"Is it the aura of awe-inspiringness?" Yu Shiba felt a slight fluctuation in his heart. He re-rolled the calligraphy and painting, allowing the ink jade to fit into the space, and solemnly said: "Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely keep your teachings in mind!"

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction and waved: "Since you are busy, I won't keep you here. Remember to come over for a meal when you are free, and bring Chen Bo with you!"

Yu Shiba smiled and said: "When the time comes, I will definitely come to bother you!"

After that, he turned around and left. As he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of something and turned around again, asking Mo Yu to spit out 10 kilograms of spiritual rice, 20 kilograms of spiritual vegetables and 10 kilograms of spiritual fish, and said: "Teacher, these are These are extraordinary foods, and eating them is good for your body. Just don’t exceed two kilograms per meal.”

After saying that, without waiting for Jiang Fan to speak, he walked out of the door with his clone and closed the door behind him.

After going out, in order to avoid attracting other people's attention, he asked his clone to use the Body Flicker Technique and went downstairs to start the car while he Shi Shiran walked downstairs.

As a result, just as he came down the stairs, he saw a girl taking three steps at a time, turning around the stairs, humming a song, and walking towards her.

The girl is the same age as Yu Shiba, about fifteen or sixteen years old. She is wearing a large school uniform. Her thick long hair is tied up with a hair tie. She has a plain face, bright eyes, a small face as big as a palm, and a small nose. She looked particularly pitiful. After seeing her, Yu Shiba almost couldn't help but cover her face.

This female classmate, Jiang Wan'er, was the one who was very afraid of ghosts and would call him late at night. She was also the daughter of the class teacher, Jiang Fan.

This stinky girl always thought that none of her classmates knew she was Lao Jiang's daughter. When Lao Jiang confiscated his classmates' cell phones, she would always steal them and return them. She insisted that she persuaded Lao Jiang to return them. She was stupid.

She stole a lot, and everyone knew that Lao Jiang deliberately let her steal it. She was the only one who kept it in the dark, and everyone was happy without revealing it.

After seeing Yu Shiba, the girl was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Dayu, why do you appear in my building, and why are you skipping classes recently!!"

As he spoke, he happily came up and grabbed Yu Shiba's arm and shook it vigorously, looking very excited.

Then he turned his gaze to Mo Yu and was immediately shocked: "This cat of yours is darker than a thousand years old!"

As he said that, he cautiously reached out his hand and wanted to hug her.

Chitose Sui is an Internet celebrity cat who looks similar to Moyu. It is black, but its hair is not as moist as Moyu's.

Mo Yu weighs fifty kilograms, but Yu Shiba didn't dare to let her hold her. He stopped her outstretched hand and said, "I came to write a request for leave to the class teacher. Why are you here?" Then a look of realization appeared on his face. Expression: "Are you the head teacher's daughter?"

"No... no way, my house just happened to be nearby!" Jiang Wan'er said with evasive eyes.

"Oh, then I'll go and identify the door!" Yu Shiba said, "Let's go!" as if he wanted to follow.

Hearing this, Jiang Waner, who originally wanted to say a few more words to him, twitched her lips and said, "Whatever you want!"

Then she took the lead and walked upstairs. Her home was on the fourth floor. Seeing that Yu Shiba actually followed her, she walked directly to the door of a room on the fifth floor and said calmly: "I'm home, you don't have to send me off." Got it!"

"Open the door!" Yu Shiba said with a smile, "How about I knock on the door for you?"

Jiang Wan'er was speechless and looked at him with some embarrassment: "Did you know this earlier!"

Yu Shiba said happily: "Everyone knows!"

"Damn it, who leaked the news!" Jiang Wan'er looked hopeless.

Yu Shiba patted her head: "I knew it as early as the first semester of high school, haha!"

"Don't slap me on the head!" Jiang Waner snorted, carrying her schoolbag and walking downstairs. As she walked, she asked, "Are you really not coming to class?"

"Yes, we will probably only be able to chat on WeChat from now on!" Yu Shiba looked disappointed. "In the future, we no longer have to get up at 6:30 and rush to school. We will have to review until 10:30 every day."

"Damn it, why do I feel like you're showing off!"

"Your feeling is right."

"Why don't you come to class?" Jiang Waner asked worriedly, worried that Yu Shiba was sick.

Yu Shiba thought that he had already broadcast live anyway, so he no longer concealed it. He raised his finger, and there was a thunder arc beating on it!

"Have you become a transcendent?" Jiang Waner's face was shocked, but was soon replaced by deep envy, "That's great!"

Now that extraordinary information has been released, there has been an uproar among the student community. Jiang Wan'er has also heard about it, and said with a look of longing: "I don't want to study either, I also want to become an awakened person, but the awakened person test will not be until next Monday. It’s our school’s turn!”

Yu Shiba immediately became happy: "Do you think with Lao Jiang's nature, you can stop studying after becoming a transcendent?"

Jiang Wan'er immediately became depressed. Based on her understanding of her father, if she became a transcendent, the learning tasks given by her father would only increase exponentially.

"How about I check it for you directly!" Yu Shiba said. Jiang Wan'er is one of the classmates with whom she usually has a better relationship, and she is Lao Jiang's daughter. It doesn't matter if she helps her. It's just a matter of opening her eyes anyway.

