of this skill is to sneak under the earth and then pull the enemy to the ground. Obviously the system is also aware of this, and the price is directly from The 1,000 points dropped to 10 points, but how could Yu Shiba be fooled.

Then there are the defensive skills, among which [Earth Style·Tsuchi Liubi] is a must-learn. After this skill is Grandmaster, you can also create super-defensive walls on a large scale to resist enemies. It is simply one of the classic defensive ninjutsu. , and also very handsome.

In addition to these skills, he also learned the Earth Style skills that change the terrain, including Wei Shift, Seismic Core, Earth Current River, and Yellow Spring Marsh.

There is also the hardening technique. After learning it, you can harden the rock and soil, cover yourself, and enhance your defense. Learn it!

By the way, Earth Style·Body Replacement Technique can directly use earth and rocks as a medium to summon a substitute, so you must learn it.

Then there are the attack-type rock pillar guns, earth-rock flows, earth-stone dragons, earth spears, etc.

He has not learned all the skills, because the principles of some ninjutsu are common, but they just slightly change the form. For example, he can change Lightning Style·Thunder Tiger Kill to Thunder Cat Kill, and it can still be used in many ways. Click Chakra and change the Earth Style·Earth Style Wall to Earth Style·Ten Thousand Miles Earth Current Wall to create a city wall.

In addition to these basic Earth Style skills, the Earth Style Ninjutsu he learned is the Earth Style·Super·Light Heavy Rock Technique. This is the most expensive, with a total of 25,000 energy points. After learning it, he will automatically master two A-level ones. Earth Style Ninjutsu【Earth Style·Weighted Rock Technique】and 【Earth Style·Light Heavy Rock Technique】.

A total of more than 40,000 points were spent on many Earth Style ninjutsu after learning them, plus 15,000 points of Lightning Style·Thunder Light Pillar, leaving Yu Shiba with only 26,480 energy points left.

"What other skills are there?" Yu Shiba thought for a while and turned his attention to Rasengan.

"System, I have watched the anime. I know the principles of the Rasengan technique. Are you sure you want to sell it for 10,000?"

Yu Shiba looked at Rasengan and saw that the system actually sold for 10,000 points, so he immediately asked.

Knowing the principle of the technique, he can directly develop it, and the higher the level of the transcendent, the deeper the brain development and the higher the wisdom. When he knows the principle, it is not difficult for him to develop Rasengan, it just requires It just takes a certain amount of time.

Following his question, three seconds later, Rasengan's learning price dropped directly from 10,000 points to 250 points. This was probably the last sign of the system's stubbornness.

Yu Shiba smiled and immediately clicked on learning.

250 or something, he doesn’t care!

At this point, with the level jumping to C level and the learning of a series of skills, Yu Shiba's strength has been horribly improved at this moment!

As for how terrifying it is, more powerful enemies are needed to verify it.

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