Fusion Of Two Worlds: Sharingan In The Superpower City

Chapter 12 The Huge Role Of Sharingan

The travel bag was a birthday gift from his 15-year-old father. He spent more than a thousand yuan to buy it. The quality was very good and he couldn't just throw it away. Yu Shiba planned to find an opportunity to get it back tomorrow.

After making up his mind, he turned on the bathroom nozzle and prepared to take a bath, but was stunned for a moment when he walked past the mirror.

"How did I become so handsome?" Yu Shiba looked at himself in the mirror and found that his skin and complexion had become much better, especially his eyes, which had become brighter and brighter. Although his facial features had not changed much, But his whole temperament has obviously improved a lot, from a passerby to a sunshine boy.

But after awakening, some changes are normal. Unfortunately, there are no foul-smelling impurities coming out of the pores. Bad review.

She smoothed her non-existent long hair, put on shampoo, and started her private concert in the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, he told his mother to make more breakfast tomorrow. After a tiring day, Yu Shiba felt sleepy. He played with his phone on the bed for a while and then fell asleep.

A night of silence.

At 07:30 in the morning, Yu Shiba opened his eyes on time.

After sleeping all night, he felt that he was extremely energetic, with strength surging all over his body, and his spirit was even more full. When he looked at the panel, he saw that his psychic energy had been fully restored, and there were only 61 hours left for the main mission.

Thinking of reporting to the Sacred Bureau soon, Yu Shiba felt a little excited. Awakening was just a stepping stone. If you really want to understand the world and gain a broader space to fly, you still need the help of professional organizations.

Influenced by a certain health-related public account, Yu’s parents and Yu’s mother developed the habit of running in the morning. They haven’t come back yet, and there are already sandwich sandwiches for two on the table, as well as two eggs and a glass of milk.

Sure enough, his mother gave him more breakfast as he said last night, but it was far from enough.

Yu Shiba shook his head and finished the sandwich neatly. While peeling the eggs, Wang Ange sent a message:

"Sister, I'm at the exit of your community. If you wake up, come down quickly and take you to the base to report!"

"Got it!" Yu Shiba replied, eating the eggs one by one, then stood up, drank the milk in one gulp, and walked out quickly.

After going downstairs, he turned right along the path in front of the unit, bypassing the exercise area and the small fountain. After leaving the community, Yu Shiba began to look for Wang Ange.

"Here it is!" In a temporary parking space not far from the exit of the community, a Haki's silver Range Rover was parked there. From the driver's seat, Wang Ange looked at him with a smile and waved hello.

Yu Shiba's eyes lit up, and he walked over to open the door and got in. He looked at the spacious and luxurious interior of the car and praised sincerely: "This car, Haki!"

"Haha, I really like Haki. This car cost me almost nine contribution points!" Wang Ange said proudly.

"There is food in the storage compartment in front of you. If you are hungry, eat it!" As he spoke, Wang Ange ignited the ignition and put it into gear, and then with the roar of the engine, the car started smoothly.

"Wow, Sister Ange, how did you know I was hungry?" Yu Shiba opened the storage compartment and saw that in addition to two bottles of mineral water, there were more than 20 bags of military compressed dry food, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

You must know that he only ate one-third of his breakfast, and he was still very hungry. He stopped being polite and just picked up a pack, opened it, and gnawed it.

"The energy requirements of an awakened person are much higher than ordinary people. I guess a newly awakened person like you will not be used to it at first." Wang Ange said with a smile, stepped on the accelerator and started to accelerate.

"Thoughtful!" Yu Shiba gave a thumbs up in approval.

"This compressed dry food is specially made. One pack can hold three bowls of rice. It's different from the ones you buy in supermarkets. You have to take your time!" Wang Ange reminded him when he saw Yu Shiba finishing the first pack in two or three mouthfuls.

"Then I'll eat another pack!" After Yu Shiba finished one pack, he felt a little full. After drinking a few water, he opened the second pack and started eating.

"Well, slow down and don't choke. You don't know. At six o'clock in the morning, our team leader called me to get up and asked me to pick you up and report. I usually don't get up until at least nine o'clock. "Speaking of this, Wang Ange looked resentful.

Yu Shiba finished the second piece of dry food, shook the crumbs in the packaging bag into his mouth, then drank a bottle of water, and then asked with a smile: "Why? Is it because I am too genius? , attracted the attention of your team leader?"

"Although I don't want to admit it!" Wang Ange looked at Yu Shiba who looked proud and was speechless. "But this is the fact. After I submitted your information yesterday, the team leader was shocked and said that you are rare. Composite Awakened One, please let me pick you up as soon as possible, don’t let the people from the execution department rob you.”

