Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 213 Life Fund

Black southern Africa.

A place the locals call Vulture Valley.

There is an unknown secret base hidden here.

Since this southern African country was completely blackened by melanin, the "world's saint" Mr. Mandela successfully led the country's transition from a developed country to a developing country with more potential.

Let's hail the world of boiled lard! Let us pay tribute to Mr. Mandela who sacrificed himself for others!

Thanks to Mr. Mandela's great reforms, this place has the fragrance of boiled lard, just like the Vulture Valley. It was purchased by an animal protection foundation as an animal disease research center.

However, this is actually the biochemical virus laboratory where Durant is located.

Durant, who was "playing happily" with two hairy girls, was venting the dark side of his heart.

The other person in charge of the base, the mercenary captain Tetsuo, was feeling a little uneasy at this time.

Perhaps due to his professional habits over the years, he relied on this fatal premonition to avoid many crises.

He quickly called several squad leaders: "From now on, we will strengthen our vigilance and double the patrol density."

"Boss, is there someone targeting this place?"

"Isn't it possible? There is no oil or water here, and the southern country is a big country after all. How could anyone be targeting this place?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and execute the order." Zhefu said seriously.

When the team leaders saw Zhefu's serious expression, they immediately became serious.

The patrol strength of the Vulture Valley Base suddenly increased, and all monitoring equipment was turned on.

Tadashi, who was always watching this base, focused his attention on the Vulture Valley after controlling the guardian robot to capture a biochemical laboratory on Motor Island.

Vulture Valley is different from other biochemical laboratories. It is almost ten times the size of Starfish Island and has more than 400 mercenaries, as well as heavy-duty guys.

As the second largest biochemical laboratory of the Rockefeller Foundation, it is obviously not so easy to conquer here.

Moreover, the mercenary captain Zhefu seemed to have a very keen sixth sense, and he actually increased the patrol density and monitoring intensity in the Vulture Valley.

But they obviously ignored another place. Fortresses are often the easiest to break from the inside.

Rockefeller at his Michigan estate suddenly gave a strange order to the director in charge of the secret biochemical base.

"Head, this is an order from above."

Zhefu took it and took a look. He was very confused about this order and went to a designated location to pick up a box.

"Bucky, take someone to this location and bring back a box."


A pickup truck left the base carrying a trail of dust.

About half an hour later, the pickup truck arrived in a savanna.

Bucky looked at the message Zeff gave him.

Between three felled trees, beneath a pile of cross stones.

It didn’t take long for them to find a location that fit the bill.

"Move the rocks and dig!"

Just when Bucky and the others got out of the car to look for the box, the driver, who was waiting boredly in the pickup truck, suddenly felt a little groggy. He didn't know if it was an illusion or something, but he felt there was some movement in the bed of the pickup truck.

I forced myself to look back, eh? There was nothing? Is it an illusion? After a while, the driver's groggy feeling disappeared.

What he didn't know was that two holographically invisible guardian robots had already climbed onto the bed of the pickup truck.

"Why are you dazed? Let's go!" Bucky, who was carrying the box, patted the driver on the shoulder.

"Uh...ok." The driver suddenly woke up.

The pickup truck once again swept up clouds of dust.

Inside the Vulture Valley base.

Zhefu took the suitcase and directly entered the password [9528], bang! The suitcase pops open automatically.

Inside was a strange device, and a document.

Pick up the file and look through it, security monitor? What is it?

Zhefu was confused. After all, the situation of this thing was endless, but since the superiors didn't want him to know, he was very sensible and didn't ask. After all, sometimes the more you know, the faster you may die.

According to the requirements in the installation file, directly insert the device into the internal network of the control room.

Suddenly all the surveillance images flashed and then returned to normal.

Is this all? Zhefu looked at the device plugged into the computer with a strange look. Although he was full of doubts, he still shouldn't be curious about things he shouldn't know.

A dark and windy night.

The two guardian robots in the pickup truck had already disappeared without a trace.

After checking the situation at each location, Zhefu returned to the monitoring room again.

Suddenly he saw that the guard at the door of the control room was missing. He pulled out a pistol with one hand and a walkie-talkie with the other:

"Anthony, report the situation!"

"everything is normal!"

Listening to the familiar voice coming from the walkie-talkie, Zhefu suddenly became wary:

"Anthony, I agreed to your request for leave yesterday."

"Then thank Captain Tetsuo."

"Okay, continue monitoring." After saying that, Zhefu turned and left.

Suddenly his head felt heavy, and he screamed something bad in his heart, but it was too late.

Snapped! Snapped! The pistol and walkie-talkie fell to the ground as Tetsuo collapsed.

After the door to the monitoring room opened, the guardian robot directly dragged Zhefu in, who was like a dead dog, tied him up and threw him aside.

At the same time, three other guardian robots began to clear everyone from outside.

In the situation of cooperation between inside and outside, even if Zhefu was prepared for it, the enemy cheated and even his immediate boss was an undercover agent. How did he turn defeat into victory?

So they went straight to the street and were arrested without any reason.

Their fate was the same as that of the Starfish Island base. They were controlled by mechanical spiders, and Dr. Durant was killed directly.

As for why he was killed, it was because this guy was a pervert. When the Guardian robot captured Durant, the two hairy girls had turned into specimens in Malfoylin. There were more than fifty such specimens in his room. .

For this extremely psychopathic guy, it's better to send him to see God, so as not to stay and pollute the environment.

What's more, that mutated HIV virus was caused by this guy. No matter who dies, he will die. Huang Junjie is not that generous and tolerant.

Over time, all nine of the Rockefeller Consortium's biochemical laboratory bases fell, and Tadashi successfully took over these bases.

On the other hand, in order to cooperate in the management of these bases, Mr. Rockefeller directly merged some pharmaceutical companies and research institutes in the consortium and established an offshore company "Life Fund Group".

"Dr. Durant" was appointed president of the Life Foundation.

In order to facilitate the control of the management of the Life Fund, Huang Haojie developed a special version of the controller.

Using graphene and carbon nanotube composite silicon wafers, this thing is made into a film-like state, only the size of a fingernail, and directly implanted into the human skull.

This thing is maintained by the human body's bioelectricity. This thing can read the brain. Once the controlled person has any strange thoughts, it can cause a splitting headache or direct brain death.

This is one of the control methods.

The other is a rib bomb, a micro-tube hidden on the ribs that contains 5 grams of total nitrogen anion salt.

Coupled with the control of watches, these managers have no choice but to obey, otherwise they will die.

Moreover, these controllers are difficult to remove. If there is a problem with one of them, it may trigger a chain reaction and directly kill the controller.

In addition, these control rights cannot be detected by ordinary CT or security inspection equipment during physical examination.

In this way, the Life Fund is completely in the hands of "Dr. Durant".

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