The next day, Yu's parents and Yu's mother surprisingly did not go out for a run. When they woke up, they were particularly surprised by the changes in their bodies while washing themselves, and kept comparing them in front of the mirror.

Yu Shiba also wakes up very early. After waking up, he only needs to sleep four or five hours a day to be very full of energy.

Seeing his parents happy because they became younger, he also smiled knowingly.

Because his family already knew his identity as an awakened person, Yu Shiba did not hide his abnormality and asked Yu Ma to make breakfast for seven people. After eating, he went out directly.

When we left the community, it was already 7:30, which is the time when middle-aged and elderly people go out to buy groceries and exercise.

Probably due to the influence of Lao Zhang Wonton Shop, Yu Shiba always felt that the atmosphere among people was a bit depressing. The aunts did not discuss which supermarket had discounts or which vegetable market had fresher dishes. Their expressions were cautious, as if they were afraid of encountering something. Moderately dangerous.

As extraordinary events occur more and more frequently, although the official immediately blocks the spread of news on the Internet, how can it really be possible to conceal everything? Otherwise, my mother would not have guessed what he wanted so decisively yesterday. The enemy you face is a monster.

Yu Shiba sighed. After looking through some information in the Sheng app last night and learning about the seriousness of the current domestic situation, he always felt that the stable days ahead might not last too long.

Perhaps after the country develops an instrument that can detect up to ten points of psychic energy and can detect whether ordinary people have the qualifications for awakening, it will completely disclose everything, and then the entire country of China will begin to enter the era of national awakening.

What he has to do is to protect his family in this new era, and then do something for this country to the best of his ability.

Walking to where the Land Rover was parked, Yu Shiba got in the car, planning to go to his sister's school first.

Because he is not sure whether his sister has the qualifications to awaken. If not, it's okay. If she does, she may awaken at any time and be swallowed by the dark monster.

"Xiaoying, you really broke my heart!" Yu Shiba sighed.

He not only hopes that his sister will have the qualifications to awaken and gain a certain ability to protect herself in the new era, but he also hopes that her sister will be an ordinary person and live safely under his wings without having to face all kinds of dangerous extraordinary creatures. .

"Meow!" Just when Yu Shiba was about to get in the car, he suddenly felt a slight noise coming from the roof of the car, and then a familiar cat meowed.

Then a black shadow flashed before his eyes, and on the front cover of the car, a black cat squatted there, staring at him with dark eyes.

The shiny black hair was shaved off, revealing a stitched wound. Wasn't it the black cat he met in the alley yesterday?

"Meow!" Seeing that he didn't move, the black cat meowed impatiently, then patted the iron sheet under him with his paw, making a slight banging sound, which seemed to be quite strong.

Yu Shiba got out of the car with some surprise, picked up the black cat with both hands, and said with a smile: "You're good, Brother Cat!"

After taking a closer look at the wound, I saw that it was almost healed. It only took one night, but it seemed like it had taken a month to recover.

"Meow~" the black cat's voice became gentler, its long tail flicked, and it even rubbed its face against his hand.

Yu Shiba chuckled and took the black cat into the car. Since he had made plans to adopt a black cat, he had no intention of changing his mind. What's more, the black cat in front of him looked like it was no ordinary cat. Maybe he could cultivate it. Become your own Summoning beast.

But after adoption, necessary examinations are still required. After getting in the car, Yu Shiba immediately opened the Sharingan to detect the energy in the black cat's body.


As soon as the scarlet monster eyes appeared, the black hair on the black cat's body suddenly exploded, and with a strange cry, it jumped out of his arms, looked at him warily, and roared from its throat.

Obviously, from Yu Shiba's eyes, it felt an unprecedented threat.

It couldn't understand why yesterday he was just an ordinary person preparing to shovel shit, but today he suddenly became so terrifying, and the aura on his body was so dangerous.

But perhaps it didn't sense Yu Shiba's malice, so it didn't make any other drastic moves after breaking away from Yu Shiba's arms.

