Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 453 RLGXLM

September 1, 2020.

Keelung City, Keelung Building.

The whole world has focused its attention here. Countless news media, representatives from various countries, and many people in society are waiting here quietly.

"We invite Mr. Li Jianhua, CEO of the Galaxy Federation, to deliver a speech." the master of ceremonies said impassionedly.

Bang bang bang... There was thunderous applause at the scene. Regardless of whether they were friendly, hostile, or neutral, everyone could only applaud out of politeness.

"Thank you very much for coming to the Keelung Summit. I would like to welcome you on behalf of the Galaxy Federation." Li Jianhua has also honed his composure over the years, and he still looks calm and calm in the face of tens of thousands of participants in the audience.

“Everyone must be very curious about the theme of this summit, so I won’t go into details.”

Immediately, the scene became silent, and everyone pricked up their ears with bated breath. Even many people watching the live broadcast also became quiet.

There is no doubt about the power of the Galactic Federation. A sneeze from it can make the entire Blue Star catch a cold. No force can ignore the existence of the Galactic Federation.

"Based on the current international situation, after full consideration, our Galactic Federation decided to establish an international cooperation organization to adapt to the increasingly complex and broad fields. We named this international cooperation organization the Human Innovation Alliance."

Next, Li Jianhua introduced the framework and relevant rules and regulations of the Human Innovation Alliance. As Li Jianhua introduced it, everyone heard something more and more strange.

Anthony, the Secretary of State of the Mi Li family, suddenly frowned, and he looked at each other with John Siofei, the ambassador of the British John family next door.

"What do you think?" Anthony asked quietly.

John Theooffi thought for a while and replied: "To use a Chinese proverb, it's like selling dog meat with a sheep's head."

"Human Innovation Alliance?" Anthony sneered: "It would be more appropriate to call it the Galactic Federation."

"I don't know who will join this alliance, but I don't think anyone will join this alliance except fools. Are they planning to play by themselves?" John Cioffi mocked.

Many people have similar views to John Cioffi. The Human Innovation Alliance is the first enlarged version of the Galactic Federation. All participating countries must accept the leadership of the Alliance Council. If that is all, many forces can accept it.

The problem is that two of the regulations are very harsh. One is that the participating countries must give up their military and can only retain a certain number of armed police; secondly, the Galactic Federation permanently has 6 of the 12 permanent director seats on the Alliance Council. seats.

In addition, Huang Haojie personally has veto power in the Alliance Council and is the supreme head of the Human Revolution Alliance.

Obviously, these three things are difficult for many forces to accept. Joining such an alliance is tantamount to surrendering.

"I will announce the list of participating countries of the Human Revolution Alliance."

As soon as Li Jianhua finished speaking, a huge world map appeared behind him.

"Galactic Federation."

The Galactic Federation area on the map changes from blue to red.


"North Korea." A surprising name.

John Cioffi looked at the world map in great surprise. He couldn't figure out what force made North Korea agree to join. He glanced at Anthony.

Anthony also spread his hands to express that he didn't know.


"New Zealand."

"East Timor."

"Simple Village."


"Burmese store."



The more Anthony listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Aren't these countries within Dongtang's sphere of influence? Judging from the current situation, Dongtang has agreed to join?

Obviously this result caught Anthony off guard, and the others were not calm either.

The Galactic Federation, which was already so powerful that it had no friends, suddenly swallowed up so much territory. Is this the plan to unify Blue Star?

"solomon islands."






These are all South Pacific island countries.





Obviously, these South Pacific island countries have all chosen to join. For them, whoever is strong can embrace whoever is strong. With their weak strength, the Galactic Federation is too lazy to annex them.

Wang Zhiqiang went there and said directly whether he wanted to join the Human Innovation Alliance or not.

If you can join such a big gangster force, these Pacific island countries immediately pounce on you. As for losing power and humiliating the country, they don't want to care. The key is to have money to take care of food.

Anthony was not surprised by the sides of these South Pacific island countries. Although the power of the Mi Li family continued to decline around the world, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. He had known this information for a long time.

Now his focus is on Dongtang, but then Li Jianhua once again said a name that shocked everyone.


"How is that possible?" Anthony suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

John Cioffi next to him is not much better. This is Belarus, a hardcore bear.

Could it be that...bad premonitions filled the hearts of John Theophi and Anthony.



This time it was confirmed, Anthony and John Cioffi had basically determined the position of the bear.

"The Federation of Lucia." The Federation of Lucia is the official name of the furry bear.

"East Tang."

Li Jianhua continued with a smile: "The above are all the member states of the Human Innovation Alliance. Our purpose is to devote ourselves to world peace, as well as space development and defense. Now I would like to invite Mr. Fang Dongliang, Chairman of the Human Innovation Alliance Council, to give a speech. "

Bang bang bang...all the representatives of the member states and people from Keelung City welcomed him with warm applause.

And those news media are writing furiously, or their fingers are flying, and press releases are flying to all parts of the world along with the radio waves.

This news immediately detonated the whole world, and everyone's first reaction was to look at the calendar to see if it was April Fool's Day.

However, all member states subsequently held press conferences to affirm Li Jianhua's declaration at the Keelung Summit.

The whole network forum.

"Am I dreaming? Is today the year 2222?" - Chuunibyou

"This size is too terrifying!" - So terrifying

"Warmly celebrate the establishment of the Human Innovation Alliance! The people of Fiji sent a congratulatory message." - Fiji user

"The sky has changed." - People who eat melons

"It's simply bigger than the old furry bear." - Another scallop

" @Got another scallop. The Galactic Federation + Dongtang + Lucia can defeat the whole world. Whether it is population, economic territory, military or technology, they will completely crush it." - Martian

"Damn it, why is there no news at all? How did the Galactic Federation do it?" - Claypot Rice with Sausage

"There is a strong smell of PY trading." - Conan's glasses

"But it seems there is still a long way to go before Blue Star is unified. Come on (_)." - New World

"Under such circumstances, I wonder what the Mi Li family and the Xizhou Alliance will do? Should they also unite to fight?" - Ming Jueli

"We are one step closer to the stars and the sea." - Mars selling pancakes and fruits

"The world has changed so much." - Nokia

This wave of operations immediately shocked everyone. Such a difficult thing was actually completed by the Galactic Federation.

For a time, the whole world was discussing this matter. Facing the unprecedentedly powerful Human Revolution Alliance, other forces also became restless.

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