The price of refuge

Because he was on the wrong team, Jia Jing had no future, if he hadn’t given up the position of patriarch and exiled himself in disguise.

I’m afraid whether the Jia family can still exist is a problem.

Even so, Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng also became idle.

Jia Yuanchun didn’t even get the chance to be favored in the palace.

As the heir to the emperor, the crown prince would definitely not want such subordinates, unless he was brain-twitching.

So Jia Zhen thought that there was only one person who could solve this crisis, and that was the fifth prince who was bold and reckless and loved by the royal family!


In the Yinghao Building, the Fifth Prince Li Ren looked at the greasy-faced Jia Rong in front of him, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Jia Rong hunched over her waist and lowered her eyebrows in front of the fifth prince, not daring to show any disrespect.

This and his demeanor in front of Yang Guang showed two extremes.

“You mean to say that your family has violated the king’s law, and now that Yang Guang has taken advantage of it.”

“So if I want to settle this matter, the benefit given is that your Ningguo Mansion will join me?”

“Who told you that I can solve it? And what made you think that if you said you would join me, you would let you join?”

Does the Jia family have strength? Of course there were before, but since Emperor Yongzheng came to power, the power of the Jia family has been much worse than before.

In addition, they themselves lost the power of the Jingying Jiedushi, and none of the whole family was motivated, and they actually pushed the prince to take over.

Then the importance of the Jia family has naturally dropped to another level.

If it wasn’t for the deep involvement of the four kings and eight princes, the Jia family would not be able to say whether they were still there.

But the Ningguo Mansion came to take refuge, does the Fifth Prince need it?

Logically speaking, if he still has a little IQ, he would definitely refuse, but…

“Okay, since you want to take refuge, I will allow it, but I have a prerequisite.”

“I heard that your wife is great. Send her to my house. I’ll settle this matter for you.”

Jia Rong never dreamed that the Fifth Prince would make such a request.

In the Yinghao Building, those people from the rivers and lakes who had taken refuge with the Fifth Prince all looked at Jia Rong with strange expressions.

When Jia Rong came out of Yinghao Building, she was heartbroken.

How could he have imagined that not only his father was trying to trick his wife, but also the fifth prince.

The heartache was so painful that he couldn’t breathe. Could it be that he was destined not to have his own wife?

On the way home, Jia Rong was always in a daze.

When he returned home, Jia Zhen had been waiting for him.

“How is it? Have you seen the Fifth Prince?”

Jia Zhen asked eagerly. This is related to the future prosperity of Ningguo Mansion, so he couldn’t help being nervous.

Jia Rong timidly glanced at her father and said, “I see.”

Jia Zhen: “I see. Did you say anything about taking refuge? How did you answer it? You should hurry up and say it.”

Jia Zhen is really dissatisfied with her timid son.

If he didn’t have any other sons, he wouldn’t even want this one anymore.

Jia Rong: “The fifth prince said, said….”

“What are you talking about! Say it quickly!”

Jia Zhen’s urging made Jia Rong almost cry, because he thought of the situation he might face.

It’s not that he’s afraid of losing Qin Keqing, but he’s afraid of being beaten by his own father.

“The fifth prince said that he wants him to help resolve this matter and join him under his command, and wants to send Keqing to his residence.””Father, this, how can this be done!”

Jia Zhen was stunned by Jia Rong’s words. He thought about many possibilities.

reject? Either accept, or conditionally join, etc.

He has even made up his mind to donate half of the property of Ningguo Mansion.

Although he is a prodigal, there is still some ancestral property in Ningguo Mansion.

But no matter what, he never thought that he wanted Qin Keqing. Didn’t he want his life?

He didn’t even care about ethics, even robbed his own son, but now he wants him to send him away?

If you don’t send him off, you won’t be able to get help from the Fifth Prince, and you won’t be able to seek refuge.

Not to mention the future glory and wealth, but now there is a disaster of killing one’s life.

But if he gave it away, he would lose the woman he’s dreaming of. From now on…how would he choose?

Jia Zhen didn’t speak, and Jia Rong didn’t dare to speak either.

Half a day later, Jia Zhen’s face was uncertain, but she raised her hand tremblingly and said, “Send, send.”


In the evening, Qin Keqing was arranged in a small sedan chair, and quietly left Ningguo Mansion to the fifth prince’s mansion.

The fifth prince looked at the bright and charming Qin Keqing and showed a satisfied smile.

Patting Jia Rong on the shoulder who came to see him off, he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll destroy all the evidence for you, including personal and physical evidence. Yang Guang can’t do anything to you.”

Jia Rong showed some joy on her face, and opened her mouth to say something.

But the fifth prince didn’t give him this chance, so he turned around and left.

Jia Rong didn’t even enter the door of the fifth prince’s house. Seeing his wife disappear, Jia Rong left in a daze.


“Who are you?”

“Those who want to kill you, go to hell!”

“Uh, ┏┛tomb┗┓…(((m-__-)m”

In Shenjing City, many of the same events happened at the same time.

In the early morning of the next day, murders occurred in the homes of many people in Shenjing City.

The identities of these families are different, and they don’t have the same characteristics.

The yamen servants in Chang’an County and Wannian County are all busy.

A total of more than a dozen cases of family extermination occurred overnight, which caused quite a stir in Shenjing City.

The yamen servants found no clues after investigation, as if these people had been killed out of thin air.

For a while, gossip spread in Shenjing City.

Some said it was evil spirits, some said it was ghosts and gods who killed people, and so on.

Instead, I made a lot of money by going to the temples and Taoist temples in Shenjing City.

Early in the morning, Que’er did not know where to ask for two talismans and came to Yang Guang.

“Master, put this on quickly. When you go shopping today, Que’er heard that something happened in Shenjing City last night.”

“More than a dozen families were wiped out. I heard that there were no clues at the scene. It was the ghosts who did the evil.”

“Que’er begged for two talismans, one for myself and one for you, master, put them on quickly.”

Sure enough, there is no wrong name. Que’er is indeed chirping like a little sparrow, but Yang Guang likes this feeling very much.

After receiving the talisman, he said, “Hehe, can this thing still be safe? It’s fine, I’ll just wear it.”

“The extermination case of more than a dozen families? Let Luo Heihu come to see me.”

Hearing that there were more than a dozen family extermination cases, and they were all concentrated last night, Yang Guang felt that there must be something strange in it.

Although he doesn’t care about these things, it is necessary to figure out the matter so as not to hurt himself.

Soon Luo Heihu was called, and Yang Guang didn’t go around and asked directly: “I heard that there were murders last night, and there were more than a dozen of them. What’s happening in the yamen?”

Luo Heihu cupped his hands and said, “Reporting to my lord, there were indeed more than a dozen murders last night.”

“The people in the yamen also investigated, but they didn’t have any clues. However, our people have clues.”

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