Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 529 Gender Crisis

March 11, Galaxy 3.

Huang Junjie came to Nandu in Western Australia District quietly.

Institute of Condensed Matter Materials.

This is one of the research institutes under the Institute of Materials Research and one of the twenty most important research institutes in the alliance.

Condensed matter materials have made a lot of contributions to the development of the alliance. Condensed matter shields, nuclear fusion reactors, neutron crushers, and condensed matter weapons are all direct or indirect applications of condensed matter materials, and each application field plays a very important role. big.

Huang Haojie is also very interested in condensed matter materials, which are equivalent to an alternative degenerate neutron material. Therefore, after the Human Revolutionary Alliance became a second-level civilization, in order to face the increasingly serious external threats, he specially established established an institute for condensed matter materials.

He met Li Xiang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Li Xiang was no longer the thirty or forty-year-old science and engineering man with thick glasses. After genetic enhancement, Li Xiang had become a much younger man. Jin's handsome guy, especially the rational temperament of a science and engineering man, brings a different kind of temperament to this guy.

"You're so handsome." Huang Haojie patted Li Xiang on the shoulder and said.

"Your gene-enhancing potion is great. It's like a new door has opened in my brain." Li Xiang's low emotional intelligence remained unchanged.

It seems that things like EQ have little to do with IQ, but Huang Junjie doesn't care. He has already heard the flattery, and he is quite happy to be able to communicate with Li Xiang on an equal footing.

"Why don't you find a girlfriend or wife? Are you gay?" Huang Haojie joked.

Li Xiang stared at Huang Junjie speechlessly. Regarding Huang Junjie's cold joke, which was not funny at all, he replied lightly: "Women? Females are too troublesome. I have self-regulated the hormones in my body, and now I have no desire for women. .”

"..." Huang Haojie was suddenly speechless.

"I suggest you do the same. Don't you think it's boring to waste your life on mating? We should use our lives in more meaningful places, such as scientific research. If it is for reproduction, you can develop fully automatic breeding technology. ." Li Xiang said calmly.

"..." Huang Junjie no longer knew what to say.

"Do you think this is more meaningful?" Li Xiang stared at him and asked.

Huang Haojie smiled bitterly: "Don't you think that if a smart person like you doesn't leave any descendants, it would be a huge loss to human civilization."

"So you should get the fully automatic reproduction technology as soon as possible. Then I can raise an offspring by myself. By the way, it would be best to have a matching nanny machine or something like that, plus the knowledge chip you invented, isn't it perfect?" Li Xiang continued.

Your perfect sister! Your mother sells batches! Huang Junjie felt that he had fallen into a big pit, and he had dug it for himself. This was the gender crisis faced by the Anluo people.

The so-called "gender crisis" refers to a specific social crisis caused by the development of a society's technology to the point where it can reproduce offspring outside the body through technology.

The Anluo people used to have genders, not the current hermaphrodite state. Later, after the "gender crisis", they all became a hermaphrodite asexual reproduction society.

If the gender crisis is not handled well, it will lead to serious problems, such as gender antagonism, civilizational divisions, social unrest, etc.

Huang Junjie has already seen the potential crisis within the Human Revolutionary Federation. Although the gender crisis has not broken out, signs of this trend have already appeared. Guys like Li Xiang, for example, have desexualized themselves through genetic armor.

In the current society of the People's Revolutionary Alliance, there are many otakus and otakus. These guys are definitely the main force in the asexuality movement. Regarding asexuality, Huang Junjie is also a little hesitant now.

After all, gender society has existed throughout the history of human civilization. To suddenly change this fixed concept that has existed for thousands of years would be a major social change.

If the bisexual society is a network, then the asexual society is a line, because one person can complete the work of reproducing offspring, which will inevitably break the long-standing family concepts and social concepts.

But from a civilized perspective, a sexless society is the most efficient society and the easiest to survive in the universe.

This is why the Anluo civilization's civilization seed spacecraft only has two people and can pass on the civilization seeds; while the Soth civilization has to carry a huge planet, but it is half dead. This is the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.

It seems that I need to make plans early, Huang Junjie thought silently.

"Why are you dazed?" Li Xiang asked, patting him on the shoulder.

"It's nothing. I'm thinking about some problems. You go to the laboratory first, and I'll go there after I deal with some things." Huang Junjie replied nonchalantly.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you in the lab."

After Li wanted to finish, he left behind a figure that was drifting away.

Huang Junjie frowned and looked at Li Xiang's back. He turned on his holographic bracelet and recorded what happened just now, creating a file of "Gender Crisis and Asexual Society".


[At, (ω`)]

"I just established a new research topic. Please help me collect relevant information, especially the databases of Anluo Civilization and Soth Civilization." Huang Haojie ordered.

[(⊙x⊙;) Sexless=Eunuch, Master, you are going to be a pervert! ! ! ]

puff! Huang Junjie's blood was about to spurt out.

"Idiot, did you learn your logic from Leonardo da Vinci? Being asexual does not mean being a eunuch."

[(*ω)╰ひ╯ Don’t all of them have ***?]

"Zhong, you are such a logic genius!" Huang Haojie complained with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth.

[().))Thank you for the compliment! ]

"Forget it, collect the information as soon as possible!" Huang Haojie has been defeated by Zhong's logic and doesn't want to discuss this matter with him. I'm really tired!

[OK! (ω`)]

As Huang Junjie walked, his mind was filled with asexuality = eunuch's soul torture, and the cheating Zhong successfully led him astray. His head ached when he thought about it. Should he change Zhong's funny character? To avoid this The guy spends his days studying Archimedes - arguing.

He walked all the way to the entrance of the laboratory, but in the end he still did not make up his mind to modify Zhong's underlying program.

"Here you go, change your clothes and come in." Li Xiang said without raising his head.

Huang Junjie went aside to change the experimental protective clothing. Although the genetic armor was omnipotent to a certain extent, he still changed the protective clothing step by step.

There was not only Li Xiang in the laboratory, but also a dozen researchers. These people did not dare to be as heartless as Li Xiang, so they hurriedly greeted Huang Junjie.

"Everyone, keep working." Huang Haojie smiled and exchanged greetings with them, then walked over to Li Xiang.

"Your report says that a new type of condensed matter material has been developed. Where is it? Take it out and take a look."

Li Xiang took out a small piece of black substance the size of a fingernail from a reactor and placed the black substance on the workbench in front of Huang Junjie.

Huang Haojie started the alliance's latest neutrino imaging microscope, and the black matter was instantly magnified to the limit. He immediately saw a very peculiar nuclear structure.

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