Someone’s Jealous

Business is business, even though he was a bit reluctant to pay dividends, Shi Kelang finally agreed.

The proceeds were divided into five shares. Although Yang Guang kept saying no, Shi Kelang refused.

He felt that the business was owned by Yang Guang himself, and Yang Guang was generous enough to take it out. If Yang Guang didn’t want it anymore, where would it be fair?

Can the business continue in the future?

Actually, how did he know, Yang Guang saidThe reason for not wanting it is because he paid for the raw materials and the money went into his pocket.

The output in the space makes this basically a no-cost business. In fact, whether these shops or barbecue stalls, they all create value for him.

And the benefit they got was just that Yang Guang didn’t like it, but Shi Kelang insisted, so he could only reluctantly take it.

“The barbecue stall is sure to make money now, and although the Black Tiger Gang has lost its name, in fact, the basic team is there, so there is no need to worry about being coveted.”

“Officially, you have your escort, so everything is safe. Are we going to start a grocery store now, bah, it should be a supermarket?”

Just after finishing the barbecue stall, Shi Kelang thought of the vegetable basket supermarket that Yang Guang mentioned earlier.

Even barbecue is such a hot business, and that supermarket sounds even more incredible. Shi Kelang couldn’t help but yearn for it.

Yang Guang shook his head and said, “Wait a minute, it’s not clear yet, I have to see some people’s reactions.”

Shi Kelang was a little puzzled, see the reaction? Let’s see who’s reaction.

Yang Guang didn’t explain too much, and Shi Kelang didn’t ask too much. You shouldn’t be too greedy. It’s already something to be lucky to have your current career.


The emperor who was still reviewing the memorials in the palace also heard about what Yang Guang had done.

In fact, because Yang Guang’s official position was directly conferred by the emperor instead of being distributed through normal channels, many officials had objections.

It’s just that the current sage is not an ordinary person, and he won’t listen to their chatter.

But as long as there is any movement from Yang Guang that they think is against the rules and they don’t like it, they will poke the matter into the emperor’s ears.

For example now.

“So, Yang Guang just created a mobile booth, and you don’t like it like this? Is there anything inappropriate about this?”

Facing the emperor’s question, the servant of the household department who reported the matter was unable to say anything.

Yes, is there anything inappropriate? Didn’t you see that the people in Wannian County all praised it?

In fact, even he himself bought barbecue and thought it was very delicious, but this did not prevent him from suing.

Because he can’t understand that Yang Guang’s official is an official of the Ministry of Household Affairs, but the business he runs doesn’t need to pay taxes to the Ministry of Household Affairs. What’s the reason?

The common people don’t know the benefits contained in it, but as the servant of the household department, how can he not know the economic benefits contained in it?

According to his calculation, the barbecue business earns at least a thousand taels a day, which is the net profit after deducting costs.

Although there was a gap in his calculation, it was enough to make the Ministry of Revenue feel distressed.

If taxes were to be collected, it would be a huge sum of money, but now that they are watching helplessly, how can the people in the household department bear it?

The problem is, if you want to collect taxes, the biggest obstacle is none other than the person sitting on the dragon chair.

“Can’t tell? If that’s the case, then don’t talk about it.” The emperor made a final conclusion when he saw that the servant of the household department was speechless.

“Your Majesty, there has been no precedent for officials to do business since ancient times. Yang Guang is already in charge of the household department. How can he manage businesses such as barbecue stalls? Your Majesty, please look into it.”

The emperor’s face was expressionless, while the household servant’s face was flushed. This is already a shameless statement.

In this big Qian Dynasty, are there still fewer officials doing business?

It’s just that in comparison, the others are relatively low-key and hide in the dark, while Yang Guang is more flamboyant and directly in the light.

Can this also be a reason to attack? It seems that in order to embarrass themselves, these officials don’t even want to face.

That’s right, from the emperor’s point of view, this incident was never aimed at Yang Guang, but the emperor himself.

Who made Yang Guang an official? He appointed him directly instead of being selected by the bureaucracy.

It’s like when you go to university, everyone else takes the exam, and you are the principal who got you in.

Just do it, keep a low profile and everyone will live in peace, but you are still doing business in school with great fanfare, and you don’t pay attention to these seniors and school leaders at all!

Tell me, who will you mess with if you don’t?

The emperor stared at the household servant and said, “Don’t say such things in the future. I also know the saying that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, so I don’t want to send out the embroidered clothes guards yet.”

Sure enough, the servant of the household department fell to his knees and kowtowed after hearing this, and said, “I deserve death for my crimes!

“I allow Yang Guang to do business. His taxes are paid directly to the inner court. Regarding his direct business, I will reprimand him. This matter ends here, let’s go.”

After the emperor made the coffin-closing conclusion, the servant of the household department really didn’t dare to say anything more.

The purpose of the test has been achieved. Yang Guang is indeed the glove that His Majesty took out to hold money. This person cannot be touched!

This also means that their plan to reach out to the barbecue stand is completely abolished, but it doesn’t matter, if they can’t reach out, they can just copy one, and it’s not very technically difficult.

After the household servant left, the emperor sat on the dragon chair in silence for a long time, and finally found Dai Chun and said, “You go to Yang Guang and ask him to come up with a sum of money.”

The emperor didn’t say what title to use, nor how much to pay. Dai Chun had to think about all these.

In the afternoon of that day, Dai Chun came to Yang Guang’s house in person, intending to beat him up.

But when Dai Chun knew that he was not alone in what Yang Guang had done.

Among them were the historians of Baolinghou and the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion, so they didn’t dare to say anything too exaggerated.

Yang Guang is aloneIt’s true, but the Shi family and the Jia family are both honorable families.

If you really want to take money from them, even the emperor might not be able to do it.

You have to know how much money these four kings and eight princes and nobles from all over the world have borrowed from the Ministry of Households every year. Who have you seen pay it back?

“Master Yang, the meaning of our family’s visit this time is actually very simple. I just hope you can restrain yourself and not be so arrogant.”

“You operate with such great fanfare, and the business is so booming that you earn a lot of money every day without paying taxes. There are already voices in the court who oppose it. If the emperor didn’t stop you, you should go to the yamen prison again.”

Dai Chun spoke earnestly, as if it was really for Yang Guanghao, but only Yang Guang knew what would happen if he didn’t pull the Shijia and Jiajia along.

As for asking Yang Guang to give the money, Dai Chunti didn’t mention it. He knew that the historians and the Jia family were there, so the money would definitely not come. His headache now is how to explain to the emperor that there is no money. .

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