Fusion Of Two Worlds: Sharingan In The Superpower City

Chapter 3 Preparing To Detect Spirits

After adding her contact information to the store clerk, Yu Shiba walked out of the pet hospital and decided to get a cat. She felt inexplicably better and even felt a little bit excited because a new member was about to be added to her family.

Looking down at the eight-treasure porridge jar containing black dog blood, Yu Shiba recalled the anti-evil items mentioned in novels and TV series, so in the next hour, he bought black donkey hooves, glutinous rice, garlic, Cock blood.

Oh, and anticoagulants.

Rooster blood is obtained by directly buying a rooster and letting the stall owner kill it to get the blood.

Of course, the chicken should not be wasted. I wanted to take it back for extra meals, so I asked the stall owner for a small snakeskin bag, put all these things in it, bought mushrooms and vegetables, and then hurried back slowly.

Not far behind Yu Shiba, a girl wearing slim jeans, a peaked cap and sunglasses looked at the figure in front of her with a snakeskin bag on her back.

After leaving the vegetable market and walking to a deserted place, the girl said to the Bluetooth headset: "Team leader, even if our branch is short of superpowers, we don't really believe everything. Sharingan Mangekyō, as soon as I find it He, I saw him buying things like donkey hoof glutinous rice and garlic at the vegetable market. He should be going to explore spirits and get rid of ghosts. Nowadays, the post-00 generation is really restless..."

"Would you like to continue following me? Okay, but team leader, can you give me a more difficult task next time? I'm tired of doing this kind of house-keeping task during my internship."

"Do you really believe in his nonsense about being able to awaken after removing ghosts... Okay, okay..."

"I know, I know... If we really encounter him, I will let him make the last stab..."

After the call, the girl sighed with a look of disgust, but she still had to follow Yu Shiba slowly.

On the other side, Yu Shiba was carrying a snakeskin bag and was full of ambition. While waiting for the red light, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his best friend Chen Bo.

As soon as the call was connected, Yu Shiba was the first to say hello: "Brother Hard, how about lunch!"

An angry voice quickly replied on the other side of the phone: "What to say, Mr. Bo!"

"That's right. I remember that you have always been interested in ghost hunting. You have always been paying attention to news in this area. How about it? Are there any new ghost hunting places recently?"

"I figured it out, brother. I asked you to go to the Graveyard last time and you didn't go. I thought you were afraid of this thing? Let me tell you, it's super exciting. It was a pity that you didn't go to the Graveyard last time. I went there by myself last time. Guess what? I told you not to spread the word. I was hiding behind a grave and saw a Taoist priest beating ghosts with lightning in his hand. It looked similar to the palm thunder written in the novel. It was very exciting... "

Yu Shiba was speechless. The incident Chen Bo mentioned happened last month. After he came back, he boasted about it to everyone in the class, but no one believed it. Now he actually told himself not to spread the news.

Too lazy to listen to Chen Bo's endless nonsense, Yu Shiba interrupted directly: "Is there any exciting place? Let's go ghost hunting together at night."

"Hey, you have found the right person." Chen Bo said mysteriously on the phone: "When I was browsing the local forum at twelve o'clock yesterday, someone said in the forum that there were cries in the abandoned hospital outside the city. Occasionally, there will be screams. I was a little scared to be alone, but you just called me. How about it, do you want to go and see me tonight?"

Yu Shiba didn’t believe that best friends would be scared. Chen Bo’s nickname is Chen Bold, also known as Hard Brother. He is a wealthy Second Generation. His parents divorced when he was young. He has no interest in sex, and he is not as mentally retarded as those wealthy Second Generations in novels. He has an extraordinary interest in supernatural events.

Yu Shiba and Chen Bo have been classmates from elementary school to high school. He still remembers that when he was in the third grade of elementary school, Chen Bo secretly invited him to his house to play on the computer.

As a result, he accidentally clicked on a bad website saved by his father, ignored his request to collect evidence and reported it, ignored the tempting pictures above, and deleted the website without hesitation, and then excitedly searched for the video of "The Old Corpse of the Mountain Village" He got up, which shows how interested he is in the supernatural.

Yu Shiba was not surprised to hear that Chen Bo really had a place to search for spirits, because the former had been paying attention to this aspect, so he said: "At seven o'clock in the evening, ride over and pick me up."

"OK!" Chen Bo was very excited. He was very excited that his best friend could understand and participate in his hobbies.

