Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 703 The One Who Complies with the Way

Yuan, who was fighting with Boros, suddenly changed his expression.

"How is it possible? Where did so many superiors come from?"

As soon as he lost consciousness, his body was immediately hit by Boros' dark energy cannon, and half of his body melted away, but he recovered immediately.

The battle continues, but Yuan can no longer fight Boros with all his energy.

The Lawful God Realm was defeated like a mountain. The Alliance army marched straight in. In less than ten minutes, they captured the Lawful God Realm and immediately surrounded Shimaji.

The only 12 remaining superiors are trying to rely on time to resist the Alliance Army.

Lin Zhiqiu looked at the time crystal wall in the distance, and loudly ordered: "More points, please advance together."

Suddenly hundreds of space doors were forcibly torn open, and the lawful ones inside the time were unable to stop it because they were unable to do anything at all.

The God of Light was desperate. He was surrounded by ten Alliance soldiers. In the end, he had no choice but to put down the staff and was injected with black needles by the soldiers.

The battle in the God Realm of the Lawful Ones has come to an end.

Lin Zhiqiu immediately protected Shi Jian. He felt that the rules here were indeed very strange. They were mutating all the time, and the gravity was also high and low. Ordinary creatures could not survive here at all.

The origin of those twilight crystals and morning crystals is in this small universe. The two wormhole-like holes are the origins of twilight crystals and morning crystals.

Lin Zhiqiu and a group of soldiers approached one of the Duijing mines. The gravity of the mine was extremely chaotic, like a scarlet eye, and he flew into the mine.

There was scarlet all around, but when he gently touched the red well walls with his hand, he found nothing. These were not real dusk crystals.

He went directly to the bottom of the mine and found a huge crystal at the bottom. He carefully scanned the surroundings. However, due to the extremely chaotic gravity and rules of the mine, the detection error was very large.

The crystal is like a growing crystal tree, with some large and small crystals hanging quietly on the crystal tree like fruits.

According to relevant information, these crystal fruits are usable twilight crystals.

Lin Zhiqiu created a clone and headed towards another Chenjing Mine.

Except for the different colors, the two mines are almost identical. The two crystal trees are made from the same mold. If the colors were not different, it would be difficult to tell them apart.

In addition, he also discovered another phenomenon. The crystal tree was constantly absorbing the intangible substances around the mine.

After watching for a while, Lin Zhiqiu turned around and flew out. He was not a scientist. He left it to the scientific researchers to study the crystal tree. Now he needed to end this battle.

"How's it going?"

"Commander, the lawful ones have been annihilated by our army, 214 superiors have been captured, and the rest have all been killed," Dou Mo replied.

"Where is that source?" Lin Zhiqiu asked.

"He was unwilling to surrender and blew himself up."

"March towards the empire and unify the magic universe."


Tens of thousands of Alliance troops marched directly towards the Empire. Apparently many of the Empire's superiors who fled back had brought back the destruction of the Order.

This desperate gap forced the empire to surrender.

With the Dark Prison, the Lawmen, and the Empire successively conquered, the Alliance officially brought the Magic Universe into its sphere of rule.

The territory of the Lawful Ones was under the direct jurisdiction of the Alliance, the Black Hell was autonomous, and the Empire was disintegrated into six subsidiary civilizations.

Venn constellation.

The door of Duck's repair shop on Venn Star-Violet City-Tree Root Street is still open.

"Teacher, Master Lieyang is here." The short bearded man shouted with a breath of wine.

"Let him in."

The old wooden stairs always creaked when people walked on them. Lieyang still didn't use his true form. As an intelligence officer, he couldn't be too high-profile.

"Pour yourself some tea."

Duck was immersed in the workbench, adjusting an old clock.

The teapot floated automatically and filled the teacup with green tea soup. Lieyang picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Aren't you going to go somewhere else?"

"other places?"

"Just go and see other universes."

"Not yet."

"I will be transferred to the Ancient God Universe the day after tomorrow." Lieyang said lightly.

"The Ancient God Universe? The new universe discovered fifteen years ago?" Dark stopped.

Lieyang nodded: "That's right there."

"Be careful, that place is no better than the Ancient Universe and the Magic Universe." Dak reminded.

"Of course I know, but at least there are no cosmic-level existences in that universe."

"No, that ancient god's universe is not simple. I have read the ghost's investigation file, and I suspect that there is a Taoist there." Dak reminded again.

Lieyang frowned. Of course he knew that the Taoist was the kind of alternative immortal person who went to the evil path in order to transcend the life limitations of the universe.

Generally speaking, in order to obtain eternal life, those who follow the Tao will choose to merge with the universe, but the price is to be homogenized by the universe.

In order to ensure that they can retain a certain degree of humanity, these Taoists often choose to incarnate outside their bodies, creating a replica to carry their emotions and memories.

If there really is a Taoist in the Ancient God Universe, it would be really dangerous, because a Taoist is equivalent to the world itself, and any outsider who enters will be discovered by the other party.

In addition, Hedao people have another characteristic, which is greed. In order to go further, they will constantly devour the surrounding universe to strengthen themselves, so Hedao people have another name - the Devourer of the Universe.

Duck opened the holographic image, and the situation of the Ancient God Universe appeared in front of them. This universe is composed of one main universe and six small universes.

As soon as I saw the blazing sun here, I really became suspicious. According to the ghost's intelligence, the diameter of this universe is 3.7 trillion light-years, which is slightly larger than the eternal universe.

However, not many of the mysterious civilizations in this universe have reached the supreme level, which is the pinnacle of fourth-level creatures. There are only 57 creatures that have reached this level.

You must know that there are hundreds of supreme levels in the ancient universe, not to mention more than a thousand in the magic universe.

Then why is it that in the Ancient God Universe, which has more abundant resources, the Supreme Level is very rare?

But it has too many subsidiary small universes. According to normal conditions, the main universe generally has no more than three subsidiary small universes.

The only explanation is that this universe is actively capturing the small universe and strengthening itself by devouring the small universe.

"I want to report this to Ghost Headquarters."

"No need, the Ghost Headquarters has just raised the threat level of the Ancient God Universe." Wuji's voice came from above.

As soon as Lieyang opened the ghost intranet, he received two messages, one was what Wuji just said, and the other was that his transfer was suspended.

"How's the situation?" Duck asked.

"It's very serious. Eleven ghost agents were infected by unknown memes and are now in isolation. In addition, there are abnormalities in the space-time tunnel. The alliance has launched an emergency plan." Wuji said worriedly.

"It seems that the possibility of a Taoist being existing in the Ancient God Universe is very high." Lieyang said.

"In this situation, there is a high probability that the Taoist is causing trouble, but this guy is dead." Wuji sneered.

The alliance has made plans for various situations, and naturally it will not look down upon those who follow the Way, but this does not mean that those who follow the Way can be invincible.

The Alliance has many ways to restrain the Hedao Universe.

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