Determine what kind of person you want to be

Luo Heihu saw everything with squinted eyes, but his mind felt a huge shock because of it.

Everything happened so fast, it was too shocking.

It’s not that the dead man hasn’t seen it, and he even solved it himself, but this is not the most important thing.

Although the way of killing people feels unusually fast, sensitive, and cold-blooded.

But what really scares Luo Heihu is the method of erasing the three corpses afterwards.

He was very sure that it wasn’t some quack trick like blindfolding, any kind of tricks required the preparation of props.

But where is the time and space for him to prepare?? In other words, the person in front of him has abilities that ordinary people don’t have.

This made Luo Heihu think of ghosts and gods.

Different times they live in naturally have different ideas. What they can think of is the power of ghosts and gods, but in modern times, they may think more of what they don’t understand as means of magic.

In the final analysis, it was all guesswork, and Luo Heihu also knew one thing from the look in Yang Guang’s eyes just now.

The thing about him pretending to be asleep has been discovered, and Yang Guang’s glance just now was to warn him.

As for how Yang Guang found out, he can even destroy corpses and traces so simply and calmly, why is it so strange that he knows other methods?

Don’t be afraid of anything, Luo Heihu, who thinks everything is calculated, is afraid at this moment.

Facing things that you don’t understand, the first thing you feel is fear, and then you think about whether you can destroy the things that make you fear.

Then Luo Heihu sadly discovered that if he faced the attacks of those three, he would not be able to fight head-on.

Not to mention Yang Guang who could easily kill three people and destroy their corpses.

So he found sadly that he couldn’t resist the other party. If he wanted to save his life, besides keeping his mouth shut, he also had to look at the other party’s mood.

Not to mention Luo Heihu’s sudden sorrow, Yang Guang closed his eyes but didn’t really go to rest.

Unlike killing Lai Changjin the first time and burning down the farm the second time, this time he did evil in front of other people’s eyes.

Although he didn’t think he was doing evil in this matter, but destroying a few lives with his own hands is not considered a good deed no matter what the age.

He had clearly sensed that Luo Heihu was awake before killing the man.

But on the one hand, I can’t resist just because I saw it, and on the other hand, I also want to use this action to frighten this Luo Heihu.

Because Luo Heihu was his first step in gaining power.

In fact, in this world, if you want to gain the power to protect yourself, the best way is to take the imperial examination and become a member of the bureaucracy.

However, it was difficult for Yang Guang. As a fish who slipped through the nine-year compulsory education, he regretted that he was a scumbag.

Almost all the knowledge learned has been returned to the teacher, let alone the knowledge system of this world.

The predecessor was originally a concubine, and the mistress did it on purpose, so he didn’t get a good education at all.

Even though he had studied a few books, he who traveled across time did not have the memory to inherit him.

Is he going to study now? It’s not impossible, but he doesn’t want to, so the way to study is blocked!

The second way is to join the army and take the martial arts route. In fact, this is the most suitable route for him.

According to his current physical condition, if he entered the army, he would basically be a fierce general who would be the enemy of ten thousand people.

If the planting space and processing workshop in his body are added, it is completely possible for one person to supply an army.

It can even provide for myself to lay down a big country.

However, this thing is tiring. No matter what other traversers think, Yang Guang doesn’t like it now anyway.

Even if he doesn’t want to take the civil or military route, then Yang Guang doesn’t have many ways left.

Luo Heihu, a gang leader, is logically the target of the government’s key attack.

But his life is very prosperous, and even in the area where he lives, ordinary people have to rely on his protection to live.

And he himself became a great benevolent person by virtue of this successful cleansing. What did he rely on? own power?

No, he relied on the thousands or even tens of thousands of brothers under his command!

In the huge city of Shenjing, there are probably only a few thousand gang members who really have the background of the Black Tiger Gang, but there are tens of thousands of gangsters or civilians who claim to be the Black Tiger Gang.

Whether they are real or self-proclaimed, they are actually taking shelter under the banner of the Black Tiger Gang.

While they were taking shelter, they also gave the Black Tiger Gang a strong support, and as the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Luo Heihu also had a golden body bonus.

Although he is the golden body of the gang, there is no doubt that as a big boss, he cannot easily get into trouble.

Once something happens to him, the Black Tiger Gang will collapse and the original order will be disrupted.

These officials are not even willing to repair the broken yamen, because they are afraid of being accused of corruption and bribery and afraid of breaking the rules.

Naturally, I don’t want to destroy the situation that has formed a good cycle, and even if possible, I will try my best to maintain it.

Unless, the rules formed by this gang hinder their interest acquisition.

Or they threatened their own existence, otherwise they would not break easily.

So Yang Guang chose this path, kidnapping everyone’s interests and letting them escort him.

What you want in life is actually very simple, it is greed! Just not satisfied.

When you are not full, you want to be full, and when you are full, you want to dress warmly.

After eating and dressing warmly, I started thinking about spring and thinking about procreating the next generation.

After I have everything, I start to want to be more comfortable and prosperous.

After getting enough material satisfaction, I began to pursue spiritual entertainment and enjoyment.

Honor, self-esteem, status, fame, etc., all belong to the product after eating.

And all of this can be provided by Yang Guang. He has the planting space, and the space will expand as he occupies the territory.

Theoretically speaking, the more subordinates he has, the more territories he occupies, and he will always get double.

This can satisfy everyone’s appetite, and the existence of processing space means that as long as there are raw materials, he can manufacture high technology without even doing it himself.

Material pursuits are also goodWhether it is spiritual pursuit or not, these are all provided by Yang Guang.

At this stage, everyone is still pursuing food and clothing. This is a good opportunity.

To intimidate Luo Heihu is to let him know his method. After he gets out, he can subdue this guy and use it to create his own amulet.

Think about my eyeliner all over Shenjing. If you want to touch yourself, you will touch the tens of thousands, or even the jobs of hundreds of thousands of people in Shenjing. Who would dare to touch you?

In a situation like today, if I have enough influence, will the other party really have a chance to frame me?

Will I still be broken by the restaurant and coveted by Xungui?

If there is not only one small Zhuangzi, but ten hundred Zhuangzi.

He is a big landlord with the ability to safeguard his own interests.

A person who has his own mouthpiece and influence in the imperial court.

A mere first-class viscount, how dare he have such thoughts?

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