The Hou Family’s Plan

When he arrived at Wang Gui’s place, he only admitted that he had indeed smashed the shop and threatened people.

But that was ordered by the noble marquis, he was just a thug.

As for the death of Young Master Hou, anyway, he doesn’t admit it.

Not only did he not admit it, but he also dragged Mr. Hou into the water, saying that he wanted to rob others of his things.

Hou Xiaokang’s housekeeper was upset by these remarks, and said sharply: “It’s unreasonable, this person is talking nonsense.”

“My lord, what kind of character, how could it be possible to snatch a small man’s Zhuangzi and secret method, slander is pure slander.”

“My lord, there must be some of these people who murdered my lord, please take them into custody temporarily.”

“I am repairing the Duke’s Mansion, and I must find evidence that they murdered my lord. Bring them to justice to comfort the lord’s soul!”

The county magistrate was silent. Now that things have come to an end, it cannot be proved that he has committed a crime.

But it is indeed implicated, so people must not let it go.

After thinking for a while, the county magistrate said, “Since we can’t prove that this matter has nothing to do with you today, then we can only temporarily take him into custody.”

“Captain Li, I will give you seven days to solve this case, and give justice to Lord Marquis and others.”

“Come here, take the three of them down and take care of them.”

The three of them were taken away like this. Before leaving, Yang Guang listened to Shi Kelang telling him not to worry, and to fish him out immediately.

The other two were not so lucky. Because they walked slowly, they received two sticks in the back.

The three of them were escorted to the cell. There must be no good environment in the cell, needless to say it was dark and filthy.

The three of them were not imprisoned together, but each of them was in a single room.

It’s just that there is a gap among them. Two people like Yang Guang and Luo Heihu were assigned to better ones.

Yang Guang’s single room even has a ventilation window, not to mention the fresh air, and he can bask in the sun for a period of time every day.

Compared to other cells, this is considered a VIP room.

Luo Heihu’s cell was very ordinary, but it was a single room, and he was clean alone.

Wang Gui’s is different. They live in multiple rooms, and they are very crowded.

If it weren’t for the fact that he himself has some courage, is also very vicious and has the prestige of the Black Tiger Gang, he would probably have been beaten by now.

After entering the cell, Yang Guang sat in the corner. He needed to think about what to do after he got out.

Being brought here without the ability to resist like today is not the life he wants.

Of course, he definitely has the ability to resist, but he doesn’t want to be a street mouse. This dynasty is doomed to be very difficult for individuals to stand out with bravery.

Could it be that he killed himself all the way to the Golden Temple?

Look at how I was treated today, and how the other two were treated.

It was because Shi Kelang was watching from the side that he was given the current treatment.

So, the idea that I just wanted to let the people around me live a good life was simply stupid.

The idea is correct, but when your life gets better, it is inevitable that someone will spy on you. Unless you have the ability to protect everything about yourself, you will have to endure it.

So I not only have to have a good life, but also have power. Think about it today, if I am not an ordinary person, but a nobleman, would I still be in prison like this?

Yang Guang finally began to realize that it is impossible to be alone in this world, unless he escapes into the deep mountains and old forests and does not have contact with human beings.

Otherwise, with his ability, he will definitely be coveted by others.

Humans are social creatures after all, how can they be happy even if they can live without society?

“When we go out this time, we must find a way to become a powerful person, no matter what form of power it is!”

Yang Guang secretly set a goal for himself.

In another cell, Luo Heihu was also secretly observing Yang Guang.

Luo Heihu has met many people, some are honest and honest, some are cunning and insidious, and some are cruel and heartless.

But in front of mePersonally, Luo Heihu felt that he was in the same category as himself.

There is no specific personality. If there is one, then Luo Heihu would like to call it selfish and indifferent.

Luo Heihu feels that selfish and indifferent people act only for their own wishes or what they think.

For example, liking a person or an item is entirely a subjective liking.

As for whether the other party likes it or not, it has nothing to do with him, as long as he feels good, that’s fine.

He is like this, and this young man named Yang Guang should be like this too.

Although Yang Guang didn’t show it, Luo Heihu felt the same aura from him.

“Interesting young man, but what do you rely on to let you develop such a character? I have struggled for twenty years.”

Luo Heihu muttered to himself in the corner. He was sure that he would be fine this time, so it was time for him to watch the show.

“Go away, you trash, I’m the vice leader of the Black Tiger Gang, do you want to die?”

After Wang Gui entered the cell, he brutally beat the people around him. Most of these prisoners were gangsters on the street, including thieves and robbers.

But under the prestige of the Black Tiger Gang and Wang Gui’s fist, everyone was convinced.

The situation in the cell was quiet, but outside the cell…

“My lord, you’re embarrassing me too much. If something happens to these people, I won’t be able to do anything as a cell boss.”

The head of the cell looked at the butler of the Hou’s mansion in front of him in embarrassment, but his eyes were extremely shrewd at the money bag in the butler’s hand.

Steward Hou weighed the money bag, then added another bag and said, “Don’t make it difficult for you, you can take this little money and treat the brothers to drink.”

“Just send a few domestic slaves who committed crimes in. If something happens inside, someone will take care of it. How about it? Do you want to do it?”

Good guy, this bag is at least twenty or thirty taels, and one more bag is worth fifty or sixty taels. For a cell leader like him, it is already a lot of money.

As for the consequences, hehe, are there still not many people who died unjustly in this prison? Besides, people can say that someone topped the package.

The jailer took the money bag and said, “Then thank you for the reward. Today I will go out to drink with my brothers.”

Although there are charges of dereliction of duty, but how much do you care about for money?

What’s more, if people can find this place, if the county magistrate doesn’t know about it, then it’s a ghost.

The head of the cell led his men to lock the door of the prison, and left behind two guards.

In the county office, the county magistrate is admiring the flowers in the garden. The golden flowers, silver leaves and pearl seeds are really beautiful.

“My lord, the Hou family sent people to the prison cell, and sent a few people in with money.” Catcher Li reported everything beside the county magistrate.

As for the magistrate, he saw a green worm on the silver leaf, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be carved from emerald.

It really is a wonderful workmanship.

“It’s just sending two people in. Don’t worry about him if you have anything to worry about.” The county magistrate said perfunctorily.

Doesn’t he know what the Hou family is going to do? Of course he knew, but what did it have to do with him?

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