The yamen is here, and Shi Kelang protects his shortcomings

“Boss, those women have new clues. It is said that Master Hou once said that the assassin was sent by the Yang family before he was killed.”

Another detective brought good news, and there was another clue.

Catcher Li nodded and said, “Very good, now the clues are clear. Who did Lord Hou offend before, who did he meet last night, and where is the housekeeper?”

“Last night, my master was just drinking at home. Oh, by the way, Wang Gui, the deputy leader of the Black Tiger Gang, came to see my master.”

“Besides, my master is the closest, because the green vegetables in Xiaoyangzhuang are a little different from that of the Yang family.”

“It seems that this is right. It must be the Yang family. Hurry up and arrest him!”

The housekeeper of Duke Xiu’s mansion came to Butou Li, and explained the situation last night in detail.

Of course, what he said must be something he knows. He must not be clear about things like the Uncovered Conference.

From the mouth of the housekeeper, I found out that this Master Hou was actually plotting to steal the secret method of a certain commoner.

Li Butou was very disdainful in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face.

Because the current rich and nobles have always been like this, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

There may be a difference, but it’s just the amount.

He said he was going to arrest people, but based on this suspicion, did he arrest people without any evidence?

“It seems that even if the whole incident wasn’t done by someone from the Yang family, it still has something to do with the Yang family.”

“In addition, the deputy gang leader of the Black Tiger Gang is also suspected. You divide into two teams and bring him back to the Wannian County Government.”

“Yes!” The two police officers answered at the same time, and each led a team to arrest them.

When the arresters from Wannian County Government rushed to Yang’s house, they happened to see the butler of the Shi family hurrying in.

The police quickly stepped forward and blocked the door that was about to be closed.

“What are you doing?” Seeing that it was a policeman, the porter asked in fear.

People don’t fight with officials, especially in this era, but the concierge is still loyal to the guard.

“This is the Yang family, right? The owner of Xiaoyang Village outside the city is the owner of this place.”

The police officer didn’t answer his question, but asked him directly.

The concierge nodded almost subconsciously, and then stopped suddenly. He felt as if he had done something wrong.

Seeing him nodding quickly, the arrester waved to the yamen guard behind him and said, “That’s right, go in and take him away.”

Pushing open the gatehouse, a group of people broke into it directly and violently.

The butler of the historian has already seen his young master, and is trying to persuade him to leave as soon as possible, so as not to antagonize the Duke Xiu’s mansion.

Yang Guang also knew the news that the policemen had come in, and the two sides bumped into each other immediately.

“Who is Yang Guang? Is it you!” the policeman pointed at Shi Kelang and asked.

The housekeeper at the side was unhappy, and went straight to the policeman and shouted.

“Blind your dog eyes, this is my young master.””My family is the historian of Baoling Hou. This is my young master, the future young master. What do you want to do?”

After a slap in the face, the policeman immediately cupped his fists and apologized. After all, honorable beings were something they couldn’t afford to mess with.

After apologizing, I started looking for Yang Guang again.

“I am Yang Guang, everyone, do you know what you can do with me?”

Yang Guang stepped forward in good time.

After hearing this, the police officers said, “You are Yang Guang. It just so happens that you are involved in a case. Come with us!”

As he spoke, he was about to step forward to take the man away, but he felt uncomfortable looking at Shi Kelang. He rushed into the house to arrest him. How could he bear it in front of him?

“Wait a minute, what are you doing? You want to arrest someone if you get involved? Make it clear!”

Shi Kelang’s status destined him to be unscrupulous in the official face.

It can be said that these arresting yamen servants have no taboos when facing ordinary people.

But when facing a second-generation official like Shi Kelang, he was really at a loss.

There was an awkward smile on the catcher’s face.

He explained: “Young Lord, don’t make things difficult for us. I told you the truth that the little Lord of Xiuguo’s family died last night.”

“What? The Xiuguo family is dead? You mean that Hou Xiaokang? How did he die? I haven’t heard that he has any illness.”

The policeman explained in a low voice in Shi Kelang’s ear. As for Shi Kelang, he exposed the news directly.

However, the policeman couldn’t say anything, but he was so angry that he wanted to smash his big teeth.

Now that it was all exposed, he no longer whispered it, but said it directly.

“That one is dead, but the matter is not over. The matter here has some entanglements with the master of the Yang family, so I have to take it back and ask.”

After hearing this, Shi Kelang still disagreed, and only said: “If there is any dispute, just tell me, your yamen will pretend that I don’t know about it?”

“That’s not something that ordinary people can go in. This is my brother. I can’t watch him go in and peel off his skin.”

Everyone knows the official affairs, and some dudes will frame people and send them in.

Anyway, those who go in will have to peel off their skin if they don’t die.

It can be seen that Shi Kelang is sincerely protecting himself, and Yang Guang is still a little moved.

“If he goes in, what will happen to my business? It’s a daily income of hundreds of taels. Are you going to pay for it?”

Yang Guang: Damn it, I take back my touch!

“Little Marquis, please don’t make it difficult for us. After all, there is still waiting there. Besides, the clearer will be clearer.”

“If it really has nothing to do with Mr. Yang, it will come out soon.”

“You hindered him like this, but increased his suspicion, what do you think?”

Whatever he says, Shi Kelang won’t budge anyway.

I saw him shaking his head and saying: “That’s not okay, who knows if you guys are going to be tortured into tricks, anyway, I have to take care of this matter.”

“Last night, I drank with him and got drunk. How could it be possible for him to kill someone?”

“And do you think he is a strong man with small arms and legs like that?”

The police were also helpless, they really didn’t dare to forcibly lead people away under Shi Kelang’s interference.

Although Shi Kelang has no official position, his father is his biggest backer.

“Young Master, we didn’t say he was the murderer.”

“I just want him to prove that he has nothing to do with this matter.”

“There is also a deputy gang leader of the Black Tiger Gang involved.”

“If you block it like this, I’m afraid you will be suspected of everything.”

“Duke Xiu has never had conflicts with other people before.”

“It’s just like Mr. Yang had a conflict because of the production of Xiaoyangzhuang. If you don’t prove it, isn’t it talking to the people?”

The little catcher is helpless, he can only understand it with emotion and reason.

However, he didn’t listen at all, and just ignored him.

Yang Guang saw that it was almost done, so he said, “I’ll go with you.”

After hearing this, Shi Kelang said: “You don’t have to be afraid, they can’t touch you with me around.”

Although Shi Kelang himself is not sure, but he is going to support this scene now.

During the drink last night, he already regarded Yang Guang as his good brother.

Now that the good brother is obviously framed by someone, can he ignore it?

It was obviously the Xiuguo government’s conspiracy to seize his brother’s secret law and property.

Now that Duke Xiu is dead, he deserves it, but he wants to make trouble for his brother.

If he doesn’t help, who will dare to be brothers with him in the future?

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