The Vegetable Seeds Stolen

Of course, he didn’t do nothing during these two months.

For example, he solved the problem of feeling uncomfortable when going to the toilet.

He has a processing workshop, toilet paper does notDifficult.

It’s just that the toilet needs to be remodeled. The dry toilet smells too bad.

So he made a flush toilet, which is really hard to do in this era.

Who told him to have a plug-in? If he has clay and other raw materials, he can just produce it directly.

“Brother, I found the craftsman you want for you. You promised me before, you can’t go back on it!”

“Don’t worry, Chang’an County will be handed over to Zhang Yong’s family, and Wannian County will be handed over to you. From now on, you will be the general agents of these two areas.”

Although he didn’t know what a general agent was, Shi Kelang left with a smile.

His hands have healed a long time ago, and now he is twitching in front of Yang Guang, like a dog’s leg.

Why is this happening? Of course it’s because of money.

Knowing how big Yang Guang’s business is, Shi Kelang’s eyes kept wandering around.

Yang Guang didn’t mind giving him some profits, so he was given the position of general agent.

The last time there was some conflict because of Yang Guang’s father’s visit, Yang Guang simply ended his vegetable selling business and directly transferred the agent in Chang’an County to Zhang Yong.

It’s because of this that Zhang Qing’s mouth is almost crooked at home, making money every day.

For other restaurants, if you can’t get food from Yang Guang, you can only go to Zhang’s.

The Zhang family also became a celebrity in the restaurant industry in an instant, and it made countless people jealous.

At the same time, some right and wrong came up. Of course, Yang Guang doesn’t know about these yet.

He is still busy repairing the toilet for himself now.

Ask Shi Kelang to help him find the craftsman who built it.

Then he supplied supplies to Shi Kelang, making him the chief vegetable vendor in Shenjing City!

Although Shi Kelang has some complaints about the profession of selling vegetables, but if there is money to be made, who cares about the profession.

Looking at Zhang Yong’s house, he directly opened his shop in Chang’an Market and became the general agent.

Now it has become the best channel for ordinary people outside restaurants to obtain ingredients, and their daily money is no less than that of restaurants.

After all, restaurants still need processing and other expenses, but vegetable sellers only need a facade.

Zhang’s family is in Chang’an. Shi Kelang doesn’t need to go to Chang’an, he sells directly in Wannian County.

Most of the people here are wealthy families, so they must like these dishes very much.

In addition, they are all wealthy and noble families. As the population increases, the demand for this dish will skyrocket.

Not only did he make a lot of money after that, Shi Kelang’s eyes glowed just thinking about it.

Now that his father has left to take office, doesn’t that mean he can do whatever he wants?

Besides, life at home is difficult. He does business entirely for his family.

After finding a good excuse for himself, Shi Kelang happily became Yang Guang’s downline dealer.

The craftsman came to Yang Guang and waited for his order very respectfully.

Yang Guang took out the drawings of the toilet and septic tank and asked, “Look at this, can it be fixed?”

Although the craftsman was illiterate, he could still understand the pictures and quickly understood the truth.

After reading it, he nodded and said, “Young Master, don’t worry, we can fix this.”

Yang Guang nodded and said: “Very good, then you can start repairing. By the way, use the materials I provided to repair. I will explain to you how to use these materials….”

The synthetic cement, after Yang Guang explained it to them, and then used it a little bit, the craftsmen exclaimed that it was amazing.

There is a kind of admiration for Yang Guang. They feel that the person who can make such convenient materials must be someone with skills.

The status of a craftsman is a bit low, but people’s spirits may not be low, and their admiration is only for those who are capable.

Originally, I was skeptical of Yang Guang, thinking that the so-called blueprints and materials were just pretenders, but now I no longer have any doubts.

The craftsmen were convinced and began to work for him honestly.

Yang Guang watched their construction from the sidelines to avoid mistakes, but at this moment he saw Wu Yi running over panting.

“The young master is not well. Something happened to Zhuangzi, and Guanshi Zhang was so angry that he scolded his mother. Go and have a look.”

Wu Yi said anxiously. Yang Guang heard that something happened to Zhuangzi, so he immediately got into the carriage with Wu Yi.

The atmosphere in Zhuangzi was solemn. Steward Zhang called all the farmers together, and all the farmers looked at Steward Zhang anxiously. As for what they were thinking, no one knew.

Yang Guang arrived soon, and when Guanshi Zhang saw him coming, he said, “Recently, the harvest of green vegetables is not right. Some people privately resold the green vegetables, and some secretly sent the seeds of the green vegetables. This matter is very serious.” , please come and make a decision.”

Hearing that this was the case, Yang Guang suddenly realized that when a courtyard house appeared in the space, he knew that something would happen to Zhuangzi.

After all, I haven’t judged that Zhuangzi belongs to me in my own space, that is to say, I haven’t fully controlled it yet, so it’s inevitable that something will happen.

Money touches people’s hearts. At the beginning, these farmers will be satisfied with the money they get from each sale.

But after a long time, there will definitely be people who are greedy.

In addition, the sales of this dish are so good that a group of people outside are staring at it. They can’t figure out Yang Guang’s way, and they dare not make decisions from him, so they can only get it from Zhuangzi.

Yang Guang can still accept some extra cheap dishes and the like. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. It’s okay to let the farmers live better.

But if the seeds are resold, the nature is different. This is to dig up Yang Guang’s roots.

Although this matter has long been under Yang Guang’s precautions, soThe so-called seeds can be manipulated by him.

In other words, as long as it is a product of space, it can be manipulated by Yang Guang.

Whether or not there will be any harvest after the seeds are planted is completely under Yang Guang’s control.

Even where the seeds are, he can find them through space.

However, prevention is prevention, and the feeling of being betrayed is still very unpleasant.

In particular, Yang Guang didn’t think he had treated them badly. Although it was still the same, if he hadn’t provided the seeds himself, it would have been impossible for them to have such benefits.

Now instead of being grateful, he wanted to steal his business, which made him intolerable.

Facing the farmers, Yang Guang said, “I think I treat you kindly, but I didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen.”

“Now I’ll give you a chance to stand up and admit it yourself. Otherwise, if I find out, I will report to the authorities.”

The dealers looked at each other, but none of them stood up. It was obvious that they were planning to get away with it, betting that Yang Guang would not find out who it was.

Yang Guang does not have the ability to read people’s hearts, but he has the ability to find seeds.

The seeds that are sown each time are rationed. Since the seeds are sold, it proves that there are not enough seeds in the ground. Isn’t this something that Yang Guang can tell at a glance?

Yang Guang took a glance and said, “If you don’t come out, then you can’t blame me.”

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