"Ah, no.. No, it's raining these days, and the ground is full of mud. Chen Xinya said very embarrassed, but she hoped that someone would help her, after all, she had only moved five or six watermelons for so long, which was still a lot short of a whole truckload of watermelons.

If you don't finish moving this truckload of watermelons today, the watermelons that haven't been sold before may be broken because you can't find the next consignee.

At this time, the driver in the truck held a cigarette in his mouth and urged impatiently: "Hey, little girl, hurry up and move, I'm in a hurry to deliver the goods." "

Li Keqing looked at the truck driver's inaction, and looked at him very angrily, after all, this mobile phone person was tall and big, and he was actually watching such a slender girl finish moving a truckload of watermelons from the side, but he was watching from the truck, and he didn't know how to help.

However, complaining and complaining, in fact, Li Keqing also knows that the truck driver is only responsible for driving, and he has neither given money or acquaintances, but why did he help Chen Xinya, who he never met, move watermelons, after all, this society is so real and cruel.

"Well, wait, it's going to be right away. Qin Feng glanced at the truck driver disappreciatively, then rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the melon field.

Li Keqing also hurriedly followed behind Qin Feng, ready to help Li Keqing move the watermelon together, after all, she didn't want to watch from the side, just like this truck driver.

At this time, Qin Feng's mobile phone rang suddenly, and it was Su Yuwei calling.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"Oh Qin Feng, I drove Lin Siqi's car into a tree, and I can't go to the hospital for the time being, and now I and Lin Siqi are in the traffic police brigade!" Su Yuwei said anxiously and speechlessly.

Qin Feng: "....."

"Is that person okay?" Qin Feng asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that Lin Siqi's car broke down, okay, okay, that's it, the traffic police called me. After Su Yuwei finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" asked Chen Xinya curiously.

"It's nothing, okay squad leader, let's move first, and we'll go to the hospital to see your dad later." Qin Feng smiled lightly and walked towards the green melon field.

"Qin Feng, I'm really embarrassed. Chen Xinya looked at Qin Feng's back very guiltily, after all, Qin Feng had been kind enough to visit her father's situation, but now she asked someone to help with this kind of hard work.

"It's fine. Qin Feng shook his hand indifferently.

Chen Xinya looked at Qin Feng's back in a daze, and couldn't help but think of the back that Qin Feng climbed up the mountain with Su Yuwei on his back a long time ago, which was exactly the same as now.

Although he is idle on weekdays, he always gives others an impressive look at critical moments.

Chen Xinya now finally knows why Su Yuwei is so infatuated with this man, maybe the current Chen Xinya is also in the same mood as Su Yuwei a few months ago...

"Hehe, squad leader, I'm here to help too!" Li Keqing rolled up her sleeves, revealing her two slender arms, and said eagerly.

"Well, thank you. Li Keqing nodded very movingly.

So, the three of them began to walk towards the green melon field together, and began to carry these huge green watermelons again and again.

In order to improve efficiency, Qin Feng went back and forth once, holding two large watermelons under his armpits, four at a time, and the speed was so fast that Chen Xinya finished moving a watermelon, Qin Feng had already moved it five times.

Li Keqing's small body is more difficult, after all, these watermelons are all induced by Qin Feng using the power of nature, and the size and weight are the best in the watermelons, one of them is about a dozen catties.

Although Li Keqing could barely pick up the watermelon, she couldn't see the road ahead at all, and she was afraid of falling down and smashing the watermelon.

So, Li Keqing simply squatted on the ground and rolled the watermelon quickly to the truck like a rolling wheel, which looked cute and inexplicably funny, like a little girl playing with mud.


After only ten minutes, the three of them finally filled the back of the truck, and at a glance it was full of neat and green watermelons.

However, now the three of them have more or less dirt on their bodies, after all, they are working in the field, and it is impossible to keep it from getting dirty.

Especially Li Keqing, her little face was stained with pieces of solidified soil that she didn't have time to wipe, after all, this girl didn't mention working hard just now, although she didn't push a few watermelons on the truck, but at least she still had her mind.

"Let's go!" the driver said hello disapprovingly after fastening the garage door, and drove away in the big truck.

"Huh~ squad leader, it seems that you are usually very powerful, and you actually have to fill this truck of watermelons. Qin Feng praised him unexpectedly.

"That.. How can there be..."Chen Xinya responded a little embarrassed, she also knew that Qin Feng said this on purpose, so that she would not feel guilty in her heart.

Sure enough, this guy.. What a bad guy!

"Qin Feng, squad leader, I may not be able to accompany you to the hospital, my mother is urging me to go home for dinner. Li Keqing looked at Chen Xinya with some embarrassment and asked.

"Well, it's okay, thank you, Keqing. Chen Xinya nodded gratefully.

"Well, it's okay, we're classmates!"

Li Keqing shook her hands stained with dirt indifferently, and then walked out of the melon field with some difficulty, stood on the road, and said to the two: "That squad leader, say hello to your father for me!"

"Hmm!" Chen Xinya responded with great emotion.

"Well, bye-bye~" After Li Keqing finished speaking, she left the path and prepared to take a taxi outside to go home.

The two people in the melon field, after retracting their eyes from Li Keqing's body, looked at each other a little embarrassed, and then laughed inexplicably.


At 10 o'clock in the evening, after Chen Xinya and Qin Feng came back from visiting Chen's father in the hospital, Qin Feng planned to send Chen Xinya home, after all, it was so late that a girl was in some danger outside.

But coincidentally, the only path leading to Chen Xinya's house was actually under construction, so Qin Feng had to park the shock wave in a parking space outside and hike with Chen Xinya.

The dark night was full of stars, the bright moon hung high, and the white moonlight was also refracted on Qin Feng and Chen Xinya, and the path under the feet of the two of them was like a calm river under the illumination of the moonlight.

"It won't be another lucky ability..."Qin Feng looked at Chen Xinya, who was shy and waiting to be released, and guessed curiously.

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