
Chapter 36 Devil’s Moon

The Devil Zhou mentioned by Chen Chen is actually not a complete copy of the Devil Zhou in the previous life.

He placed the training location at Chaisili's base, which was something he had already negotiated with Jackal.

Early the next morning, the foursome got up on time at six o'clock, and Chen Chen began to teach the other three about training subjects.

In fact, he had already made a training plan for the four people, including himself, in his mind, and this plan was specially formulated according to the different characteristics of each person.

After several battles and trainings, he already knew the other three. Combined with the experiences he learned in the company and the brigade in his previous life, although he could not say that he was 100% sure that his plan would be The most suitable one, but he dared to pat his chest and say, it must be the most effective one.

First is Li Bang, what are his characteristics?

Hard-working, courageous, and straight-minded, but lazy and relaxed, they are a typical group of farmers in northern Myanmar.

Then, the most important thing for him is to develop a "professional" understanding, to know that he is fighting a war, and to establish awe and obedience to orders and tasks.

How to do this?

Plans such as taking steps forward and engaging in internal affairs cannot be used. Although effective, they are too simple and not cost-effective in a limited time.

The best plan is one that can both exercise obedience and improve combat quality.

The answer is obvious: give him extremely boring training for new recruits.

Drop bombs, a big 80-meter basket, and it will be over if one hundred of them are thrown in.

A set of actions including reloading, loading, and aiming, 300 times a day.

A set of pouring the gong, two hundred times a day.

Do a set of crawling, rolling while stopping, rolling while moving, etc. You don’t need to do too much a day, do it 50 times.

Putting on and taking off equipment a hundred times a day.

A hygienic set, including first aid bandaging to stop bleeding, 10 times a day is enough.

All in all, these trainings take about 10 hours of his time.


Can't finish it? Don't sleep until you're done.

What a joke, can you still call it Devil’s Week if you can sleep?

The prestige I gained through three battles is what I want to use here!

Li Bang was a little surprised by Chen Chen's arrangement, but he had absolutely no doubts - he also knew very well that training himself in this way was purely to keep himself alive, not to torment himself.

Brother Chen is not one of those instructors in the Allied Forces, let alone such frivolous things as "life-saving grace". From a purely profit perspective, what is good for him is good for him, and there is absolutely no way he can act recklessly.

Therefore, although the training subjects sound scary and outrageous, just do it and you’re done.

Seeing that Li Gang had no objection, Chen Chen immediately began to report on Bao Qi's subjects.

Compared with Li Bang, Bao Qi's military quality and obedience are much higher, mainly due to his family background.

Although he was a little reckless and naive during several missions, his understanding of the profession of "soldier" was very clear. Therefore, Chen Chen believed that there was no need to train him as a new recruit, but should focus on his characteristics. Do specialized supplementary training.

What is his problem?

Ability cannot keep up with ideas.

Then on the one hand, we should improve his abilities and on the other hand, optimize his ideas.

Therefore, the training plan customized by Chen Chen for him is divided into two parts. The first part is to learn professional combat skills in the direction of special warfare, including the use of various weapons, unarmed combat, maneuvering skills, blasting skills, etc.; the second part is Complex military theory learning, including combat thinking, combat case studies, and tactical research.

Bao Qi was very excited about what he was going to practice, because these things looked really high-end - but in fact, Li Gang had already seen that these things were definitely not easy to practice.

After all, the educational level of the three of them is not very high. If Li is asked to help with the theoretical study part, he is not confident that he can do it well.

After receiving Bao Qi's confirmation, Chen Chen turned to Shi Dakai, who looked at Chen Chen expectantly and anxiously, waiting for his "trial".

But he didn't expect that his training subjects would be so simple and single.

"No. 3, your training subject is sniping."

"After the unified training in the morning, you will go to the sniper range in Chaisili for 11 hours of sniper training."

"Note, the training process is: aim at the target and shoot at the target every 5 minutes. At the same time, when I blow the whistle and send the signal, shoot at the target immediately. The reaction time should not exceed 3 seconds. If it is exceeded once, the training time will be increased. 10 minutes, do you understand?"


Shi Dakai answered loudly, and then continued to ask:

"Can I have some water?"

It was definitely impossible to go to the toilet, and he didn't even bother to ask - the worst he could do was pee in his pants.

"I will provide you with a 1500ml bottle of drinking water and sugar that can provide enough energy every day. You don't need to think about this. Do you have any other questions?"

"there is none left!"

Shi Dakai answered again.

At this point, all the training subjects for the three people have been assigned. Chen Chen emphasized again that although the training subjects are different, they are all to make up for everyone's shortcomings in a short time. There is no need to envy anyone's training, because one day , everyone will practice the same thing.

The three of them had no doubts about this.


As for Chen Chen’s own content?

His training is to help the three of them complete the training and regain the "feeling" of their previous lives.

Of course, he will also participate in the comprehensive training scheduled from 6:30 to 12 o'clock in the morning.

Needless to say, the content of comprehensive training is nothing more than physical fitness, target shooting, and tactical coordination.

After everything was explained, Chen Chen asked the three people to ask questions. The only one who spoke was Bao Qi, and he happened to ask a key question.

"On the 4th, our training is very intense - I'm not afraid of hard work, I mean, we have a mission in a month, this won't affect it, right?"

Chen Chen had already considered this question, so he answered without hesitation:

"We have to consider it, so we take half a day off every week to allow everyone to recover."

"At the same time, in the last three days, all of us will conduct special training on penetration techniques, just as a break."

Chen Chen's training was arranged according to Devil Zhou's daily routine. Although the physiques of the four of them were not bad, they might not be able to handle it. Proper rest was also for the sake of training effect. You couldn't really wear someone out.

"I understand, I have no more questions!"

"What about the rest?"

"no doubt!"

Li Bang and Shi Dakai answered together.

Chen Chen nodded slightly and finally said:

"Remember, your family is still brave!"

Then, at 6:30 in the morning, after breakfast, the four-person training officially began.

The morning is comprehensive training time.

The physical fitness category includes a 5-kilometer running with weights, push-ups, pull-ups, and some scattered training on Chaisili fitness equipment, which takes a total of two hours.

Then it’s shooting, dropping bombs, and cooperating.

Finally, play a few team offensive drills, ending on time at 12 o'clock.

When we went to the restaurant to eat, everyone was so tired that they were about to lie down. Bao Qi couldn't even sit up straight, so he lay on the table and ate like a dog.

Chen Chen didn't ask him to pay attention to his manners - after all, mercenaries are not XXX, there are some rules, so just ignore them if you can.

Chen Chen himself was out of breath, but after practicing this morning, he discovered something that surprised him.

That is, the overall quality of this body in this life may even be stronger than that of the previous life!

The reaction speed is faster, the endurance is better, and although the strength is not enough yet, it can definitely be developed.

This means that it is possible that the level of personal ability that one can achieve in this life will exceed that of the previous life!

What else is there to say?

Fix it!

So, with this mentality in mind, the first formalized training of the Dongfeng team finally started and gradually got on the right track.

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