Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 892: Pick things up

"Boss, this is not the new product we entered, but the one brought by Mr. Su." The beauty waiter said.

“Is this the beer brought by Mr. Su?” The bald-headed middle-aged glimpse, picking up a bottle and looking at it, is even more puzzled, “Yanjing Beer?”

"Just used the bottle of Yanjing Beer, which is filled with the malt beer brewed by Mr. Su himself." The beauty waiter explained.

"Oh?" The bald-headed middle-aged scented the bottle and smelled it. His eyes brightened and he couldn't help but **** two or three. Behind him was a young male waiter and a middle-aged male waiter. It was the stairs that stopped Su Shi’s two people. They also faintly smelled the scent, and the heart was very surprised. This malt beer smell is too good to smell it?

The middle-aged bald man holds an empty bottle and walks quickly into the box. The youth and middle-aged follow. The bald-headed middle-aged path went straight to Su Shi, and his face smiled: "Mr. Mr. Su, you are so good, I have a long-awaited visit. My name is Wan Zhengyang, the boss of Cool Music ktv."

"The boss is very polite." Wang Zhuo and Su Shi nodded faintly.

"Your arrival has made me so radiant. I heard that this kid who is not sensible has offended Mr. Su and Mr. Wang. I specially brought him over and gave you a chance to accompany you." Wan Zhengyang Smiled.

"Nothing." Su Shi waved his hand, no need to reassure this little thing.

The young male service next to Wan Zhengyang Chong glanced. The young male waiter took care of it and picked up a bottle of beer and opened it. He said: "Mr. Su, Mr. Wang, just had a lot of offenses. I punished a bottle and apologized. ""

After that, he raised his head and poured the whole bottle of beer. Drinking a bottle of beer is nothing, but it is not easy to directly pour it in one go. After the young male waiter finished drinking, his face was a little red. .

"Mr. Su, you see..." Wan Zhengyang deliberately paused, meaning that you didn't see enough, not enough punishment.

"I have nothing to say, don't make it difficult for others." Su Shi waved his hand, and Wan Zhengyang received it and skipped it. At that time, Su Shi was stopped and there was no blame. It is estimated that this matter was not put in the heart. However, in order to express his position, Wan Zhengyang also worried that there was a case, so he took the young male waiter and apologized. He is a famous character in this film, and he is called a grandfather. However, he is very clear that compared with Su Shi and Wang Zhuo, the fart is not.

Wang Zhuo and Zheng Nan used a different vision to look at Wan Zhengyang. Wan Zhengyang's attitude at the moment is very normal at first glance, but I think there is something wrong with it. To change to the average person, it should be asked how Wang Zhuo looked, instead of asking Su Shi how to look at it, Wang Zhuocai is the real Wang Jia San Shao, Su Shi is the Wang family four who later joined the Wang family, which has more right to speak at a glance.

However, Wan Zhengyang was asked Su Shi, apparently seeing Su Shi higher. There is only one possibility, that is, Wan Zhengyang got news from the capital city and learned about the tobacco reform incident. He knows that Su Shi is not just as simple as the Wang family. The tobacco reform policy has not yet been released, and most people still don't know it, but this is not a secret. If there is a way, it is not surprising to hear it.

"Mr. Su, I shouldn't have been bothering you, but I can't stand the smell of this malt beer. I heard that this is brewed by Mr. Su yourself. Can you make me take a small bite?" Zhengyang said with a smile.

"I still have a small cup. If I don't mind my saliva, I can taste it." Su Shi smiled and pointed to the quilt in front of him.

"I don't mind if I don't mind." Wan Zhengyang didn't mind at all. He took a glass of wine and took a sip. His eyes suddenly rounded up, and then he sipped a half of the cup and couldn't help but praise. "Good wine." It’s so big to drink this wine for the first time!”

The young male waiter and the middle-aged male waiter were all worried. The beer smelled so delicious. It was delicious. Even the boss who had enjoyed so many wines was so admired. His expression of enjoyment was not installed. from. They finally understand why Su Shi wants to bring beer outside, and people are not trying to save money. I am afraid that it is just that it is difficult to drink ordinary beer.

"Mr. Su, is this beer for sale, what is the price?" Wan Zhengyang was excited and excited. This kind of beer is simply a dreamy taste. In contrast, other beer is slag. After drinking this beer, I am afraid I can no longer drink other beer. Imagine if your own chain ktv was replaced by this beer, how many times is it better?

"There has not been sold for a while, but it should not be used for a long time. The price is not fixed for a while. When you find us Zheng Zheng, let's discuss it." Su Shi said, referring to Zheng Nan.

"Wan boss, this is my business card." Zheng Nan smiled and handed out the business card.

"Cheng Zheng, hello, this is my business card." Wan Zhengyang is also welcoming to Zheng Nan. He did not dare to disturb for too long. After exchanging business cards, he left and left. He also told the waiter to send it for free. Less beer and snacks.

The party is going on, perhaps because Su Shi and Wang Zhuo are there, there are still many people who are somewhat cautious and not playing well. So after Su Shi and Wang Zhuo sat for a while, they were ready to leave.

But at this moment, there was a commotion outside, and there seemed to be a quarrel.

"It seems that someone is making trouble?" Wang Zhuo, who is eating oranges, asked casually.

"It seems that our employees have been bullied." Su Shi’s hearing was so amazing that he could vaguely hear what was going on outside, and he could not help but wrinkle and stride out. Wang Zhuo threw down the orange and quickly stepped out. Zheng Nan and some company leaders also followed.

Going out of the door, I saw an acquaintance. It turned out to be Wu Qingxuan. His face was red and he was drunk half-drinking. He was pulling on a short-haired girl. He also said: "What is pure, come and accompany me to drink, wait for a tip and you will be inevitably of."

"Wu Qingxi, what do you want to do?" Zheng Nan scolded, for the ex-husband, she had long been sick, but suddenly saw him swaying his company's employees, can not help but feel up again. Stepped forward and pulled the short-haired girl behind him. This short-haired girl is an ordinary white-collar worker of the Time-Space Group and comes to the party.

Wu Qingxuan looked up and saw Zheng Nan, what he was about to say, but he saw Wang Zhuo and Su Shi, and suddenly his face changed, his head shrank slightly: "I didn't do anything, just told her to come over to drink, not to drink." After that, he turned and walked away.

"You give me a stop, don't say clearly, don't go." Zheng Nan coldly yelled, Wu Qingxuan did not listen to her, and quickly stepped into a box.

"Isn't it a little demon?" Zheng Nan asked a short-haired girl with concern.

The short-haired girl’s original eyes were red. When she was asked, she suddenly cried out, and a few female colleagues came forward and glared at her comfort. She cried and said what happened. When I first came out of the toilet, I met Wu Qingxuan. Wu Qingxuan had to take her to drink. She also touched her hands and touched her. Someone saw it, but Wu Qingyu was very expensive and didn’t dare to help.

"What happened?" Wan Zhengyang ran with two men, and KTV did not make trouble once or twice. Generally, Wanzheng ** would not appear in person, but today the second floor came a big man, he Have to care.

"You go to call Wu Qingyu." Wang Zhuo pointed to the box that Wu Qingyu entered.

Su Shi went to the short-haired girl and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Well, don't cry, advanced box, that Wu Qingyi, will let him apologize in front of you."

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