Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 458 Strategic Arrangement

"I agree, but Minister Wang, you must detect the situation of the Triangular Civilization as soon as possible so that we can take appropriate countermeasures." said Myandian Director Ansan Suu Kyi.

"We must go all out to find out the situation of the Triangular Civilization as soon as possible." Wang Tu said quickly.

"Chairman, I propose that the Supreme Command conduct strategic deductions and prepare for the worst." Pushkin suggested.

"Okay." Fang Dongliang nodded.

Then other directors also started making suggestions. For a while, the atmosphere on the Alliance Council was unprecedentedly solemn, and everyone was worried.

A spaceship from the Anluo planet had just arrived, and traces of the Triangular Civilization were discovered on the back foot. These aliens brought tremendous pressure and a sense of urgency to everyone. And they cannot announce the existence of aliens to the bottom, otherwise it may cause social chaos.

Suddenly Huang Junjie's figure appeared in the conference room.

"The Führer."

"Mr. Yuan Xian."

"..." Everyone greeted quickly.

Huang Junjie looked around at everyone and said calmly: "I already know the matter. 61 Virgo, where these triangular civilizations are located, is 27.8 light-years away from the solar system. Even if they have light-speed spacecraft, it will take 27.8 years to reach the solar system. That is to say We have at least 27.8 years left."

"But Mr. Führer, if the other party had a light-speed spacecraft and set out for the solar system 27.8 years ago, it would have almost arrived by now." Pushkin raised a question.

"First of all, it is unlikely that the other party has a light-speed spacecraft. At most, it is a sub-light speed spacecraft. Our next step is to confirm whether there are any celestial bodies sailing in the interstellar space between Virgo 61 and the solar system." Huang Haojie continued.

"Even if the other party really comes to the solar system, we are not without the power to fight. What everyone has to do now is to make the Human Innovation Alliance stronger to deal with alien civilizations that may appear at any time in the future."

"Yes, Mr. Yuan Xiang."

"We will do our best."

"Everything is for the continuation of humanity."


Although the atmosphere was still heavy, Huang Junjie's confidence at least prevented them from becoming headless flies. Soon the heads of various important departments within the Human Innovation Alliance were summoned to discuss countermeasures.

In order to continue to track the situation of 61 Virgo, the Ministry of Space and Space proposed a solar orbit observation station plan, which is to arrange four astronomical observation space stations on the planetary orbit of the Blue Star to avoid the influence of the sun's occlusion on the orbit of the Blue Star. Time cannot observe the situation of 61 Virgo.

At the same time, this plan can not only observe 61 Virgo, but also observe and monitor other galaxies.

The Alliance Council formally approved this plan and named it "The Kaleidoscope Project".

In addition, because of the escape plan personally decided by the Alliance Council, named [Wandering Earth Plan], it is planned to build three civilization seed spacecraft. If Blue Star is unfortunately defeated, select a part of human elites to escape from the solar system on civilization seed spacecraft, and [Wandering Earth Plan] ] The supporting one is the [Civilization Seed Project].

This is a plan that considers failure before winning. Although it may seem like a cowardly act, as civilized strategists, Huang Junjie and Fang Dongliang are not considering coexistence or death with Blue Star, but the continuation of human civilization. .

Next are the two grand strategic plans formulated by the Supreme Command, the defensive [Pan Rock Plan] and the offensive [Xingtian Plan].

These two plans are very grand plans, which contain many small plans or subsidiary plans. The strategic deduction room of the Supreme Command has not stopped these days. Countless supercomputing power has been put into strategic deduction. They need Consider all possibilities and make appropriate plans accordingly.

For a time, the entire Human Innovation Alliance was undercurrent. Although the other Blue Star forces didn't know what was going on, they more or less felt the solemn atmosphere of an approaching storm.

On October 2, the first year of the Galaxy, the Alliance Council quickly passed the "Provisional Military Service Law", which stipulated that the total strength of the Human Revolution Alliance should not be less than 10 million people, and added mandatory military service regulations. As long as the bone age is over 18 years old, 25 Young people under the age of 1 must perform military service in accordance with the law, and the service period is one year.

However, in order to avoid affecting production and life, these people are equivalent to the militia level, and they can be trained locally, while formal soldiers are selected and supplemented from the militia.

Obviously, as soon as this bill came out, the whole world was in an uproar. A force with a population of more than 2 billion announced the implementation of compulsory military service. Doesn't this mean it has hundreds of millions of militiamen?

Obviously, this move made the Xizhou Alliance and the Mi Li family misjudge. They believed that this was a prelude to the Human Revolution Alliance's unification of Blue Star.

While the Xizhou Alliance quickly sent people to Shanghai to test, they also began to be wary of the Human Revolution Alliance internally.

Of course, the Mi Li family did not intend to sit still and wait for death. They quickly took up the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty in the Americas and began to call friends and recruit troops.

For a time, Blue Star's international atmosphere was unprecedentedly solemn, and a stormy chill made everyone feel very depressed.

However, this is also one of the strategies of the Alliance Council. Since alien civilization is not suitable for disclosure for the time being, it will create a tense atmosphere within Blue Star to cover up the real strategic deployment.

Shadu (Sangendalai), the seat of the Supreme Command of the Human Revolution Alliance.

"Minister Vasily, this is the Star Fleet plan formulated by the Space Force. Take a look." Wang Tiejun sent a holographic document to Alexander Vasily.

Alexander Vasily said while receiving the documents: "King, sit down."

After reading carefully for a while, Alexander Vasily asked: "King, your Space Force's plan is for the Star Fleet to confront the enemy head-on?"

Wang Tiejun put down his tea cup and said: "Yes, this is the core idea of ​​the Xingtian Plan. We have conducted strategic deductions and must defend the enemy from outside the country. The Rock Plan may not be effective. The attitude of alien civilizations towards us is nothing more than friendly exchanges. , indifference, neutrality, slavery, hostility and destruction.”

Alexander Vasily nodded, he knew that this was the interstellar relationship between alien civilization and human civilization.

Wang Tiejun continued: "The possibility of friendly exchanges and cold neutrality is very small, the possibility of slavery is relatively high, and the possibility of hostility and destruction is the greatest. To destroy human civilization, the enemy does not necessarily need to come into contact with us."

"Do you think that alien civilizations may be very far away from the Blue Star and launch an attack to destroy the Blue Star?" Alexander Vasily asked.

"Exactly, for example, they can use gamma rays that are very lethal to living organisms; or push very large and very large asteroids to blue stars; or even throw large-mass iron asteroids into the sun, causing solar explosions; Or directly drop biochemical viruses on Blue Star." Wang Tiejun continued.

"So you need star battleships to intercept the enemy outside the Kuiper Belt." Alexander Vasily said.

Wang Tiejun nodded: "If alien spacecraft are allowed to break into the inner solar system, they will pose a great threat to us. In addition, when they first appear near the Kuiper Belt, they are at their weakest."

As for other methods of alien civilization, Wang Tiejun did not mention it, because it would be useless if he did. If the aliens' methods are higher than what they assessed, any defense of mankind will be of no help.

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