Future Super Intelligent System

Chapter 69 Domineering Teacher's Wife

After Liu Fan came back, he also thought a lot, especially the industry issues mentioned by Liu Wei. Because the system I got showed from the very beginning that the system revolves around the artificial intelligence industry and can give Liu Fan a certain amount of help. Therefore, it has become a kind of fixed thinking in the brain that I should always be engaged in the industry of artificial intelligence.

But in a broad sense, when I was considering the acquisition of companies in the robotics, interactive, voice and other industries, I was actually involved in other industries, but they were all involved around the core of artificial intelligence, and adopted a relatively simple and rude approach. Way.

If it weren't for the big players who play well in virtual reality, I probably wouldn't consider cooperation, but would consider acquisitions.

Therefore, the integration of more aspects is the need for the development of enterprises. It is a very normal thing. It is good for enterprises to grasp one point, that is, the relevance of core industries. For example, virtual reality, the maturity of virtual reality and the development of artificial intelligence will be a complementary thing.

Of course, I may also get involved in other industries, such as the media industry, in order to promote traditional crafts.

However, if you want to develop supporting industries or cross-border industries other than the artificial intelligence industry that you can control, you will inevitably burn money and energy, so you need to know how to evaluate and choose.

The reason why I need to carefully consider whether to invest in virtual reality this time is mainly because of the particularity of the industry. Because of the size and difficulties of this industry, I cannot directly merge into this branch through acquisitions, so if I really If you want to engage in virtual reality, you are doomed to invest a lot of money and manpower. If you don’t play well, you will lose money, and if you embark on this road, you will be like Liu Wei said. Rule making right.

After a night of thinking, Liu Fan also made a decision, he wanted to do it. On the one hand, it is because the combination of virtual reality and artificial intelligence will indeed provide many possibilities in the future. If I want to create an era of artificial intelligence, the maturity of virtual reality is a great weapon.

In addition, playing virtual reality has its own advantages. Algorithms, chips, and materials are all things that I can do now. Of course, other problems may only depend on attracting talents for the time being.

Another point that made Liu Fan determined to play is the right to formulate rules, the right to formulate rules for a trillion-level market! How cool it would be if it was in the hands of the Huaxia people!

Even if I didn't play well, wouldn't it be a waste of money? I'm a bitch anyway, so can I say that I'm not interested in money anymore?

The large sum of money I saved in research and development happened to be used somewhere.

It's just a pity that Liu Wei refused to come.

The next day, I dealt with the company's affairs for a while during the day, and at noon Liu Fan drove to see the situation on the lithography machine. The overall progress of the lithography machine is much slower than expected.

The main problem is procurement, because some parts and materials are banned from sale in China abroad, so when using the fully automatic basic material melting machine for testing, you have to purchase some things through the black market.

But there are more or less problems with things purchased from the black market, such as used, damaged, or defective products. So even if the fully automatic basic material melting machine is highly intelligent, some things still need to be purchased multiple times on the black market, which is a waste of time.

But now those parts and materials that are banned from sale, after Liu Fan decomposes them through the automatic basic material melting machine, he finds that some of the materials after decomposition are still banned from sale, so this is doomed to waste a little more time, and it just happened to catch up in the middle After the Chinese New Year, purchases have to be on holiday.

From Batumi to the "Wassenaar Agreement", some forces have really undisguised and intensified restrictions on China's development. Freedom and democracy? Free you paralyzed.

However, although a lot of time was delayed due to procurement, the factory brought Liu Fan a bigger surprise, that is, he realized that it was an assembly line when he started the actual operation.

This means that as long as I have enough materials, I can produce several lithography machines at the same time.

Liu Fan roughly calculated that the fully automatic basic material melting machine is produced in limited quantities, and the factory production has a damage rate, so in general, it is impossible for him to produce dozens of lithography machines at the same time, but it is impossible to produce two at the same time. Three should be no problem.

Therefore, Liu Fan issued an order to produce a 5-nanometer lithography machine and a 3-nanometer lithography machine at the same time.

At present, the production progress of the 5nm lithography machine has just passed 20%, and it is estimated that it will take another month or so.

Staying in the factory in the afternoon, a strange number suddenly came to my private cell phone.

"Hello, who is it?" Liu Fan guessed that the seller was selling wealth management.

"Is it Liu Fan? I'm Liu Wei's wife."

"Master." Liu Fan couldn't help cheering up, "What can you do for me?"

"It's nothing, I want to ask if you are free later? Come to the store for dinner."

"Okay, I'm fine, then I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Fan didn't know why his wife called him so suddenly. Was Liu Wei willing to come to his company?

But Liu Fan felt that it was wrong. Based on his understanding of Liu Wei's character, he would never let his wife show up in this way, which would only make him feel even more embarrassing.

So what's the matter? Could it be that Liu Wei was not actually there, but that the teacher had some hidden secrets to tell him?

With uneasy guesses, Liu Fan came to Liu Ji Sichuan Restaurant early.

It's not dinner time yet, and there are currently no customers in the store, and Liu Wei is watching dramas with a tablet.

"Teacher Liu." Liu Fan didn't see his wife, so he went up to greet Liu Wei first.

Liu Wei raised his head to look at Liu Fan, and said with disgust, "Why are you here again, kid?"

Seeing Liu Wei's reaction, Liu Fan was even more sure that he didn't ask his wife to make the call, so what's the matter?

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw my wife coming out from the back kitchen, and said enthusiastically, "Liu Fan is here."

"Yes, Master." Liu Fan smiled obediently, and said casually, "Come here and ask for a drink."

"Okay, okay, then sit down and I'll get you some wine."

After Liu Fan sat down, Liu Wei closed the tablet and looked at him coldly. After a long time, he suddenly sighed and said in a sad tone, "Liu Fan, if it's still for that matter, go back, I..."


Before Liu Wei finished speaking, there was a collision, which startled the two of them. Liu Wei looked at his wife who slapped the white wine bottle on the table with a dazed expression. Liu Fan was also completely confused, and she suddenly smiled at Liu Wei, "Liu Wei, you should talk to Liu Fan about this matter today. The bottle of wine is drunk, or, my mother will burn this shop with this bottle of wine!"

Liu Wei: "..."

Liu Fan: "..."

This was the first time Liu Fan saw the gentle teacher's wife like this.


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