Yu Shiba used Body Flicker Technique and moved from the green court to the eaves above the stadium. He paused and planned to leave again, but suddenly he felt a malicious gaze.

In an instant, his scarlet Sharingan turned on again. He turned around and looked at the eaves on the other side. Then he saw a scarlet eyeball, hidden in the gap in the eaves, looking at him.

This extremely strange scene made Yu Shiba slightly frightened, but he quickly reacted, activated his spiritual energy, and the lightning in his hand lit up. Then he charged up and fired a thousand copies towards the eyeball.


Under his deliberate control, Qianben suddenly exploded after touching the entity, exploding the eyeball instantly.

"Ah!!" A shrill scream resounded through the night sky in the small park a few hundred meters away, attracting the attention of several square dancing ladies.

As soon as Yu Shiba's mind moved, he was about to use the Body Flicker Technique to chase after him, but thinking about his few psychic powers and not knowing the opponent's specific strength, he hesitated and gave up the decision.

After thinking about it, he found Si Junfang's Shenhua app and made a voice call.

The call was answered quickly.

"Sister Fang, it's like this. I just finished my mission at the downtown gym and when I was about to leave, I saw an eyeball..."

"Yes, that eyeball looked very evil, and it contained a sense of malice. That's why I sensed it and shot him out. Then I heard a scream..."

"It's not black, and it doesn't have any black energy. It should be human eyes..."

After the phone call, Yu Shiba took a deep breath and began to feel sincerely grateful that he was acting as Kakashi.

From the phone call, Si Junfang analyzed that he was probably targeted by people from the dark organization because of his ability to detect dark creatures and screen out awakening seeds, and asked him not to go home for the time being to avoid being followed by others. Disaster for the family.

"What a bunch of scumbags!" Yu Shiba gritted his teeth secretly. From Si Junfang's words, he knew what kind of organizational force the dark organization was.

Judging from the intelligence from the Shenhua Bureau, the Dark Organization is an anti-human organization with members all over the world. Their leader is suspected to be an A-level dark creature that has fully evolved into a human.

Dark creatures that have evolved to Level A have human flesh and blood and intelligence, but at the same time retain various abilities as dark creatures. They can switch between light and darkness at any time and use light and dark spiritual energy.

Members of this organization are extremely common abroad. They often use coercion or inducement to force awakened people to join. Once they join, they will be implanted with the dark blood of B-level and above dark creatures, so that the implanted person can While gaining a sudden increase in strength by absorbing the violent dark psychic energy, you will also be completely controlled by it.

Although after being implanted with the dark bloodline, the implanted person still retains self-awareness, but is constantly affected by the evil thoughts inherent in the bloodline and gradually turns into a demon.

The reason why members of this organization proliferate abroad is mainly because the control of superpowers in foreign countries is not strict, which allows dark organizations to take advantage of them. In some countries, many members of dark organizations have even been mixed into the top echelons of the country. It has been riddled with holes, and some areas have directly become a paradise for dark creatures, and humans have become the blood food of the evolution of dark creatures.

The main reason why the Dragon Kingdom has not overflowed is that the country strictly controls people with supernatural powers.

Even if some superpowers who were put on the Forbidden Spirit Circle were released from the seal and joined the dark organization, because they were registered, they could only survive like mice in the darkness without a trace of the power gained after infiltrating the Shenhua Bureau. Possibility of promotion.

(Think about it carefully, is it similar to the current virus? At the beginning, many people criticized the country’s isolation policy, and said that foreign countries are good. What’s the result? I can only say that everyone understands. Freedom is Relatively speaking, is freedom without security true freedom?)

But even so, Yu Shiba still had no intention of relaxing.

Although there are not many members of dark organizations in China, that is only compared to foreign countries.

Si Junfang revealed on the phone that many awakened people were either attacked and assimilated by members of the dark organization during the execution of their missions; or they actively became possessed because of their pursuit of powerful power. Such people can be found out in the annual conscience test. There was a lot of trouble, so Yu Shiba should be more careful.

In this regard, Yu Shiba naturally followed the good and the most obscene.

Considering that there was not much spiritual energy left in his body, Yu Shiba did not leave the gym immediately. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the roof of the gym, running the sequence core, and plundering the light spiritual energy in the air.