"Compound type? Execution department? What is that?"

"The composite type is an awakened person with multiple abilities. For example, you, according to my understanding, you currently have the ability to release fire, the ability to stand in for damage, as well as insight and transformation..." At the end, Wang Ange With a look of amazement: "Your abilities are so weird, you don't look like an awakened person at all. If I hadn't seen you absorb spiritual energy and give birth to sequence cores after awakening, I would have thought you were a successor of Taoism. But these skills, It’s not like Taoism…”

Wang Ange muttered to herself at the end. It was obvious that Yu Shiba's messy abilities were beyond her knowledge, and then continued: "As for the execution department, let me introduce the background of the Holy Bureau."

"Okay!" Yu Shiba sat upright and listened.

Wang Ange is very satisfied with Yu Shiba’s attitude. She has just been promoted from the internship period to a full team member and is very enthusiastic about teaching newcomers. “The predecessor of our Holy China Bureau is the Special Combat Group of the 135th Division of the Chinese Army. It is an extraordinary armed force established by our country ten years ago. Whether it is the general bureau or a branch, there will be three departments, namely the execution department, the investigation department, and the information department.”

"Just like their names, let's talk about the Information Department first. The Information Department is responsible for collecting information from all aspects, publishing free tasks on the Holy Bureau app, and cooperating with the Execution Department and the Investigation Department to carry out various tasks."

"The investigation department, on the other hand, focuses on investigations, and occasionally fights occur. The operations are small-scale, usually alone or in groups of two; the execution department, the operations are generally large-scale, and usually cooperate with the army or the public security bureau. implement."

Yu Shiba listened carefully.

"Your current file has been preliminarily registered with the Investigation Department. You can just complete the procedures later. As for why you are asked to come to the Investigation Department, there is a reason." Wang Ange explained: "Because your strength level is too high. Low. Although your spiritual power has reached the peak of F level, which is comparable to the early stage of E level, F level is F level. When the execution department performs tasks, there will often be fierce battles. Even if you can release A fireball as powerful as yesterday, but it can only be fired once or twice, so it doesn’t make much sense.”

"In the Investigation Department, you don't need to fight very much. If I remember correctly, your eyes have the ability to see through illusions and see the trajectory of spiritual energy flow. For this alone, you can investigate with us. It’s a perfect match.”

"A perfect match?" Yu Shiba asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"You should know that E-level and F-level dark creatures can liquefy and change their forms freely."

"Yes?" Yu Shiba couldn't help but think of the scene last night when the F-level dark creature was imprisoned by Wang Ange, then turned into liquid and flowed to the ground, and then turned into a human form again.

"If they turn into human form, we can easily find them, but think about it, if it turns into a pile of liquid and blends into some dark gaps, or in abandoned cardboard boxes, roadside trash cans, or construction sites Do you think ordinary people can find them in construction steel pipes and sewers?”

When Wang Ange said this, Yu Shiba suddenly thought about it and was horrified.

"And they can change color!" Wang Ange continued: "When they stand still, they will automatically change color to blend in with the surrounding environment. Although moving will invalidate their color-changing camouflage, they are still difficult to hunt."

"We should be lucky that these low-level dark creatures are not interested in human flesh and blood. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to defend against using their hidden abilities to attack humans. But even so, they still cause us huge trouble."

Wang Ange's expression was indifferent, "No one knows how many low-level dark creatures have been mixed into this world. They are hiding in every corner and waiting for opportunities. Once humans absorb spiritual energy and awaken, they will often find it before anyone else, and then leave for evolution. Devour, facing them, most of the newly awakened superpowers have no power to resist."

"Every year, there are countless awakened people who are secretly devoured by them. Especially in the past few years, there are fewer and fewer new awakened people in Ningcheng every year. Why is this? It is because these low-level people are The dark creatures have devoured too many." At the end of the sentence, Wang Ange clenched his cheeks, obviously hating those dark creatures.

Yu Shiba was silent. To be honest, if Wang Ange hadn't followed behind yesterday and faced a dark creature with five times more spiritual power than him, he and Chen Bo would have been trapped there.

"Therefore, after learning that your eyes can see the flow of spiritual energy and detect illusions, I was very excited, and the team leader was also very excited!" Wang Ange looked at him with bright eyes, as if looking at a rare treasure: "If you can really see the flow of psychic energy, our detection efficiency will be greatly improved."

"Because spiritual energy cannot be hidden and disguised, it is destined that no matter how they change their appearance in front of you, they will be invisible under your eyes!"

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