At eight o'clock in the evening, the moon was dark, there was a breeze, no rain, the air humidity was 63%, and the temperature was 19 degrees Celsius, slightly cool.

Ningcheng Military Region, Commander's Office.

Commander Yang looked at the silver-haired young man standing in front of him with a kind expression, and said warmly: "Xiao Dian, you don't mind me calling you that, right? Does this hunting require any other cooperation from our military?"

After listening to Commander Yang's words, the information characteristics of dark creatures came to mind. Yu Shiba's thoughts began to flow in his mind, and he soon had a plan.

He pondered for two seconds and said, "Bring me two Type 95s, plus 10,000 rounds of explosive bombs."

"No problem, but are there really so many dark creatures?" Commander Yang looked confused.

"I don't know!" Yu Shiba squinted and said with a smile: "But if there are any leftovers, I will stay by myself, and then I will have time to earn extra money by myself. I can use my merits for the remaining incendiary bombs after tonight's hunt. Click to pay!”

"No need!" Commander Yang smiled heartily after hearing Yu Shiba's words, "I can't ask for more than you can hunt dark creatures on your own. In this way, I will get you 20,000 rounds directly. You can shoot as many as you can. If it's not enough, come and ask me. want!"

The production of explosive bombs does not involve psychic energy, so the cost is not expensive. Commander Yang is very happy to use this to sell Yu Shiba a favor.

Yu Shiba's face showed joy, "Thank you, Commander!"

"Haha, I should be the one thanking you!" Commander Yang looked at Yu Shiba with a pleased expression and said, "Not only did you help our military region find all the awakened ones, but you also helped to deal with the dark creatures in the military camp. No matter what, we all made money!"

Yu Shiba waved his hand quickly, "Thank you, thank you!"

Commander Yang paused for a moment and then said: "As for the reward for finding the awakened ones, after discussing with Director Lin, I decided to reward you with a reward of 60 merit points for each awakened seed. I wonder if you have it, Xiaodian?" Any objection?"

Sixty merit points is equivalent to the reward of six dark creatures at the normal market price, and it is also equivalent to three million yuan. Yu Shiba has no objection and even feels that he has made a profit.

Immediately, he said seriously without hesitation: "Commander, I have no objection!"

"The merit points will be credited to your app account before twelve o'clock tomorrow, so pay attention to check then."

Commander Yang nodded with satisfaction. In the whole of China, Kyoto and Magic City have the most people with awakened powers. Both places have a see-through power user. Every time an awakened person is found, Kyoto and Magic City give Their prices are all 45 points, and when other provinces hire them to select awakening seeds, they are given a price of 60 points.

The price he is paying Yu Shiba now is already quite high. The reason for this has something to do with Yu Shiba's efficiency in finding awakening seeds.

After all, those two clairvoyant superpowers could only screen less than 4,000 people a day. Other provinces were still rushing to hire them, and they didn’t know when it would be Ningcheng’s turn. But at this moment, Yu Shiba came out of the blue and solved a big trouble for him.

And the most important thing is that Yu Shiba is fast. He can screen eight thousand people in two minutes, so there is nothing wrong with giving him a higher ranking.

Next, Commander Yang and Lin Wanjun plan to let all the middle and high school students in the city go to the city's largest sports center in batches to be screened by Yu Shiba on the grounds of physical examination. Naturally, they cannot treat him badly in terms of price.

"Commander Yang, I have one more request!" Just when Commander Yang called his officers to come up with guns and ammunition, Yu Shiba suddenly said.

"Huh? Just say whatever you want, and our military region will fully cooperate!" Commander Yang said firmly.

"Can you separate some awakening seeds from the spiritual array house?" Yu Shiba explained, "After all, you also know that dark creatures covet the awakened ones. As long as you use these awakening seeds as bait, the nearby dark creatures will Once we get here, we can catch them all in one go!”

Hearing this, Commander Yang's eyes lit up, then he clapped his hands and laughed, his voice shaking the whole office: "What a great idea, let's do it like this!"

"It's empiricism that made me ignore this point. The main reason is that I have never had awakening seeds before. I forgot that these awakening seeds are a strong temptation for dark creatures!"

"I just thought of it too!" Yu Shiba said happily.

"You young people are so smart!" Commander Yang laughed loudly and immediately started making arrangements intensively.

Half an hour later!

In the square during the daytime military parade, there were forty-nine soldiers sitting cross-legged in seven columns, looking like a square.

Next to them, a C-level awakener with the rank of Rear Admiral, the same class as Wang Ange, who could control air powers, used his ability to cast a thick transparent temporary protective house for them, covering all the awakening seeds in it.

Later, Yu Shiba stood on the roof of the air house, with Mo Yu squatting on his shoulders, holding Type 95 in his hand, and a box containing 10,000 explosive bombs at his feet. His silver hair was flying in the wind, looking free and uninhibited.

"Here we come!" Yu Shiba's eyes narrowed, red light flowed in the Sharingan, and he picked up the rifle in his hand.

