Future chat group

Chapter 892 The legend ends? (Additional update 3 for leader Ye Liu)

"Close the position?"

Lei Hao's front-line elites were not vegetarians and immediately made a test. As they tested, the US dollar index kept fluctuating.

But everyone knows that shocks are shocks, but energy may not necessarily explode.

But this is an ordinary situation. If Lei Hao throws out enough trading orders, it can cause the opponent to hesitate.


"Chinese Lei doesn't even want to keep the last bargaining chip?"

"This guy……"

But when the Thunder threw out the final trading order, the entire market was silent for a while.

I don’t want to leave behind the last bit of capital that is enough for ordinary people to spend a lifetime. In short, I would rather die than linger on.

"Eat it!"

For North American financial institutions, the risk exposure they bear is large enough. Each company has hundreds of billions of dollars. If it falls by 1%, it will lose billions. In addition, Lei Hao has lost money from various capitals since his debut. If they buy something, they may fail for three consecutive years.

More importantly, the U.S. dollar cannot fall. At least it cannot go against the will of North America. It can fall if it wants, but it cannot happen when North America wants it to rise. My position is still there. If you fall, who will compensate me?

North American capital forces are very clear-minded, so... measures to protect the US dollar are beginning to be brewed.

In order to dispel the willingness of third-party capital forces to enter, everyone knows that the United States is going to cause trouble next. No matter which corner of the earth, except North America, no place is absolutely safe now.

From now on, the world will enter a rhythm of "whoever does not make life easy for the United States will not be made easy for anyone by the United States."

But opportunities also exist. Uncle Sam has long aroused public anger. The hegemony of the US dollar is a mountain that weighs on everyone, and the current North American financial system cannot withstand the siege from the world.

Therefore, as long as third-party capital forces enter the market to short-sell, North America is likely to hold its nose and admit it. The most serious consequence is just to pick a winner and take a shot.

Risks and benefits coexist.

"All it takes is an opportunity." Inside the Thunder, everyone is very clear: "Entering a worse stage will also make the U.S. dollar unable to rise, but other currencies cannot be strong and the U.S. dollar cannot fall. Therefore, we only Need a chance.”

“An opportunity for third-party capital to dare to enter the market.”

The market prospects are very clear. If Lei Hao wins, the Asia-Pacific financial circle will be taken over by Chinese capital led by him in the future. If Lei Hao loses, the US dollar will keep its eye on the Asia-Pacific, and there will be several rounds of financial exploitation to ensure that the Asia-Pacific becomes a global financial market. Pig farms with blood transfusions in North America.

Who is in charge of the ups and downs depends only on the outcome of this battle.

The result was so serious that all countries could not sit still. However, for the sake of regional stability, we could not express a tough attitude. We could only hold our breath and watch the United States perform "acrobatics" on the stage.

Lei Hao has also completely turned his attention to the endless stream of information. Now it is impossible for him and North American Capital to give in because there are too many positions, and the outcome is completely left to third-party capital. It can also be said that the current market is In a relatively normal market, it is normal for everyone to set the price.


"510, what will happen on 510? Even if there is a war, there will be no chance of the dollar falling!" Lei Hao had some guesses, but he wanted to avoid this question and subconsciously resented this choice.

It's a very simple truth. Under what circumstances can North America not be able to show off its power? The answer is when encountering natural or man-made disasters.

As long as North America cannot take action, fairness will return to the market, and everyone will definitely be bearish on the US dollar.

Therefore, Lei Hao had some guesses in his mind, but in the financial industry, one must be as hard-hearted as iron. What's more, he didn't know the specific incident, so what could he do?

However, Lei Hao also felt the same way about the reason why future information did not prompt specific events. If it were him, he would definitely be pretending to be stupid. It is normal to make sacrifices on the road of sniping at the US dollar. If you are soft-hearted, you want to De-dollarization will definitely face a war of uncertain scale, and the sacrifices will be even greater.

Late at night, when he opened the curtains and looked at the lights of the Shanghai stock market, Lei Hao had a complicated expression on his face, but he couldn't help but have some expectations for the future in his heart.

As long as it wins, Asia Pacific will stabilize in the short term, and Thunder will almost certainly grow into a large institution like HSBC and Keda.

Once you reach the level of a top institution, it is not that simple to go further. You can also relax and maybe... devote your energy to other fields? Or should you just start retiring at the age of 24?

It doesn't look like there's anything to do anyway.

Lei Hao was thinking wildly, and the financial circle was silent and waiting. The storm was brewing, and capital from all parties was hesitating. This hesitation directly protected Lei Hao's chance of victory.

However, this hesitation put a lot of pressure on the people of Thunder and Yajin Investment. Who can bear the exposure of 2.8 trillion US dollars? The cost of building a position and maintaining the contract alone is enough for ordinary people to be happy. A lifetime has passed.

However, while enduring pressure, the Thunder and Yajin Tou also enjoyed honors.

Anyone who knows anything knows what the Thunder and Yajin Tou are doing. All the financial capital forces in the world, even U.S. allies such as Japan and South Korea, and even North America itself, all have feelings for the Thunder and Yajin Tou. A hint of respect.

Regardless of victory or defeat, when Lei Hao launched the charge, people familiar with financial operations recognized that he had the qualifications to stand at the top. It didn't matter whether he won or lost, it was only because of his ability, courage and charm.

This is a financial giant who has the qualifications to launch a charge against the US dollar within three years. This is a financial miracle that comes from the grassroots. This is the final battle of a victorious general. He will always have his own glorious page in financial history.

He is so young, so rich, but he is likely to fail. Even if he has a chance to win, as time goes by, this chance of victory is quietly passing away.

On May 8, there was no movement in the financial circle.

On May 9, the world began to sigh at the US dollar sniper war launched by Lei Hao.

On May 10, when the dawn bell rang, the willingness of third-party capital forces to enter the market has been infinitely reduced.

No one wants to come in and defend North America at this time, but everyone has other thoughts.

"Lei, come to Keda. Chairman, investment director, CEO, you can choose any position you want."

"HSBC has a deep foundation in Asia Pacific. Lei, you don't have to leave your hometown. We can provide you with any position you want, and we can give you equity."

"China's financial development stands at a crossroads. Xiao Lei, come to the Central Bank, or the Four Banks and Three Conferences, you choose."

"Lei, there are no eternal enemies in the financial world. Listen to me. If you are willing, come to North America. As a challenger, you have done a perfect job, but you should be able to see that your teammates are all a bunch of cowards. You deserve to be on the stage where you are challenged and we believe you can do better.”

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