Lin Rui didn't know at this time that the outside world had begun to notice him because of his amazing performance in the first game.

He has been training wholeheartedly these days. He gets up on time at four o'clock every morning, goes out to train for more than three hours at four thirty, eats at eight o'clock in the morning, and then continues to train with the team at nine o'clock. After the team's training session in the afternoon, he will continue to practice with Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang.

After a few days, Lin Rui has not done anything, but Tie Xiao and Zhao Dongyang are a little overwhelmed.

But what makes Lin Rui happy is that although the two young players can't stand it, they haven't given up.

It's just that they can't work as hard as Lin Rui during the extra training.

And the two of them only practice for two hours a day, and the rest of the time is to help Lin Rui pick up the ball or do some recovery training.

Time passed in this boring, yet extremely fulfilling training.

This day is Friday, and Lin Rui completed three hours of training as usual in the morning.

When he finished training and went back to the dormitory to wash up, he checked his training value.

He found that the training value has reached 11 again.

This way, he can exchange for another attribute point.

Before this, he had exchanged 6 attribute points and increased his ball-stopping ability points to 79.

He only needed this last attribute point to reach 80.

Lin Rui couldn't wait to issue a command to the system and exchanged 10 training points for 1 attribute point.

Then he added this attribute point to the ball-stopping ability.

In this way, the value of the ball-stopping ability became 80.

It has temporarily reached a stage where it cannot be increased further.

This level of ball-stopping ability is basically a very good level in the second-class league.

Even in the first-class league, it can reach the level of ordinary players.

In this way, he will have more confidence in the next league.

After breakfast, another day of training began.

Marcello first announced the roster for tomorrow's game at the beginning of the training.

Lin Rui is of course still the team's main striker.

But this time no one questioned it, but took it for granted.

This is the respect that Lin Rui has won with his own strength.

After announcing the roster, the team began to train in simulated games.

In today's training match, Lin Rui performed very well.

In 45 minutes, he scored three goals.

It is worth mentioning that two of these three goals were scored by him receiving a long pass from the backcourt in the frontcourt, stopping the ball, and then directly hitting the ball.

Seeing Lin Rui's ability to stop the ball, Marcelo on the sidelines was no longer as surprised as he was a few days ago.

These days, Lin Rui's level of stopping the ball is really different every day. Every day can bring him surprises.

Now Marcelo is completely sure that Lin Rui is a football genius.

This guy's learning ability and progress speed are completely monster-level.

He doesn't know how much the other party will eventually grow, but he knows that the other party's end point is definitely not the second division.

Maybe in the near future, the other party will appear in the top league.

After a day of training, Lin Rui received a call from Li Bing.

On the phone, Li Bing's tone was very excited.

He told Lin Rui that"Sports Weekly" has negotiated cooperation with the Spanish Football Association.

In the future, every game of his will be broadcast to China by"Sports Weekly".

Live broadcast on the domestic Internet.

In other words, Lin Rui will appear in the sight of domestic audiences in the future.

This will be of great help to enhance Lin Rui's popularity in the country.

Lin Rui is of course very happy about this.

He plays football to become famous. Now someone is promoting him, which is of course what he wants.

But this is of course also a pressure. If he doesn't perform well, he will face more blame and even abuse from fans.

Everything has two sides.

But Lin Rui certainly doesn't care about this. After all, he is a person with a system. If he doesn't perform well again, it would be too bad.

After Lin Rui hung up the phone, his fighting spirit became stronger.

Thinking that he would play in front of so many hometown elders, Lin Rui was very excited.

Perhaps his parents can see it too.

Thinking of his parents, Lin Rui took out his mobile phone and called his mother directly.

Soon the call was connected, and the voice of a middle-aged woman sounded on the phone.

""Xiao Rui, you naughty boy, you finally decided to call your mother. Are you used to it abroad?"

This is the voice of his mother Li Mei.

Hearing Li Mei's somewhat complaining voice, Lin Rui felt guilty.

He has been busy with training and competitions recently and has not called home for a long time. His parents also know that he is in the team and is under strict control, so they usually don't call him unless there is something wrong.

So Lin Rui's parents don't know what happened here.

"Mom, I'm fine. Um, I changed teams and now I'm in Atletico Madrid B. I have a game tomorrow and it will probably be broadcast live online."

"Really? Does that mean my son will be on TV?"Li Mei's voice was full of excitement.

"Well, it's on the Internet, not on TV."

"No matter where you are, as long as I can see you, your mom and dad will cheer you on. You must play well."

""Okay, Mom, I will definitely kick well, and then I'll let you see how your son conquers foreigners."

Lin Rui said this in a very arrogant way, which made Li Mei laugh and curse.

The mother and son talked about family matters for a while before reluctantly hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mei immediately called her husband, Lin Rui's father, Lin Aiguo. As soon as the call was connected, Li Mei couldn't hide her excitement and said,"Lao Lin, I have good news for you. Your son just called and said he is going to be on TV."