"Don't worry, I'm just checking your body." Yu Shiba chuckled. After opening the Sharingan, he could see a blue energy flowing in the black cat's body. At the same time, in the black cat's throat, there was A transparent cube is slowly rotating.

"The flow of spiritual energy of dark creatures is gray-black, and that of humans is white, so is the flow of demonic energy blue?" Yu Shiba touched his chin and thought secretly.

After confirming the existence of demons in this world, Yu Shiba has determined that the black cat is a cat demon, but he will not regard the black cat as an enemy because of this.

After all, it is recorded in the Sacred App that some lawful monsters are also good friends of humans, such as the panda monster in the Sacred Branch of Sichuan Province.

But what is that rotating transparent cube?

Yu Shiba thought secretly, feeling that this black cat was a bit unusual.

While he was in a daze, the black cat sat down in the passenger seat after confirming that he was not hostile, and then suddenly spit out a black crystal the size of an egg from his mouth, and began to stretch out his barbed tongue and lick it. Also swinging comfortably.

"Damn it! Dark Energy Spirit Crystal! This aura must be at least C-level!" Yu Shiba was stunned. How the hell did he get this out?

The black cat is only the size of a palm, how does it spit out dark energy crystals as big as eggs!

Yu Shiba looked amazed, and subconsciously wanted to take the Dark Energy Spirit Crystal over to take a look. As a result, the black cat gave him a wary look, swallowed the Dark Energy Spirit Crystal again, and then made a defensive gesture.

"Meow~" the black cat meowed, folding its ears back, as if to warn him not to snatch food from its mouth.

"Don't worry, you will be my little baby from now on, and I will definitely not steal your things." After reacting, Yu Shiba smiled and closed Sharingan.

He first touched the black cat's head, and when he saw that the latter showed no resistance, he took the black cat into his arms and stroked it gently.

Black Cat suddenly narrowed his eyes in comfort.

And Yu Shiba didn't have much precaution against black cats. After all, what evil intentions could a little kitten have?

Of course, the main reason was because he didn't feel any hostility from the black cat.

I haven’t petted a cat for many years, and this feeling makes me miss it!

While petting the cat, he thought of the rotating cube he just saw at the black cat's throat, and then thought of the black cat's ability to swallow dark energy crystals. Yu Shiba had a sudden thought: That transparent cube couldn't be the black cat's own. Bring space?

With the opening of Sharingan and the improvement of his physical fitness, his thinking has become much more agile than before awakening, and he can often guess the real answer from casual details.

So as soon as this idea appeared, it became extremely strong. Yu Shiba looked around, thought for a while, took out the Type 92 rifle from the bag, removed the magazine, and asked the black cat: "This thing , can you eat it?"

The black cat sniffed at the gun, turned his head away with a look of disgust, and pushed the gun away with his little paws.

"Swallow it and I'll give you a bag of dried fish!" Yu Shiba said seductively.

"Meow?" The black cat tilted its head and looked at him, as if it didn't know what dried fish was.

Yu Shiba was speechless and said, "Wait for me in the car, I'll be back soon."

Not long after, Yu Shiba ran back, but what he was carrying was not dried small fish, but two bream weighing about one kilogram.

I had no choice but to arrive before eight o'clock, and the pet shop selling dried fish was not open at all, so I had to go to the market and bring back live fish.

As soon as he got in the car, the little black cat smelled the fishy smell, and immediately meowed excitedly, and kept rubbing its head on Yu Shiba's hand.

So Yu Shiba handed over the 92 style again and said: "Swallow this thing, and I will give you one!"

"Meow!" the black cat called. This time he did not dislike it. Instead, he impatiently put his mouth in front of the 92-style food and made a eating gesture. Then the 92-style food disappeared in his hand.

"Fuck! Space cat!" Yu Shiba was shocked at first, and then showed a happy look on his face.

This is a treasure!

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