"Let's go, sister will take you for a physical examination."

After saying hello, Si Junfang smiled and got into Wang Ange's car with Su Caiying. Soon the car started and drove in from the main entrance, leaving several team leaders looking at each other.

"Let's go, we have no hope. Si Junfang's strength has improved again. He should be at the peak of C-level now, only one step away from B-level!" Zhang Quan spoke first, his tone a little disappointed.

According to past experience, he should be able to tie with Si Junfang, but in the end he was defeated by Thousand Years of Death.

"Alas, such a good seedling can only be hired at a high price to perform tasks in the future. In the past, the three groups hired our group's sensory-type superpowers, but now it's the other way around." Fang Jian, the leader of the second group, said Somewhat self-deprecating.

"Which of your team deserves to be called the Perception Department? Not to mention the drug addict, he has a very arrogant personality. The last time I hired him to do the indicators, he drank so many spiritual liquids that he only killed two dark creatures in one day." Xiao Yuan, the leader of the fourth group, looked disdainful.

Fang Jian smiled bitterly: "I can't help it. People from the capital are generally a little arrogant. Compared with those over there, we are no different from the countryside."

"But it's not without good news. Now, on average, each group in our department, including the awakened ones, has less than ten people. If we can eliminate all the primary dark creatures in Ningcheng, there will definitely be more places next year. Awakened ones, with the addition of new blood, the strength of our branch will definitely increase greatly." Zhang Quan rubbed his chin and said happily.

"I hope so, but I don't think it's realistic. These dark creatures are just like cockroaches. They can be found in every corner. Let alone looking for them, it's impossible for him to visit every corner of Ningcheng in a year." Yuan shook his head.

"Anyway, he is also from our investigation department. We have priority in hiring, and when our department's performance improves, more resources will be distributed from above. We can be considered to have indirectly benefited." Fang Jian said optimistically, and then took the lead. Turned and left: "I'm leaving first. I found a spiritual plant on the other side of Nanshan. I have to get it back first, otherwise it will be eaten by monsters and wasted. Lao Xiao, do you want to come with me?"

"Let's go together! There are also investigation tasks on the app. I'm going to see if any new monsters have appeared." Xiao Yuan chuckled and led his men to leave together.

Zhang Quan and his two men were left behind. Zhang Quan glanced at the direction in which Land Rover was leaving, sighed with regret, and turned around to leave.


"Currently, including you, there are a total of six official members of our team, and there are two interns. The other two are members who have taken two interns to perform tasks. I will introduce them to you when I get back. Now let's do it. Just a basic test." After getting out of the car, Si Junfang said and walked to the training room, followed by Yu Shiba and the others.

"Am I now a member?" Yu Shiba was a little surprised.

"Young man, do you have some reverse misunderstanding of your own importance?"

Si Junfang looked at the young man's expression with interest, pinched his cheek, and then immediately let go. "With how efficient you are at finding nine dark creatures in just half an hour, I would be willing to give you the position of team leader, let alone a mere official member spot."

Wang Ange and Su Caiying nodded, obviously agreeing with Si Junfang's words.

As the woman approached, a refreshing scent filled the tip of his nose. Yu Shiba couldn't help but blush, and immediately changed the subject: "Why do I feel that there are so few people in our department? Before I came here, I always thought there were not dozens. There must be a dozen or so.”

"Dark creatures are like cockroaches. They can be found everywhere. Many civilians who have the qualifications to awaken are found and devoured as soon as they awaken, so fresh blood cannot be replenished." Si Junfang sighed and continued: "Light Last year, in the military camp next door, three newly awakened warriors were devoured."

"So, you know why you went to the police station and revealed that you had a Sharingan. Even if you thought it was probably a prank, we would have sent people to protect you. Since the emergence of psychic powers, all kinds of monsters have appeared. For the country, He said that any awakened person is a very important resource."

Speaking of this, Si Junfang looked scared and happy: "Fortunately, I really sent someone to protect you at that time."

Wang Ange and Su Caiying also expressed joy in unison.

Awakened people are already rare, and those like Yu Shiba who have the ability to change the probability of the birth of awakened people in the entire city are even rarer.

The few people continued to walk. The hall on the first floor of the Steel Fortress was about 100 square meters with complete facilities. There were two elevators on three sides, leading to the Investigation Department, Execution Department, and Information Department respectively.

A few people walked to the elevator door belonging to the Investigation Department. Si Junfang pressed the 7th floor button, and then continued to spread common sense about dark creatures to this cute young man.

"Low-level dark creatures have always been a serious concern for us. The dark creatures above E-level are okay. They have devoured awakened people, and the dark spiritual energy in their bodies can be easily detected, but the low-level ones are really like ants. It is simply impossible to detect, and the Super Research Institute has not yet developed a more sophisticated psychic detector, so the General Administration can only set hard targets. Except for the Information Department, each department must eliminate one hundred dark creatures every month."

"The execution department has already completed eighty-four, and our department only has thirty-two. This includes the nine you eliminated in the morning. I have to say that your boy is really the treasure of the department!" Si Jun Fang stopped and patted Yu Shiba on the shoulder, with a pleased smile on his face.

"I will try my best!" Yu Shiba's face was a little heavy. He didn't expect the situation to be so bad, especially the three awakened soldiers who were devoured. These soldiers are all the loveliest people in the country.

Si Junfang is very satisfied with Yu Shiba's expression. It can be seen that this is a very simple and passionate young man. He may be a little skinny, but his nature is definitely not bad.

"I won't go into too much detail. After testing various attributes, you can register again. After the registration is completed, you can download the sacred app. This app contains a lot of common sense about awakened people, and it is also for us awakened people. The communication software used is fully functional. You will know after studying it carefully. Now let’s do the test.”

The elevator door opened, and Si Junfang used his fingerprint to open the alloy door of the training room.

As the two heavy alloy doors retracted to both sides, a training room full of technology appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The first thing that comes into view is a huge mechanical creation, covering an area of ​​about 20 square meters. It is densely packed with mechanical parts and colorful slides. It looks extremely complicated from the outside. On its entrance, there are four big characters: Psychic detection machine.

On the left side of the training room, there is a separate room with the name Speed ​​Test Room, and on the right side there is a machine for testing strength and a huge mental tester.

Obviously, this training room is dedicated to speed, strength, mental and psychic testing.

"Then, let's start with psychic detection, Ange—" Si Junfang looked at the girl with tied hair next to her.

Wang Ange understood and took Yu Shiba to the psychic detection machine, opened the door, and revealed the inside of the psychic detection machine.

Different from the fuselage that is densely covered with mechanical parts, the interior of the psychic detector is a space with a length, width and height of 2.4m*0.5m*0.5m. The wall is made of green soft materials. As the detector is started, Ups and downs slightly, as if breathing.

Yu Shiba glanced at Wang Ange doubtfully: "Is it enough to just walk in?"

"Yeah, but I need to take off my clothes!" Wang Ange said with a serious face. After saying this, his face was not shy like a girl at all. Behind him, Si Junfang and Su Caiying were also watching with interest.

Yu Shiba was stunned immediately: Is it so direct?

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