"What do you mean on TV? Explain it clearly."Lin Aiguo was a little confused.

After a long while, Lin Aiguo finally understood what his wife meant.

But he was not very excited. Instead, he said depressedly:"I told you not to support our son to learn football. Now, our son has gone to Europe to play football. It will be difficult for us to see him in the future."

"Hey, Lin Aiguo, please explain clearly, I let my son learn football with your consent, and now you are blaming me, what do you mean?"

Li Mei responded fiercely.

"I... well, I didn't say anything. I just miss our son. I just want him to stay with us and not run around."

Lin Aiguo was scared when he heard his wife was angry.

"Who doesn't miss their son? Don't I? I let him play football because he likes it. If my son likes it, I will support him. I won't be like you, tying my son to your side. What future can I achieve?"

Li Mei began to talk crazily.

Li Aiguo was completely speechless. He could only listen to his wife's scolding.

After venting her anger, Li Mei said,"I don't care what you think. Anyway, my son will have a game tomorrow. You have to watch it with me and cheer for him."

"Okay, I will definitely watch it. I haven't seen my son for several months. Now I have this opportunity, I will definitely not miss it."

Lin Aiguo immediately began to express his loyalty

"That's good enough. Don't say anything about not letting your son play football anymore. I tell you, my son will definitely become a big star in the future, and you can enjoy the good times with him when the time comes."

Li Mei turned from anger to joy and began to look forward to her future life.

""Okay, okay, when my son becomes a star player, I will ask him to buy you a big house."

What else could Lin Aiguo say? He could only follow his wife's words.

In the Lin family, Li Mei is the leader who has the final say, and Lin Aiguo can only listen to the training.

Lin Rui can play football because his mother has always supported him, but his father Lin Aiguo is a little reluctant.

However, in the Lin family, Li Mei has the final say, so Lin Rui can play football smoothly.

Now that she heard that her son has established a foothold in Europe, Li Mei is of course happier than anyone else.

Although she doesn't know much about football, she just believes in her son. From childhood to adulthood, as long as Lin Rui wants to do something, he basically supports it.

This also leads to a very close relationship between Lin Rui and his mother.

The relationship with his father is a bit subtle.

After calling his mother, Lin Rui continued to train.

Tomorrow's game is very important to him, not only because he wants to complete revenge and prove that Real Madrid is blind.

But also because he will show himself in front of his relatives tomorrow.

So there is absolutely no room for error.


The match between Atletico Madrid B and Real Madrid B was scheduled for 4 pm on Saturday. The venue for this match was the Real Madrid Sports City Stadium, the home of Real Madrid B.

This stadium is much larger than the Espinoqiu Stadium, the home of Atletico Madrid B, and can accommodate more than 9,000 people to watch the game at the same time.

Since the match between the two teams can be regarded as a derby in the same city, the attention this match has attracted is still not small.

Compared with other matches in the Western Second Division, its level of attention is basically equivalent to the attention of the match between the lower teams in La Liga.

In addition, in China, the level of attention this match has reached an unprecedented high, even surpassing some of the strong confrontations in La Liga.

This is mainly because Lin Rui brought too many surprises to domestic fans in last week's game.

Many domestic fans waited in the live broadcast room early, waiting for the start of the game.

And this game time is also very friendly to domestic fans in China, which is exactly 10 o'clock in the evening in China.

This means that fans don't have to stay up late to watch the game anymore.

《Sports Weekly also attaches great importance to the live broadcast of this game.

They invited Liu Jian, a former famous football host of CCTV, Zhang Lu, a former international player, and Shu Fan, a famous beauty host.

The live broadcast room started to warm up at nine o'clock in the evening. While playing Lin Rui's goal highlights in the last game, the three hosts chatted about some interesting football stories.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also increased rapidly with the passage of time.

Before the time came to ten o'clock, the number of people in the entire live broadcast room had exceeded 1 million, and it was still growing rapidly.

In a community somewhere in Shishi City, Jibei Province, Li Mei and her husband were fiddling with a computer at home.

"Hey, have you found it?" Li Mei urged her husband.

"Found it, found it, this should be the live broadcast room that can broadcast the game."Lin Aiguo finally found the live broadcast room of"Sports Weekly".

At this time, the screen was playing the highlights of Lin Rui's goals in the last game.

Seeing their son appear on the TV screen, the couple was immediately excited.

"It's Xiao Rui! Oh! He looks a little thinner, but he looks quite energetic."Li Mei looked at her son on the screen with some concern.

Lin Rui's weight has actually increased due to daily training and the support of the system, but he has gained muscle and reduced fat.

In the latest physical examination results, his body fat rate is only about 9%.

So although he looks thinner than before, his strength and agility are not comparable to before.

Seeing Lin Rui's killing on the court on TV, the two parents also had mixed feelings.

There was anxiety for their son, but also joy for his success.

Time passed slowly as the two of them were happy and worried.

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