Because it was night, the light energy in the air was not active, but Yu Shiba had the Soul Gathering Pendant and had 832 Hz of spiritual power, so he fully restored all the spiritual energy in his body in less than fifteen minutes. .

After his psychic energy was fully restored, in order to prevent being attacked by surprise, he quickly used the Transformation Technique and transformed into a 1.73 meter version of Gojo Satoru.

Touching his face and feeling the delicate and handsome contours of his face, Yu Shiba couldn't help but nod with satisfaction. The black eye mask applied by the Transformation Technique did not affect his sight at all. Soon, he used the Body Flicker Technique and disappeared in the original place. land.

Not long after he disappeared, several military vehicles drove to the vicinity of Little Garden, and a dozen armed special forces blocked the entire Little Garden. The square dancing ladies all turned pale, and were then asked about the scream. details.


"MD, you were obviously observing with your peripheral vision from the beginning, but you couldn't hold it back in the end. Damn it, Laozi's right eye is gone!"

A young man in gray clothes, about 1.8 meters tall, cursed in a low voice, covering his eyes while walking through the crowd.

When passing by the door of a small shop, while the boss was not paying attention, he picked up one of the dozens of sunglasses hanging on the frame at the door and put it on, then lowered his head and continued walking.

Soon, he entered a crowded bar.

"Let's swing~swing~swing~swing..."

In the smoky hustle and bustle, he swayed his body to the rhythm of the music in the bar and complained: "My DJ is 520 points CNM, and all the DJs I choose..."

Soon, he walked into a separate room. It was dark inside, with only a lit cigarette butt lighting up from time to time.

In the room, lying on the ground was the mutilated body of a tattooed girl, with a horrified and twisted expression, and a pool of blood spreading underneath the body.

Of course, this kind of darkness cannot hinder the extraordinary. After the young man in gray entered, he stepped over the corpse and directly found a sofa to sit down.

He said: "It's incredible. Ningcheng has an incredible E-level awakened person. He can actually see through the hiding of dark creatures, and he can also filter out awakened people from ordinary people. If not stopped, what will happen next?" The number of awakened people in Ningcheng may explode, and our life will be difficult!"

The cigarette was sucked to the bottom. The smoker was a young man with broken hair, handsome appearance, and a smile like a knife. He threw away the cigarette butt, spit out the smoke in his mouth, and then smiled evilly, "Is that so? Then we will have more juniors. The Awakened Ones can now be hunted and killed, and more Forbidden Souls can be coerced to join."

"That's what you said!"

The young man in gray clothes said, staring at the blood remaining in the corner of the smoking man's mouth. He knew what the other man had just eaten, and he felt a little disgusted, but he continued: "Don't be careless, leader, those selected awakened ones are all students. I feel that few people who have received patriotic education are willing to give up their ability to wear a forbidden spirit collar. We still need to get rid of this person as soon as possible."

"It makes sense!" The young man known as the leader smiled and praised: "What level did you just say about him?"

"Level E, but with lightning skills!" The young man in gray couldn't help but tremble as he thought of the silver needle that pierced his eyeball and exploded.

"Then just ask Heiba ​​to go!" the young leader said nonchalantly.

"Are you sure? Heihachi is a dark creature. Although he is ranked eighth in D-level, he is only D-level after all, and the opponent has lightning skills."

"Don't compare the D-class that grew up by cannibalism with those stupid D-class dark creatures that eat spiritual meat, pork and beef." The leader sneered.

The young man in gray shrugged and said nothing more. He knew that the leader had already made his decision.

Immediately, the leader asked again: "What's his name?"

"I don't know, maybe it's called a card point, a card pad, a card shop? Or a card hall?" The young man in gray said, "You know, with my external eyes, I can judge the content of their words by looking at their mouth patterns, but I can't judge the content of their words. Hear it!”

"Oh, by the way, his eyes are red, and there are two black magatama in them." The young man in gray said with lingering fear: "This is what I saw before the eyes exploded."

"I understand. Go find the butcher to take care of your eyes. With his ability, giving you another eye is just a small problem!"

"Yeah!" The young man in gray nodded and retreated.

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