Hearing Lin Rui's words, Claudia nodded with satisfaction and said,"I am a loyal fan of Atletico Madrid. I usually go to watch the first-team games. But since you said so, as long as you can make the roster this time, I will go to watch your game on site. Then I will gather my old friends to cheer for you."

"Okay, Aunt Klauia, I think I will definitely be on the list."

Lin Rui is also very confident

"Then I'll be waiting for your good news. Don't let me down, Chinese boy."

Klauia also laughed.

After the meal, half an hour had passed. Lin Rui returned to the dormitory to pack up and went to the training ground.

At this time, the players of Team B had all arrived at the training ground.

Seeing Lin Rui coming, only a few players greeted Lin Rui.

Others treated him indifferently, after all, they were not familiar with him.

Lin Rui didn't care. He greeted a few familiar faces and began to warm up.

After a while, Marcelo and Santos also came to the training ground.

Marcelo blew the whistle for assembly, and all the players quickly lined up.

Seeing the players standing in line, Marcelo first called the names and confirmed that everyone was there, and then he spoke:"Tomorrow we will face Bilbao B team at our home court. This will be a tough battle. Today I will select 18 players for the roster. The players whose names I read out, please stand to my right."

As he said, he took out a list full of names and read it out.

"Moggi! Goalkeeper No. 1."

The first person to be called out was the team's main goalkeeper, Moggi.

Moggi was a 1.95 meter tall man. Hearing his name, he was not surprised at all. He walked out calmly and stood to the right of Marcello.

""Xierro, number 25, backup goalkeeper."

Then the team's backup goalkeeper was called out, and another 1.9-meter-tall guy stood up.

"Silvio, number 7, attacking midfielder."

Silvio is the player who passed the ball to Lin Rui yesterday. He is the core of the team's midfield and the brain of the team's offense and defense.

He is also the player with the best attitude towards Lin Rui.

This is mainly because Lin Rui's performance yesterday really amazed him. As a passer, he likes Lin Rui the most, who is a strong striker who can convert all his passes into goals.

Silvio is obviously confident that he will be on the big list. When he heard his name, he calmly stood aside.

"Ruben Perez, No. 3, center back"

"Atenza, No.10, forward"


As Marcello kept reading out the names, the players came out of the team one by one and stood aside.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer players in the team, the remaining players whose names were not read out were getting more and more nervous.

Whether they can enter the big list this time is related to whether they can play in the game this season.

Only by playing in the game can they be seen by fans and scouts of other teams, and have the opportunity to achieve good competitive results.

Only in this way can they have the opportunity to achieve success and reach the peak of their lives.

If they can't even enter the big list, then no matter how good their training results are, they will be unknown and no one will know them. Not to mention success.

Therefore, every player attaches great importance to this place in the big list.

Finally, Marcello read the last name.

Before reading the name, he deliberately paused, then looked up at the team.

At this time, all the remaining players had a nervous look on their faces. Only one person still had a calm face.

It was the new Chinese.

Seeing the other person's expression, Marcello couldn't help but nodded secretly.

At least this guy's mentality is very stable.

And this is also the mentality that a professional player must have.

So he no longer hesitated and directly read out:"Lin Rui, No. 18, forward."

All the players were a little surprised to hear that the last person to enter the big list was the new Chinese.

It is said that players like Lin Rui who have just come to the team may not even recognize all their teammates, and it is generally impossible to enter the big list directly.

But now Marcelo has broken this routine. Although the players don't understand, no one dares to object.

Lin Rui was also a little stunned. He really didn't expect that he would be able to enter the big list as soon as he arrived.

Although he was confident that he would not perform worse than other players with the blessing of the system, after all, he had just arrived and the coach and teammates were not familiar with him.

He didn't expect that he could have the aura of the protagonist, so when Marcelo read out the name just now, his mentality was very calm.

But now that the head coach has let him enter the big list, he is of course even happier.

After a moment of surprise, he immediately walked to the team on the right side of Marcelo in the surprised eyes of others.

At this time, only 8 players were not on the big list.

The disappointment on these people's faces was hard to hide. They either sought transfers and left the team, or they could only train harder in the hope of getting the favor of the head coach.

