Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 215 Threats and Compromises

After everyone in the Ten Old Men's Association completed their discussion, they decided to negotiate with Huang Junjie.

Of course, Old Morgan had already said that the dark web might not be safe, so no one told them the bottom line and planned to make trouble again when negotiating with Huang Junjie.

Morgan Sr. activated Rockefeller's seat.

"Hello, all representatives of Boiled Lard!" Huang Junjie greeted them mockingly.

"Locke is dead. We don't want to pursue this matter, but Locke's inheritance will be returned to Ozon." Old Morgan said.

"Why should I pay it back?" Huang Junjie asked with a sneer.


"Stop pushing your limits."

"Do you really think we're afraid of you?"

"We will not allow you to control the Rockefeller Foundation."

Huang Junjie looked at the group of tough-looking guys in front of him and secretly gave Zhong an order.

"Mr. Huang, we can redeem the Rockefeller Foundation for US$100 billion," DuPont said.

"Stop joking, is the Rockefeller Foundation worth 100 billion U.S. dollars?" Huang Junjie asked disdainfully.


Despite some wars of words, the two sides finally reached an agreement on the division of the Rockefeller Foundation amid mutual threats and compromises.

Huang Haojie obtained all the Rockefeller Foundation's properties in Asia, South Africa, and Africa, as well as the Life Fund, plus the shares of Colliers Sanxin Group and Taiji Electric controlled by the West, and finally received a compensation of up to 200 billion U.S. dollars.

The Ten Old Men's Association acquired all the properties of the Rockefeller Foundation in America and Western Europe (except the Life Fund), and paid US$200 billion to Huang Junjie.

The agreement had just been reached when old Morgan and others' subordinates suddenly whispered something in their ears.

After a while, Old Morgan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did you do it to the Osongs?"

"Shouldn't you thank me? Their existence is an obstacle to the division of inheritance." Huang Junjie spread his hands innocently.

The Osatsu couple were the ones he ordered his subordinates to. After all, since Huang Junjie's replacement plan had failed and everyone in the Rockefeller family would die, instead of leaving them to seek revenge from him in the future, it would be better to send them directly to see Rockefeller.

But everyone in the Ten Old Men's Association was shocked at this moment. Huang Junjie could kill Osong and his wife under their noses, and they became more and more afraid of this.

Although it was their plan to kill the Osongs, Huang Junjie's ruthlessness had to make them worry about the future.

The reason why Huang Junjie did this at this juncture was to deter Old Morgan and the others from thinking that he was easy to bully.

"Mr. Huang, I hope both parties can exercise restraint in the future." Old Morgan said in a deep voice.

"Of course I hope for world peace, but there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me. What do you think we should do?" Huang Haojie's words were translated by Zhongyuan to Old Morgan and others.

"We can guarantee that we will not use unconventional means to target you in the future, but you also promise not to use unconventional means to attack us." Old Morgan suggested.

"What about the targeted genetic virus this time?"

"Isn't the wealth of the Rockefeller Group not enough to compensate you?" Dupont asked angrily.

These old foxes had probably guessed that the mutated HIV virus might be ineffective. At the same time, they secretly cursed Locke for not being able to kill him, and now he was leaving a mess for them.

"These are Mr. Locke's compensation, not yours." Huang Junjie said unceremoniously.

"Say your conditions." Old Morgan said calmly.

"It's very simple. I want Dongdao." Huang Junjie made the conditions directly.


"Are you crazy, or we are crazy."... The old man reacted violently.

"I'm not joking. As long as you acquiesce in this matter, it will be fine. I believe you can do it." Huang Haojie said without any doubt.

"Let's think about it." Old Morgan replied, touching his chin.

"This is the bottom line, otherwise there would be no need to talk."

The old man frowned and communicated with his eyes.

They all knew that that place was just for disgusting people, but it was a shame to just give it up.

However, seeing the power of Galaxy Technology, the role of that place in the future is actually not that big.

After a while, Old Morgan nodded to the others, and the others nodded in response, and then he spoke: "We can agree to remain silent, and you can handle other things yourself."

"Then thank you for your generosity. I don't want the same thing to happen again, otherwise you know the consequences."

After saying that, Huang Haojie went offline.

Old Morgan and others looked at Huang Junjie who was offline. Although they were very angry, Huang Junjie was right. If they tried to take advantage of Huang Junjie again, the consequences were really not something they could bear.

It seems that I can only use normal methods in the future. The old man sighed bitterly.

After that, a secret meeting to carve up the Rockefeller Foundation began.

Wang Zhiqiang led the people of Tianhan Group to fully take over the industries and power of the Rockefeller Foundation in Asia, South Africa, and Africa. In addition, the Life Fund Group was also merged into the jurisdiction of Tianhan Group.

The remaining nine companies of the Ten Old Men also divided up the industries and power of the Rockefeller Foundation in America and Western Europe.

Although Huang Junjie and the Ten Old Men Association jointly blocked the news about this matter, no one knew about the Rockefeller Foundation. This power that had been the most powerful force in the world for nearly two hundred years perished overnight.

But some big forces cannot completely hide it from them, especially the five gangsters and the big consortium in Xizhou, they already know about this.

Although they did not know what agreement Tianhan Group and the Ten Old Men had reached, judging from the results, the Tianhan Group won and the Ten Old Men lost, and they lost half of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Regarding this result, all insiders couldn't help but feel chilled. They were able to fight against the ten old men and win half of the Rockefeller Group. This Tianhan Group is obviously very scary.

Rabbit and Yingjiang are among the few forces who know the true identity of Tianhan Group. After all, one is a native of Galaxy Technology and the other is a person who has been mutilated. It is strange that they do not know the truth.

But they all chose to remain silent.

The Ten Old Men Association also recruited a new member to compensate. At the same time, their think tank has analyzed the possible methods of Galaxy Technology, especially in terms of holographic projection. Holographic invisibility is almost certain.

In addition, an extremely powerful stealth aircraft is definitely indispensable, otherwise Huang Junjie would not be able to have unimpeded access to Mi Li's territory.

After knowing these means, they began to prepare defense methods. If they could not stop these invisible people for a day, they would be restless every day.

Soon Locke Martin, Boeing, and General Motors joined forces to produce equipment that can detect holographic projections. They knew that Galaxy Technology's holographic projections were laser projections, and the common weakness of electronic equipment was electromagnetic interference.

In order to prevent the holographic invisible people from entering, the ten old men will install strong electromagnetic interference equipment for their own forces, although these equipment can only ensure the safety of certain areas.

But they have no choice. If they don't do this, they will be in fear all day long.

They also speculated that Galaxy Technology's network power was very powerful, in order to ensure that future communications would not be eavesdropped.

The ten old men decided to abandon the dark web and build an independent communication network. They also did not allow the power's internal network to access the Internet. All important information was strictly prohibited from being stored on Internet servers.

Sure enough, their approach brought great difficulties to Zhong in collecting information.

While the Ten Old Men Club was busy defending against Huang Junjie's unknown means.

Zhong controlled the guardian robot and entered the East Island.

Under the threat of skull controllers, rib bombs, and control watches, those guys knelt down and called daddy.

As for those die-hards, I heard that the traffic accident rate and suicide rate in East Island have increased recently. There are also people who died eating, taking the stairs, and dying with a big sword...

Under Zhong's management, the air there has become a lot sweeter.

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