During the following period, Yu Shiba became busy. After taking his things home and putting them away, he went to the mall and bought three large-capacity water guns. He first tested them with tap water and found that there was no problem, then added anticoagulant to half of them. The black dog blood and chicken blood were diluted and put into two water guns respectively. The last one was a mixture of chicken blood, black dog blood and water.

Keep the remaining half of the black dog blood and chicken blood. This is because you are afraid that the chicken blood and dog blood will be useless when mixed with water, so keep some pure blood to be safer.

Putting the three water guns upright into the travel bag, Yu Shiba looked at the glutinous rice, garlic and black donkey hooves and pondered for a while, then put them in directly, thinking that if he really encountered a ghost, he would just throw them at the ghost.

After getting everything ready, it was already past four in the afternoon.

My parents haven't gotten off work yet. My sister lives in a boarding school and comes back once every two weeks. She won't come back until next week. Yu Shiba thought for a while and decided to cook something before her parents came back to avoid being late. I wanted to be long-winded, so I made chicken stewed with mushrooms and stir-fried vegetables on the spot.

After eating, I called my mother and told her that I was going to a classmate's house to do my homework. The food was already cooked and was being heated in a pot, and then I left directly.

"Fortunately, I cooked, otherwise my mother would definitely not let me go out." Yu Shiba chuckled while carrying his travel bag. Everything was ready and he was just waiting for the right time. He was full of expectations for the next action.

It was still early, so I went to a nearby park and sat there for more than half an hour. After half past six, I called Chen Bo.

"I'll wait for you here at Nanbian Park. Remember not to go past seven o'clock."


Yu Shiba hung up the phone and continued to play with his mobile phone. He didn't notice that on the stone chair not far behind him, a girl with tied hair had her legs crossed and was staring at him boredly. She was the girl who had been following him during the day. , but he has taken off his cap and mask, revealing a beautiful face.

18:58 pm.

The lights were on at the circular entrance of the small park, and a technologically advanced Yadi electric car was parked at the entrance of the park. In the car, a boy with a short hair whistled to Yu Shiba who was sitting in the park.

Yu Shiba strode forward with a travel bag on his back.

"Damn it, you brought so much stuff!"

The short-haired boy is Chen Bo. He has a slightly delicate appearance and a pair of smart eyes. When he smiles, there are smile folds on his face. He is a bit naughty. His eyebrows are raised with a smart look. Compared with Yu Shiba's upright and handsome face. It's the other extreme.

Oh, by the way, Yu Shiba also has a buzz cut, but they are not CPs. The reason why they both shaved their heads was because of a quarrel. Both of them thought they were handsome, so in order to prove themselves, they shaved their heads together.

Of course, there was no outcome in the end. Instead, he was praised by the teacher and became a model for managing long and unruly hair in the school.

"Self-detection is no joke. It will be bad if you don't prepare." Yu Shiba looked at his best friend and found that although the world had changed, Chen Bo was still the same.

"You're doing this freestyle thing!" Chen Bo rolled his eyes.

"Tell me, what are you pretending to be? If it's drugs, my buddy will have to shoot with you." Chen Bo's mind was very unique. He asked while turning the accelerator to start.

"Black dog blood, chicken blood, black donkey's hooves, garlic, glutinous rice..." Yu Shiba said with a lot of treasures.

"You are going to rob a tomb. If you can't do it, I have to turn around and go back. Grave robbing is illegal!" Chen Bole said that he was going to turn around and turned the accelerator to the bottom.

"What do you know? These can ward off evil spirits. Haven't you ever read novels and TV shows that say so?" Yu Shiba said. After having the system, he really believed that there are ghosts in the world, so naturally he wanted to use the system to ward off evil spirits. Be prepared enough.

As for why he didn't buy an exorcism charm...because the exorcism charms he could afford would be useless, and the ones that would be useful would definitely not be affordable, and he didn't have the means to do so.

"Professional!" Chen Bo suppressed a smile and gave a thumbs up.

"What have you prepared?" Yu Shiba was curious. This best friend has been searching for ghosts for so many years, so he must be very professional.

"He's upright!" Chen Bo puffed up his chest!

"Great!" Yu Shiba rolled his eyes, knowing that this best friend was unreliable.

To kill ghosts, you still have to rely on yourself. Yu Shiba sighed inwardly and tightened his travel bag. He felt that he was not carrying a bag, but a responsibility. He immediately raised his head and chest, and his whole person seemed upright and awe-inspiring.

"Don't lean back, I can't control my balance!"

"oh oh!"

After chatting all the way, about twenty minutes later, the two rode a battery car to the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of the city.

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