On the parade platform behind him, Commander Yang and seven or eight officers stood proudly, with solemn expressions on their faces.

After hearing Yu Shiba's words, Commander Yang's eyes suddenly focused. The huge mental power of Class B was emitted, but he could only faintly feel an almost negligible amount of energy on the floor at the end of the square. He could not see anything. You can't see it, and you can't feel the specific direction.

In desperation, he had no choice but to gather his energy into a bundle and focus on scanning a certain location. Only then could he faintly feel the outline of the dark creature, but it quickly disappeared the next second.

This made him sigh in his heart. At the peak of B-level, his efficiency in finding low-level dark creatures was even worse than that of an F-level clairvoyant awakener.

He knows that when dark spiritual energy pours into the earth from the wormhole, part of it will be converted into light spiritual energy under the illumination of the sun, and in the process of converting it into light spiritual energy, it will precipitate under the illumination of the sun. It produces a slight dark matter that is difficult to detect.

The dark creatures are transformed from the fusion of dark spiritual energy, and their bodies are also composed of absorbing dark matter in the air. Therefore, they can integrate with any environment, including the air.

The air is precipitated by sunlight, and dark substances invisible to the naked eye become their best cover.

Therefore, except for some special perception system users and clairvoyance system users, it is really difficult for non-related series of superpower users to find these dark creatures that are weak and good at hiding.

But all this is extremely clear in Sharingan, which can understand the flow of various energies.

In the night, Yu Shiba stood on the air roof, a pair of scarlet Sharingan blinking slightly, and he could clearly see dozens of gray-black psychic fluids squirming towards the air room here.


A gunshot rang out and hit the floor, shattering the loneliness.

This shot, Yu Shiba missed, but at the same time, he activated Sharingan and instantly analyzed various data of the rifle in his hand.

The next second, he fired another shot, and suddenly a dark creature was shot and exploded. A dark energy crystal with black light flew out of the explosion, fell to the floor of the square and rolled for several meters before stopping completely.

"Destroy dark creatures, energy points +10."

Yu Shiba raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned on the continuous fire mode, and began to shoot wildly.

"Destroy dark creatures, energy points +10."

"Destroy dark creatures, energy points +10."


System prompts kept popping up. With the help of Sharingan, Yu Shiba fired the crystal. Suddenly, in addition to the sound of explosive bombs exploding in the square, there was also the tinkling sound of dark energy crystals falling to the ground. The sound was crisp and clear. , each one means 12 merit points.

"Isn't this more fun than fighting against the enemy?" Under the mask, as a large number of energy points were recorded, Yu Shiba smiled so hard that his gums were exposed, and he stood on the roof of the air house and fired wildly.

Soon, he had accumulated more than 3,000 energy points, which meant that he had killed more than 300 dark creatures.

But there are still dark creatures coming from the left, right and front.

As for why there were no dark creatures behind him, it was because Commander Yang was standing there, with his powerful B-level peak aura frightening the dark creatures that wanted to come from this direction.

Yu Shiba's brows gradually wrinkled.

"It's a bit inefficient!" he murmured.

Awakening seeds have an extraordinary allure to dark creatures, not to mention 49 of them gathered together. The temptation is enough to drive these dark creatures who follow their instincts crazy.

Although he killed more than 300 dark creatures, there were still dense crowds of dark creatures coming, which made him a little impatient even when changing his magazine.

"Commander Yang, please arrange for a Gatling to come over for me. The rifle fires too slowly!" Yu Shiba said to Commander Yang behind him.

Although Yu Shiba said from the beginning that only ak is enough, adults are reliable in all aspects!

Commander Yang had already prepared other types of weapons and placed them on a green military truck not far away. After hearing this, he immediately ordered a D-class officer under his command to pick them up.

Soon, this D-class officer came over carrying more than 160 kilograms of Gatling and a box of bullets. He had a bloodthirsty and fanatical smile on his resolute face, and he was obviously a militant.

"Comrade Kadian, let me change the magazine for you!" He said with a ferocious smile, and jumped onto the roof with Gatling and the box.

Seeing that their comrades could stay so close to eliminate the dark creatures, several officers behind Commander Yang suddenly had expressions of envy on their faces.

Even Commander Yang was slightly moved.

Hearing the officer's words, Yu Shiba readily agreed. After asking the officer how to use Gatling, he picked it up with the same evil smile on his face.

Gatling, who weighed more than 160 kilograms, was like a plastic toy in front of him with 390 kilograms of strength. Soon, he pointed the multi-barreled gun at the densest group of dark creatures in front of him on the left.

At this moment, his heart surged with pride, and he couldn't help but think of a poem in his mind:

Namo Gatling Bodhisattva,

Six clean explosive bombs.

Three thousand six hundred revolutions in one breath,

Great mercy and compassion save the world!

The next moment, as the trigger was pulled, the muzzle of the Gatling port gun slowly rotated at first, and finally, hundreds of bullets poured out in an instant.

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