Someone is Restless

Yang Wang went to Jia’s house and cried. Jia Wang was very impatient with her, and finally agreed to make peace with her.

It’s just that there’s no guarantee of becoming Jia Wang’s. After all, such things are mostly thankless.

However, Jia Wang’s family was highly praised by his sisters, and he also felt that Yang Guang’s success was due to the Jia family’s contribution.

Besides, before Yang Guang was imprisoned, it was the Jia family who came forward and was released. There is still some kindness.

Obviously, she never thought that if it wasn’t for that kindness, it would be so possible for her to take his son to make money.

After getting Jia Wang’s nod, Yang Wang left the gift and left.

When Jia Zheng came back from the yamen, he happened to see the gift from Mrs. Yang Wang, and there were some valuable things.

For example, the Korean style is very vulgar, but in fact it is a very vulgar Golden Buddha. The whole body is made of gold, which looks very refreshing.

“Where did this thing come from?” Jia Zheng naturally wanted to ask after seeing it.

Jia Wang said proudly: “It was given by my sisters who came to visit, but I have something to ask you, master.”

When Jia Zheng heard this, he felt uncomfortable. He is a very pedantic person, and he was born in a wealthy family, so he has a tendency to regard money as dung.

Seeing the golden Buddha now makes him feel vulgar. If it wasn’t for the Buddha statue, he would have thrown it out.

Now that Mrs. Jia actually told him that someone else came to ask him to do something, he felt even more unhappy.

“How did you come here? Why did you return it to me? I am an official of the imperial court. I don’t do those shameful things. I have humiliated my ancestors!”

Jia Zheng is arrogant, and his family background also gives him the capital not to accept bribes.

But Jia Wang laughed and said: “Master, it’s not about the court, let me tell you… That’s it, she came to me, I can’t refuse, I just want to let the master say Let’s make peace, it’s best if it works, if it doesn’t work, I’ll just return the things, what do you think? They’re all relatives, and they’ve begged to come, so it’s not good for me to lose face in front of relatives.”

In order to accomplish this, Jia Wang acted like a baby for a rare time. She has been an old married couple for many years, but seeing her like this, she almost vomited.

“Okay, okay, I promise, I’ll leave first if there’s nothing else to do.”

Jia Zheng, who felt his heart was hurt, planned to go to Aunt Zhao to find comfort.

This behavior did not annoy Mrs. Wang at all. She has gotten used to it over the years.

The turmoil in Jia’s family has just started, but outside, Yang Guang’s career is already in full swing.

The reason why he has not developed in Chang’an is definitely not because of what the outside world said, at least not entirely.

He alone supplied the goods for a supermarket in 54 squares in Wannian County. Would anyone be curious about how his goods came from?

Of course, it’s not that no one is curious. In fact, many times, people have tracked delivery convoys.

It’s just that every time they tracked to the end, they only tracked to the warehouse on the Zhuangzi outside the city, and thenThere is no clue.

Of course, Yang Guang did this on purpose. Those who planned to pry into his corner were not even sure about his supply chain, which naturally made him appear even more mysterious.

“My lord, I’m back!” Luo Heihu came in front of Yang Guang, cast a glance at Liu Zhuang beside him, and clasped his fists.

“Boss, I’m back too.” Liu Zhuang was in the same situation, but when he looked at Luo Heihu, he was obviously provocative.

These two people were all sent out by Yang Guang to handle errands. It was obvious that both of them regarded this time as a contest.

Luo Heihu wanted to show his ability, and Liu Zhuang also wanted to prove that he was the most capable person around his boss.

Noticed the interaction between the two, but Yang Guang didn’t stop it. Competition is the motivation.

“Just come back. What have you found? Tell me.” Yang Guang said after pouring each of them a glass of Bing Kuo Luo.

Looking at this bubbling drink, both Liu Zhuang and Luo Heihu were delighted.

Both of them have tasted this kind of drink, and they both like the feeling, but the quantity of this kind of drink is limited, and they cannot be bought in supermarkets, so they can only drink some from Yang Guang.

After drinking a cup in one breath, Luo Heihu breathed a sigh of relief and said, “My lord, I sent my subordinates to follow all the way, and found a total of 14 houses, nine of which are related to the royal family.”

“The other five families are members of major aristocratic families. They seem to be looking for the connections behind us.”

“Although they haven’t been found, but they have been followed for such a long time, maybe they will take a desperate risk. Do you want to give them a little warning?”

It turned out that Luo Heihu was sent by Yang Guang to ensure the transportation of goods in the supermarket, and by the way, a counter-reconnaissance came.

I didn’t expect that there are so many 14 stores. It seems that everyone is interested in the products in the supermarket.

It is said that the supermarket is giving back to the public, but giving back does not mean not charging money. Although it is sold at a low price, who knows what the real value is?

There are a lot of things that look high-end, but in fact the cost of manufacture is ridiculously low, and when they are sold, they still look like you made money.

These stalkers obviously want to know the source of the goods, and then contact them themselves. Why can’t they do the business that the supermarket does?

When the time comes to cut off the supply of goods directly, the supermarket will not be able to sell them, and they will only make more money.

As for being afraid of the emperor getting angry? Hehe, the big deal is that they no longer sell it in Shenjingcheng.

Anyway, apart from Shenjing City, there are many prosperous cities in this world.

It’s a pity that they didn’t find it, and they will never find it.

After listening to Luo Heihu’s words, Yang Guang waved his hands and said, “No, they like it, so let them follow along. It’s like walking the dog. Anyway, I can’t find it.”

“But you have to be careful, if the goods are robbed, it will be our loss.”

Luo Heihu nodded and said: “Yes, don’t worry, my lord, the brothers will try their best not to let the goods be robbed.”

Since the birth of barbecue stalls and supermarkets, the former black tiger gang has disappeared, and has become the owner of barbecue stalls and employees of supermarkets.

They are no longer street gangsters, but successful businessmen one after another, and they also found that making money is easier and easier.

Nowadays, everyone has enough food to eat and clothes to wear without having to work hard, let alone worry about precarity.

Such a life would not be changed by a god. If anyone dares to make them have a bad life, then they dare to make anyone have a bad life.

“Well, you go down first, the family hasn’t seen you for several days, so they must be in a hurry.”

Yang Guang sent him away. Luo Heihu was also a knowledgeable person, so he left after handing over his hand.

Although he was very curious about where Liu Zhuang went and what he did, he knew that his relationship with Yang Guang was not as close as Liu Zhuang and Yang Guang.

So what Liu Zhuang does should be more confidential. I envy him, but he feels that the more he knows, the more he will contribute.

It’s good to be reused, but knowing too much like he did before may not be really good, and it’s not bad now.

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