Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 718 Road to Escape

False Civilization No. 1, a plain on the Hulin level is dotted with cities.

Suddenly a black sphere appeared here out of thin air, and it turned out to be the ultra-dimensional sphere of the Reaper civilization.

"Report, enemy found."

"The detection system was activated and all departments took action according to the original plan."

Space-time waves scanned the hyperdimensional ball, and the scouts quickly approached.

However, the scan of the space-time wave showed nothing. The location of the super-dimensional ball was empty, as if this thing did not exist in the five-dimensional space-time. No wonder the Tungsten Gate Civilization named it the super-dimensional ball, which means that the other party has transcendence. The phenomenon of five-dimensional space-time.

As soon as the scout approached the extradimensional ball, his soul was instantly sucked away.

The super-dimensional ball circled in place, seeming to determine the situation of False Civilization No. 1. After a while, the super-dimensional ball stopped and became active again.

Countless lives along the way quickly withered. The super-dimensional ball does not destroy buildings or objects, but only targets the souls of living creatures.

Whether it is five-dimensional time and space, four-dimensional time and space, or three-dimensional time and space, all the fire of life is sucked away by the wind and the remaining clouds.

"No response, no response from the connection meme in our scout souls."

"The flow rate of time around the hyperdimensional sphere increases to 15,000 times, and the range of influence is a radius of 1.3 trillion hours."

"It is estimated that the super-dimensional ball is actively accelerating the flow of time to increase the efficiency of soul harvesting."


Countless information was fed back to the Yunmengze headquarters. Zhuge Sansheng looked at the data with a grim look on his face.

Huang Haojie, Wang Tiejun, Wang Zhiqiang, Song Guangzhi and other high-level officials in various fields are all here. It is obviously the first time they faced the attack of a superdimensional ball, and they understood the despair of the Tungsten Gate Civilization.

There is no solution, Virtual Civilization No. 1 attacks the hyperdimensional ball frantically, but this thing seems to be outside of the five-dimensional space and time, and all attacks are ineffective.

Dimensionality reduction strikes, directly reducing the dimensionality of five-dimensional space-time to four-dimensional space-time, three-dimensional space-time, and two-dimensional space-time are useless. The hyper-dimensional ball still goes its own way and harvests life along the way.

"Report, other extradimensional balls discovered."

Around False Civilization No. 1, a large number of extradimensional balls appeared out of thin air, and they were united to strangle False Civilization No. 1.

"Report, the four-dimensional reversal of cause and effect plan has failed, and all six four-dimensional universes hidden inside the false civilization No. 1 have been eliminated..."

Bad news keeps coming back one after another.

Until the last replicator had his soul sucked away, Virtual Civilization One failed.

Huang Haojie said helplessly: "As expected, everything in the fifth-level civilization area will be focused on by the Reapers."

Others also started discussing among themselves.

On the other side, after harvesting Virtual Civilization No. 1, the super-dimensional sphere group once again resumed its previous harvesting pattern.

Perhaps in the eyes of the harvester civilization, this is a common thing, just like when we harvest rice, do we still care about the feelings of the rice?

The fifth-level civilization is equivalent to the locusts in the rice fields. In order to prevent the "locusts" from invading the rice fields, the harvesters must eliminate the locusts.

In the 44th era of the New Era, False Civilization No. 2 was completely eliminated, and the super dimensionality reduction plan failed.

In the 57th era of the New Era, False Civilization No. 3 was completely eliminated, and the Hedao Universe Plan failed.

The super-dimensional ball is heading towards the core area of ​​the alliance unstoppably. At this time, the alliance has divided all five-dimensional humans into three divisions.

In the 58th era of the New Era, Li Wentao led the first branch of the Five Dimensions into a state of migration and fled far away. However, their speed was only about 43% of that of the superdimensional ball. This was just delaying their demise.

If they cannot increase their speed to the same speed as the super-dimensional ball before it catches up, it will only be a matter of time before they are destroyed.

Soon the Reaper's extra-dimensional ball approached the first test four-dimensional universe - the Hedao Universe. In an instant, the soul of the Hedao Universe was sucked away.

Then came the ultra-reduced dimension universe, which was also destroyed instantly.

New Age 69.

"Report, Egg Project successfully survives harvest."

"Huh, finally a plan succeeded." Zhuge Sansheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The insect egg plan refers to the plan of the original star civilization to avoid the restart of the universe. It burns information on the energy particles, and then sets a special time period to enter a state of silence and wait for the harvest to pass.

This is equivalent to insect eggs dormant deep in the soil to avoid harvesters and pesticides to eliminate insects.

"Immediately, check the status of the insect egg project." Huang Junjie ordered.


Judging from the feedback from the Egg Project, the Super Dimension Ball's focus on four-dimensional space and time should be carried out in accordance with very rigid established procedures.

The insect egg plan burns the soul meme on the energy particles, and then enters a dormant state, so that the super-dimensional ball cannot detect the existence of the soul, thus being able to avoid the soul harvesting of the super-dimensional ball.

"Send this information to each branch."

"It has been sent."

New Era 76th.

The sixth test four-dimensional universe survived. This universe adopted the cause-and-effect reversal plan.

So far, the insect egg plan and the reverse cause and effect plan have successfully escaped.

And the false civilization of these clones can indeed be said to be another hidden move of mankind. After all, the clones are exactly the same as the original humans, and they can also reproduce.

This means that some people in the human race have temporarily escaped.

However, Huang Junjie knew that these were all small actions in four-dimensional space and time. The super-dimensional ball might not pay special attention to them, but there was no way for five-dimensional life to use these two methods.

The situation of super-dimensional balls has been tested in previous level-5 virtual civilizations. Obviously, super-dimensional balls are very sensitive to level-5 civilizations and five-dimensional creatures.

"Set sail!"

Huang Haojie waved his hand, and the third branch of the Alliance's Fifth Dimension officially entered the state of migration and officially fled into the distance.

The fourth-dimensional branch has already prepared an evasion plan and can hide it from the enemy.

But the five-dimensional branch doesn't work. Five-dimensional creatures are born with pheromones in five-dimensional space and time, which is why they are easily detected by the super-dimensional ball.

They cannot hide, they can only flee.

The hunters are chasing behind, and the alliance, whose speed is only about 61% of the hyperdimensional ball, will be destroyed if it cannot increase its speed within 11 epochs.

Of course, the Five-Dimensional First Division and the Five-Dimensional Second Division were one step ahead of the Third Division, so they had more time.

While the alliance was escaping, they were studying the hyperdimensional ball.

Huang Junjie and the Council both know that avoiding the extradimensional ball is the best choice now. Before they can figure out the height of the Reapers' civilization, if they rush to face the Reapers head-on, they will most likely be wiped out by the opponent.

The Alliance also left countless monitoring stations along the way.

"Judging from the current situation, the super-dimensional ball is most likely a machine that can only execute according to established procedures. They should require a higher controller." Zhuge Sansheng said with a gloomy face.

"We must find a way to escape as soon as possible. Escape is just a stopgap measure. The superdimensional ball will catch up sooner or later." Wang Zhiqiang of the second division said.

Especially Huang Haojie was in the third division, which was the division closest to the super-dimensional ball, and everyone was very worried.

The scientific research department is also under great pressure at this time. Faced with the approaching shadow of death, many scientific researchers are speeding up their time to increase the speed of research and development.

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