Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 525 Going deep alone

"Prepare to land." Lin Zhiqiu ordered.


Five Xingtian mechas broke away from the Sun-class destroyer at a height of 150 kilometers above the ground of Zhuyin Star, and turned into five meteors and rushed into the thin volcanic ash atmosphere of Zhuyin Star.

"Cheer up, everyone, and be careful around you." Lin Zhiqiu ordered cautiously.



The five of them all know that in this alien environment, it is better to be careful. Although they are all enhanced people and equipped with genetic armor and silicon-based armor, plus the Xingtian mecha outside, they are already armed to the teeth, but No one knows what weird properties these alien creatures have.

Since dark energy can destroy condensed matter shields, this is the second type of existence discovered by the alliance that can break condensed matter shields to a certain extent. Red-striped jellyfish can use energy-absorbing capabilities to attach to condensed matter shields and absorb energy. , indirectly weakening the defensive strength of the condensed matter shield.

If they were not careful, once they were surrounded by a large group of red-striped jellyfish, they might capsize in the ditch. Since the establishment of the Alliance Army, there had been no casualties in battles. Lin Zhiqiu didn't want to get lucky.

The landing process was uneventful. They landed on a small plain with rugged rocks and a dark environment. At this time, it would be better to have a scary background music to match the rhythm of a horror movie.

"Alert formation, cruise at low altitude, target area A8." Lin Zhiqiu ordered.


Soon the five Xingtian mechas turned into an X formation, and it was a tilted X formation. This formation could effectively guard all sides, and more importantly, it could avoid being wiped out at once.

Driven by the ion engine, Lin Zhiqiu controlled the Xingtian mecha to attack area A8.

At the same time, the 12 exploration satellites around Candle Yin Star also provided real-time navigation and warning to the first combat team, especially the area surrounding the lava millipede.

It can be known from the silicon-based biology of the Sothians that silicon-based organisms do not necessarily reproduce sexually, but may also reproduce asexually, so it is not certain whether the lava millipede has one head, two heads, or more.

This made Lin Zhiqiu and others have to be careful. With such a large size and terrifying energy reaction, they are simply space battleship-level behemoths. In addition, the condensed matter shields they are equipped with are not truly invincible. If you use them casually, you are seeking death. .

The nervous first combat team flew more than two hundred kilometers calmly.

[It is detected that the heat source is approaching rapidly, the number is 12...16...53...]

"Get ready to fight." Lin Zhiqiu knew that things were not that simple. Killer bee missiles, condensed matter shields, and condensed matter rifles were ready instantly.

[Heat source 168 is an unregistered creature, please pay attention to safety. ]

When the distance between the two sides was less than one kilometer, Lin Zhiqiu finally saw clearly what these unknown creatures looked like.

"A group of big beetles, but their heads look a bit like the mouthparts of the parasitic beasts in the anime Parasites. Are these guys treating us as food?" A soldier joked.

"Send them a meal of killer bees." Lin Zhiqiu struck directly. Three killer bee missiles changed their trajectories and pounced on the large beetle swarm. Others immediately took action.

15 rounds of Killer Bee missiles directly covered the entire insect swarm. Under the terrifying explosive power of the N60 charge, a nearby hillside that was affected by Chiyu was flattened in an instant.

Smoke filled the area for more than ten kilometers.

"Everyone, be careful." Lin Zhiqiu knew through the detection system that these large beetles were not dead, or most of them were not dead. Only some of the large beetles in the core area of ​​the explosion were silent.

Kang! A large beetle as big as a bull slammed into the condensed matter shield.

A fierce fight broke out. Half an hour later, the scene was in a mess and all the big beetles were wiped out.

"These large beetles have no energy-absorbing properties, but their carapace is very strong, almost comparable to our battleship armor alloy." A soldier grabbed a large beetle that was constantly struggling.

"Perhaps this is because poor mountains and harsh waters breed unruly people! The environment has created them." Another soldier joked.

"Okay, stop joking, we will try to find a way to see if we can bring this big beetle back." Lin Zhiqiu ordered.


A special instrument was taken out and cuffed directly to the beetle's body. After the soldier pressed the switch, a special current flowed through the beetle's body, but the beetle was still alive and kicking.

But as the soldiers continued to adjust the frequency of the current, the big beetle slowly calmed down. This was a silicon-based biological jammer, invented by the Sothians to deal with wild mechanical beasts.

"It seems that the silicon-based organisms on the Candle Yin Star are very similar to the silicon-based organisms of the Soth civilization. They are also afraid of current interference at specific frequencies."

"Don't be too happy. Those jellyfish shouldn't be afraid of current interference." Lin Zhiqiu said this, looked at the time, and then ordered: "Lock up the big beetle and let's move on."



Along the way, the first combat team once again encountered two waves of large beetles. Lin Zhiqiu, who had lost interest in these large beetles, directly fought them away without killing them all.

However, as they got closer and closer to the A8 area, the concentration of volcanic ash became larger and larger, and lava erupted from the ground from time to time.

At this time, sporadic red-striped jellyfish also appeared in the sight of the first combat team, and they directly caught a single red-striped jellyfish. Since he had been prepared, this time Lin Zhiqiu did not use fighting methods, but used Thermal fishing is then directly frozen in liquid nitrogen.

"Sure enough, as expected by the scientific research team, these jellyfish are not afraid of cold but not heat, and can be captured through ultra-low temperature and quick freezing." Lin Zhiqiu breathed a sigh of relief looking at the red-striped jellyfish that had been frozen in the container.

Looking at the radar system, they were still hundreds of kilometers away from the lava millipede, so they immediately led the team to touch the lava millipede. In order to avoid disturbing the jellyfish, the first combat team increased the flight altitude to About 20 kilometers.

The reason why it was raised to 20 kilometers is that red-striped jellyfish like to be at the bottom of the warm volcanic ash atmosphere. They generally do not fly to a height of more than 10 kilometers above the ground. This rule is that they combine the energy-devouring properties of red-striped jellyfish and observe those jellyfish. The height of the mayfly comes from.

As they got closer and closer to the lava millipede, a feeling of nervousness filled everyone's hearts.

Suddenly Lin Zhiqiu stopped: "Stop everyone."

"What's wrong, Captain?"

"The monster has discovered us and is ready to fight." Lin Zhiqiu shouted loudly. The reason why he was selected as the leader of the first combat team was mainly because of his special ability after genetic enhancement: super-sense.

This ability gives him a beast-like sixth sense, especially a keen sense of danger.

Suddenly, clouds of volcanic ash in the atmosphere not far from them rolled up, and a huge black shadow rushed out from above. The bloody mouth with a radius of nearly one kilometer seemed to swallow the first combat team in one gulp.

[Didi didi! A violent energy reaction was detected, with an energy level of 67,000 charges...79,000 charges...]

Seeing the red light emerging from the bloody mouth, Lin Zhiqiu calmly ordered: "Go forward at full speed and fight closely."

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