Attacking the Prince’s Mansion

The moment Liu Zhuang went out with Yang Guang’s carriage, he had a sense of security, but the others didn’t.

This is the city of Shenjing. Except for the army, who has armor? And it’s all steel armor.

In the Daqian Dynasty, those with swords and soldiers at home were nothing, those with bows and arrows were powerful, but those with armor were rebels.

Except for those who made it clear that they would go up the mountain to become the king of the mountain, it would be impossible for anyone with armor to wear it directly.

But Yang Guang is different, he dared to let his subordinates wear it directly.

Liu Zhuang is also a naive person, he walks beside the carriage complacently, and others avoid him when they see him.

On the way to the fifth prince’s mansion, he really caught a lot of attention, and all the people from the yamen were attracted.

Just as she was about to go forward to inquire, she was stopped by the hidden embroidered guards.

“Don’t meddle in other people’s business, the Holy Majesty has his own judgment on this matter.”

This is the warning that Embroidered Guards gave to the Chang’an County Government. When they saw the Embroidered Guards, it was all right, so what should they do?

Walking on the street, Yang Guang pays close attention to his surroundings. Although he doesn’t have a spatial map to use now, his keen senses are still there.

He also noticed that the embroidered guards in the surrounding crowd, not only did not come to arrest him, but solved the trouble for him instead, what does the emperor want to do?

Yang Guang didn’t know what the emperor wanted to do, and neither did the fifth prince.

Li Ren is anxious to smash things at home now. He has already reported it to the palace. Why is there no movement?

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that just as he used the Hou family, he was also used by the emperor.

The problem is, he is Emperor Yongzheng’s own son. Could it be that he is really so cruel?

Ever since he saw Yang Guang’s technique, he has been thinking of a way.

It is a way to ease the relationship with Yang Guang, but we have to consider what to do if it doesn’t work out.

Emperor Yongzheng was what he thought of, the backer he could turn to when he couldn’t make it through.

The problem is that the biggest backer doesn’t seem to plan to rely on him. If the backer is really backing, everyone will run away.

“Your Highness, he has already arrived. Have you figured out how to solve it?” Shadow said suddenly without knowing where the news came from.

Li Ren looked at the guards, servants, and housekeepers waiting outside, and said to the shadow beside him, can you hold him?

Shadow was silent for a while and then said: “According to the combat power he displayed, plus those people outside, I can at mostIt can last for a quarter of an hour. ”

Li Ren: “Can’t it be longer?”

The corner of Shadow’s mouth twitched, as if laughing, and then said: “I’m talking about the time when they walked over me.”

Li Ren was a little desperate. He had seen with his own eyes how powerful the shadow was. Those masters in the arena could not do three tricks in the hands of the shadow.

Even when facing an army formation, an army formation with less than five people can’t stop the shadow at all, and only those with more than ten people need to be treated with caution, but the shadow of an army formation with more than twenty people will also run away.

Now, the number of guards in his mansion exceeds two hundred, plus servants, servants and guests, etc., at least more than one thousand.

What is the concept of a thousand people? It can be regarded as the size of a small battle.

Of course, their current situation can’t be counted as fighting, it can only be counted as fighting or being beaten.

In the mouth of the shadow, these people can’t even hold back for half an hour.

Li Ren suddenly felt a little regretful. Why would he provoke such a strong man if he had nothing to do?

“Now it’s time to decide whether to go or not, Your Highness!” Seeing what Li Ren had to say, Shadow suddenly said impatiently.

Why did His Royal Highness, who is usually very heroic, hesitate so suddenly? Shadow felt a little strange.

The bad thoughts in my mind were thrown out. This is my lord, so I can’t doubt it!

Li Ren sighed and said, “I’m not leaving. I was the one who caused it. Why should I ask everyone to bear it for me? I’ll face it with everyone.”

Damn it, there’s not enough time to escape. If I lose the delay of these people, I can’t escape myself. If that’s the case, I might as well be more generous.

This kind of action has raised the aura of the mansion a little, after all, we can face difficulties together.

However, the shadow who really knows Yang Guang’s strength is still not optimistic about this battle. If there is a real fight, the whole army may be wiped out.

Regardless of their situation, Yang Guang, Liu Zhuang and Wu Yi have already arrived at the gate of the fifth prince’s mansion.

“You stay here, Liu Zhuang, go and call the door.”

After Yang Guang gave orders, Liu Zhuang went to knock on the door, but did not get any response.

Liu Zhuang looked back at his master. Yang Guang was not surprised. He stepped forward and said, “We’ve called before, and if they don’t open, we can only come by ourselves.”

As he said that, he kicked the fifth prince’s gate, and the two heavy gates were kicked into the air, hitting the screen wall directly.

The people gathered in the yard were all taken aback, thinking that the other side had siege equipment.

After all, the door was blocked with a bolt, but it was opened just like that.

The moment he entered, Yang Guang had to admit that his house was really big. Compared to his small courtyard, it was more like a miniature palace.

It seems that the fifth prince’s ambition is really not small, or else he dares to make his home look like a palace?

The most important thing is that he didn’t get attacked by others after doing this? This is a bit interesting.

“Where is the fifth prince? Isn’t he going to kill me? Now that I’m here, let him come out for me!”

Yang Guang ignored the assembled guards and servants, and also ignored the people from the Jianghu who were in ambush.

Standing up so arrogantly, of course caused some people’s dissatisfaction.

The commander of the guards guarding the fifth prince’s mansion directly drew his sword and said, “Bold madman, dare to attack the prince’s mansion. Where are the archers? Shoot!”

There are not more than two hundred guards, and fifty of them are shooters. Facing fifty shooters, ordinary people will definitely suffer.

But what they were facing was Yang Guang. Yang Guang flashed directly behind Liu Zhuang.

Although he is very confident in his own skills, he is not so stupid as to resist the arrow head-on.

Liu Zhuang, on the other hand, directly took out two broad axes. The huge axes blocked most of the attacks like two shields, while the remaining small part of the arrows jingled and shot at him.

Liu Zhuang, who was protected by armor, was unharmed, and Yang Guang behind him was of course fine.

Liu Zhuang originally wanted to attack, but he thought that his master was still behind him, so he immediately gave up his plan to charge, and thought of the little melon that Yang Guang said before.

Immediately and unambiguously, he put away a hatchet, took one off, brought it to his mouth, bit down on the peg, and threw it at the shooter with confidence.

Seeing Liu Zhuang throwing an iron lump, everyone despised it. Is it the enhanced version of the locust rock? It’s just a quack trick, what’s the use?

Seeing the little melon falling into the shooter camp, the shadow in the lobby who saw this scene suddenly thought of something, and immediately exclaimed: “Get out of here!!!”

Everyone looked at him in confusion, and then… “BOM!!!”

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