After hearing what he said, Jiang Waner's face turned red and she hesitated: "How... check?"

"It's very simple..." Yu Shiba said as he turned on Sharingan. His eyes turned scarlet and he looked at Jiang Wan'er and said, "You can see it just by opening your eyes... Damn it!"

In his field of vision, Jiang Wan'er's pubic area in front of him was surprisingly green. He had seen this kind of green on Li Shanzhu, an intern in the team, but Jiang Wan'er hadn't awakened yet. It was so green. She was probably a gifted person. Those with healing abilities, or those with plant abilities.

"What...what's wrong?" Jiang Waner looked at Yu Shiba's scarlet eyes with a nervous look on her face.

"I just tested and found that you have the qualifications to awaken, and you are about to awaken. It seems that you can't live at home tonight!" Yu Shiba sighed.

Nowadays, sensor stones are widely used, and a large number of low-level dark creatures have been killed. This can be seen from the fact that Jiang Waner is not followed by dark creatures.

But the awakening caused a lot of noise at first. If Jiang Wan'er awakened in her home tonight, she would probably attract the prying eyes of dark creatures and eventually be strangled in the cradle.

Yu Shiba naturally doesn't want to see this happen.

But he had to deal with the extraordinary incident involving Qian Gui's life, so he couldn't report with Jiang Wan'er. After thinking about it, he created another Shadow Clone.

"Hey, I'm about to wake up (≖ ‿ ≖)✧..."

Jiang Wan'er was still immersed in the joy of being able to awaken. When she saw a person who looked exactly like him suddenly appearing next to Yu Shiba, her expression suddenly changed. She pointed at his clone and said hurriedly: "You, you, you, you..."

"Don't panic, it's a clone!" Yu Shiba patted her head and said, "I still have things to do now. This clone has all my memories and part of my consciousness. He will help you solve the next problems. , my clone will follow you home later and I will explain everything clearly to your parents. If you have any questions, you can ask him directly. I’m leaving now!”

Having said that, he didn't bother to walk up the stairs. He just raised his fingers in front of his chest and used the Body Flicker Technique to disappear.

This weird scene made Jiang Waner extremely nervous and a little excited at the same time, and then she looked at the clone.

The clone said proudly: "What are you looking at? If you haven't gone home yet, I will take you to the Shenhua Branch to report in the evening. You can't go home until you wake up!"

"Then do I... don't have to study anymore?" Jiang Waner asked, looking forward to it.

"You are already an extraordinary person, what a fool!" the proud clone said proudly, and then walked downstairs.

"Okay!" Jiang Wan'er suddenly jumped for joy.

After that, he and Jiang Wan'er returned to Lao Jiang's home. After explaining everything to Lao Jiang and his wife, before going to the Shenhua Branch to register, they received all the textbooks for the second to third years of high school, a total of three sets. In addition, there were some exercises, and There are dozens of extracurricular reading materials, weighing nearly a hundred kilograms, and there is also a set by Chen Bo.

This is a later story, but it has six thousand words, so I won’t mention it.

On the other side, after Yu Shiba got into Santana, he sat in the passenger seat, let his clone drive, and then started looking for the next victim who picked up the life money.

In the following period, he visited 16 people based on the registered information. After collecting the banknotes in everyone's hands, the avatar already had a thin stack of blood-stained banknotes in his hand. The results were quite impressive. gratifying.

During the inspection, he also met a money picker who lived in the community of the extraordinary family. She picked up the money when she went out to buy Wangwang crushed ice. It was a little girl, about eleven or twelve years old, who was picked up by him. I was very grateful after the rescue and even stuffed him with half a stick of Wangwang crushed ice.

In addition, there were two people who were not very polite. They yelled at him and asked him why he didn't come to the door earlier. He first fed him a sea of ​​excrement for more than ten minutes, then used a laser light to stimulate the demand for life money and cut his palms. Help them solve the problem only after the other party admits their mistake.

At this point, he has found all the life demands registered in the mission files.

Of course, Yu Shiba also knows that these life-demanding money are not all the life-demanding money of Qian Qiangui, but he can use these money to attract the clones of Qian Qiangui to come to the house, and then eliminate them one by one, leaving one behind and use illusions to Guide, find its identity, and finally complete the mission successfully.

At 11:30 pm, he was sitting on the sofa in the last victim's home, eating green dates, waiting for the money-demanding trick to come to his door.

The victim's family is in good condition. He is an executive of a listed company. He lives in a villa with a bright and spacious living room. There is also a fruit drink on the small coffee table in front of the sofa, which Yu Shiba enjoys a lot.

"Master, are you okay?" Next to Yu Shiba, a short middle-aged man wearing glasses asked with an anxious expression.

"Don't worry, if you can't beat him, I can definitely run away!" Yu Shiba said, turning on the live broadcast and preparing to broadcast the upcoming battle.

"Good evening, brothers, the life-demanding money trick is coming soon. Everyone, please keep your eyes open and see clearly how I eliminate the trick!"

Yu Shiba said with a smile. After thinking about it, he did not release infinite shit reading to the audience, but created a fantasy scene where "Love River" was played and followed by all kinds of weirdness.

Suddenly the barrage became sparse, and then the emotional points increased rapidly.

After waiting for half an hour, as soon as the clock struck twelve, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

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