Of course, now that the season has begun, if they want to transfer, they can only wait until the winter break.

So in the past six months, these players can only take the basic salary, train while waiting for the extremely slim chance.

This is also the cruelty of professional football. Many low-level professional players have consumed their youth in this almost desperate waiting.

After reading the big list, Marcelo waved his hand and started today's training.

Today's training content is very simple, just for tomorrow's game, and targeted training and competition.

Lin Rui was assigned to the green vest group representing the main force.

This surprised all the players.

If Lin Rui was not a Chinese, people would have to suspect whether he was Marcelo's illegitimate son or something.

This is really too caring.

Lin Rui was of course also surprised, but he just froze for a moment, then took the green vest handed over by Santos and put it on.

Since the head coach let him enter the main lineup, he would take the responsibility.

He would never do such a stupid thing as modesty and concession.

In other things, perhaps modesty and concession are virtues, but that does not include competitive sports.

Competitive sports emphasize the momentum of who else but me.

If a person does not even believe in himself and has to give up the opportunity, then he will not achieve anything in competitive sports.

And this is also the weakness of all Chinese players, because our culture is low-key and introverted.

Chinese players grew up in that kind of cultural atmosphere and will be affected by it to some extent.

This also led to them coming to foreign teams and showing that they dare not fight or grab.

Seeing many opportunities slipping away from their hands, they have no way to catch them.

Lin Rui has lived two lives and knows the ways of this too well, so he shows the momentum of taking the opportunity at hand.

And this also makes Marcello very satisfied.

He does not like the kind of players who are submissive. He believes that if a player wants to play well, he must be domineering.

Only in this way can he safely hand over the task to this player.

At this time, Lin Rui's performance was in line with his idea of a good player.

Seeing that the players from both teams had changed their clothes and were ready, Marcelo nodded to Santos.

The latter immediately led the players to warm up before the game.

After everyone was active, Marcelo gathered everyone together and explained today's tactics.

"In today's training match, Team B will play in a 532 formation, focusing on defensive counterattacks. You must do a good job of dense defense. Once the ball is intercepted in the backcourt, you must immediately pass the ball to your forwards in the frontcourt. The forwards of Team B must always pay attention to the long pass from the backcourt. Once you receive the pass, you must immediately use your maximum speed advantage to break through Team A's defense."

"Team A, today you will play in the 4231 formation, with Lin as the single striker at the front. What you have to do is to break through Team B's dense defense before they score, and make sure to pass the ball to Lin more often. At the same time, make sure to protect your backcourt and don't let the opponent take advantage of any loopholes."

Hearing Marcello's arrangement, the players of both teams nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the players understood what he meant, Marcello waved his hand, and the two teams each occupied half the field and started the game.

Team A kicked off the game first, and after Lin Rui kicked the ball back to Silvio behind him, he immediately rushed forward.

After Silvio received the ball, he dribbled forward.

The defensive player of Team B immediately stepped forward to steal the ball, but Silvio pulled the ball and changed direction, and he dodged it. Then he kicked the ball and rushed to the front court.

Seeing Silvio's move, the two defensive midfielders of Team B immediately came up to block him.

Facing the double team, Silvio did not choose to force a breakthrough this time, but made a two-on-two cooperation with Noguera, another midfielder of Team A next to him.

Silvio knocked the ball to Noguera, and then his body accelerated to pass between the two defensive players of Team B.

After his body passed the two defensive players of Team B, Noguera's football was also passed over.

After Silvio received the ball, he took a few steps forward, and then It was a long pass.

The direction where the football fell was exactly at the top of the penalty area of Team B.

At that position, Lin Rui had already stood in position. Although the two defenders of Team B were closely following him, they could not cause any obstacles to him.

Seeing the football passed by Silvio, Lin Rui just stuck his butt and pushed away a defensive player behind him, then leaned his shoulder against another defensive player, squeezing the opponent tightly to his side, unable to move.

At this time, the football had also flown above him. Lin Rui aimed at the landing point of the football and swung his right leg directly, just like swinging a thick baseball bat, and hit the middle of the football hard.

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